Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 173 The Initial Ranking Competition Of Group A And Group B Begins

At the same time, teams from all major competition regions around the world gathered to participate in the global finals.

For example, in the PCL division, there are six participating places.

There are also six places in the PEL and NPL divisions.

Similarly, in the PKL division, there are five places.

For other divisions, there are only one or two places.

After all, the global finals gathers 32 teams from all over the world, so it naturally has to include all major competition regions and countries around the world. Otherwise, why would it be called the global finals.

The format of the global finals has been announced a long time ago.

The competition system of the global finals is completely different from the league and intercontinental competition.

In the global finals, there is an initial qualifying round.

Then there’s the midweek survival match.

Then comes the weekly finals.

Finally comes the finals.

The initial qualifying will start before the first week of the race.

In the initial qualifying round, the thirty-two top teams in the world will be divided into Group A and Group B, Group C and Group D.

Each group consists of eight teams.

When it comes to the global finals, there are always sixteen participating teams in every competition.

This is completely different from the PCL competition and the Asian continental competition.

The PCL division has too many teams and the competition is too fierce.

In order to take into account the interests of all teams as much as possible, the PCL event organizing committee has almost 24 or 25 teams in the event. Only a maximum of 100 people are allowed to participate in a game. It can be said that it is full.

But now in the global finals, every game will not be so crowded.

In this case, the team's rol points will be reduced too much in the early stage.

It may be boring in the early stage, but it should still be exciting in the middle and late stages.

After all, this is the highest-level global finals of the year, not a PCL event.

If the group draws lots, the 4am team’s coach Xiaoyao will draw the lots.

Assigned to Group A!

Likewise, Yi Fang may have intentionally not allowed the Four Gods team to be together in the first place.

For example, the peerless duo from the PEL division, Team Li Kui and Team FAZE, as well as the SQ team from the NPL division, are all in Group B, Group C, and Group D respectively.

In this case, the four god-level teams that are most likely to win the world championship in the global finals will be in different groups. Similarly, the officials will try their best not to allow teams in the same division to be in the same group.

In Group A, the PCL division, there is only one team, the 4am team.

The other three groups include the other Five Emperors teams of the Six Emperors teams in the PCL division.

Seeing that they were not in the same group as the 4am team, the Five Emperors team from the PCL division could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

You know, this initial qualifying match is very critical.

To be precise, the top 16 are the most critical.

And the higher the ranking, the more advantageous it is for me

Because the initial ranking match is related to the mid-week survival match.

The mid-week survival competition is an extremely cruel chicken control.

In the mid-week survival match, no matter how many kills you get, it's of no use if you can't win the chicken.

It can be said that the competition format of the global finals feels refreshing to the teams in the PCL division.

In this case, it will be more challenging and very exciting.

In this way, the preliminary ranking competition of the 2020 PGC Global Finals has begun.

The first one is the group stage of Group A and Group B.

Team 4am competes.

In Group B, the leader is Team Li Kui.

In the PCL division, there is the NH team.

In short, the group matches of Group A and Group B are also very exciting.

The competition venue for the group stage is also held in a very large and sufficient venue in London.

In this case, there will be a total of 60,000 to 70,000 spectators who bought tickets.

Moreover, ticket sales are booming.

After all, the ticket price is far from comparable to that of a football match.

But the atmosphere at the scene was very hot.

At this moment, it is 5 pm local time.

The 2020 PGC Global Finals group stage has officially begun.

Teams from Group A and Group B appeared one after another.

And the final appearance is naturally the 4am team.

At this time, the 4am team made a brilliant appearance accompanied by the excited and enthusiastic words of the live host.

"Let us give warm applause to welcome the 4am team, the 2019 PGC world champion, four consecutive PCL division league champions, this year's PCL division league triple crown, two PCS intercontinental champions, and mid-season championship invitational champions!"

At this moment, the 4am team is centered on Li Hao and Wei Shen, with the guardian generals Xiao Long and 112 on the left and right respectively.

At this moment, the spotlight of the scene was all shining on Li Hao.

"4am Team Haotian!"

The host on the scene was shouting frantically, which directly triggered an even more heated atmosphere in the audience.


"God Emperor Haotian! God Emperor Haotian!"

"Haotian is invincible!"

At this time, there were very many Li Hao fans who came to the scene.

Li Hao's fans are not only spread throughout the PCL competition area, but also in major competition areas around the world. Many loyal PUBG players are fans of Li Hao.

Now, these overseas fans finally have the opportunity to come to watch Li Hao's game in person and come to the game to cheer for Haotian in person. These die-hard fans of Li Hao are very excited.

Li Hao also waved his hands in response to the fans.

Players take their seats.

Of course, various peripherals have been debugged in advance.

At this time, with the end of the opening performance, the 2020 PGC Global Finals group stage has officially begun.

As sixty-four professional players from the sixteen teams in Group A and Group B boarded the plane, they also came out.

"The route is from Port P to City Y. This route is very ideal for our two teams in the PCL division. Moreover, because there are only sixteen teams in the global finals, so the early landing roll Point situation is almost impossible to happen. After all, the initial ranking group stage is very important. It can even be said that sometimes 1 point can determine the fate of a certain team in the 2020 PGC Global Finals! "

"That's right, all teams have already jumped. We saw Team Li Kui going to City P, and Team 4am going to school, dormitories, and nearby housing areas. And finally Team NH also jumped to City Y."

0Please ask for flowers......

"It's a pity that on the stage of this kind of global finals, because there are only sixty-four professional players participating in the competition, maybe the players and audiences in our PCL region are not used to it, because it is almost impossible to see anything else. 20 kills, as for more than 30 kills, that’s completely impossible. You know, that means killing half of the professional players on the field, which is almost impossible!”

"As for 40 kills, that's completely impossible. No team can achieve 40 kills with only 64 professional players participating!"

"That's right, if a certain team competes for chicken, and the number of kills can exceed 10, which means it reaches double digits, it is a big chicken. So, having said that, we are very curious about Hao from our 4am team. God, now that we are on the stage of the global finals, how many people can he kill in each game? What will his average kills per game be in the end?

At the same time, in the team voice of the 4am team, because the 4am team did not encounter other teams coming to roll points in the early stage, everyone was searching for supplies and chatting at the same time.


Wei Shen also seemed to be in tune with the commentator, and suddenly thought of this problem.

"Haotian, if you can average 10 kills per game in this 2020 PGC Global Finals, then our 4am team will make a fortune!" Wai Shen said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, they directly aroused Li Hao's contempt.

"Awei, are you still dreaming? You haven't woken up from the dream yet. There are only sixteen teams participating in the competition. When we first started, there were only fifteen teams and sixty enemies. It's not that I can't kill, Our 4am team simply cannot meet so many teams to kill for us. If you want to average ten kills per game, it is completely impossible! Unless you die in idleness in every game, if I am a lone wolf in every game Finally, it may be possible to average ten kills per game, do you want to give it a try? Are you going to make a fool of yourself now?" Li Hao said with a smile.

"No, no, how could I be self-deprecating? Let's just run the business honestly..." But Wei Shinhwa stopped talking before he could finish.

"Awei, why don't you continue talking? What are we going to do?" Xiaolong asked subconsciously.

"How am I qualified to teach us how to command and do things? Just listen to the command honestly and calmly and that's it!" Wai Shen said with a smile.

Xiaolong also just woke up from a dream.

At the same time, when the first safe zone was refreshed, in the glass room where the NH team was located, all four members of the NH team were shouting.

Because this is clearly an eastern circle.

City Y, where the nh team is currently located, is almost the center of the circle.

As soon as the circle appeared, Pinwei, the commander of Team NH, issued an order directly.

"Huanshen, Nannan, you go and seize the police station and court in City Y immediately. If you are a little late, I'm afraid the 4am team will come!"

Team nh, which has played against team 4am countless times in the PCL division, knows very well that in this circle, team 4am likes to occupy police stations and courts.

You know, the coaches of each team in the PCL division now have a very thorough study of the 4am team. .

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