Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 174 Two Famous Scenes Of One Thunder And Four Kills, The Li Kui Team Was Seriously Injured,

In particular, the 4am team has special operations for those games, the operation route and the choice of anchor points. It can be said that the teams in the PCL division have studied them very clearly.

However, on the playing field, the situation changes instantly, and many times it is still a test of a conductor's on-the-spot adaptability.

What the nh team didn't know was that Li Hao was dispatched much earlier than they thought.

Because the first safe zone is refreshed one and a half minutes after the start of the game, which is ninety seconds.

But Li Hao parachuted to the roof of the school, searched the roof, and then jumped into the amphitheater to search. One minute after the start of the game, which meant that Li Hao only searched for 60 seconds after landing, he searched directly. I walked out of the window to the road outside the school, and in an instant, I was riding a scooter.

All of a sudden, he set off at full speed.

Li Hao went to the [room to get an SLR that Xiaolong marked.

And at this moment, the first circle suddenly appeared.

"Hurry up and search, I will seize the Feitian Tower first, Xiaolong will follow!"

Li Hao immediately took Xiaolong and set off directly from Room L to the Feitian Tower in the east.

At the same time, Wei Shen set off immediately after searching the garden.

Only 112 was left last, touched the dormitory building a few times, and then set off.

When Li Hao and Xiaolong came to Feitian Tower, they did not find any aborigines here.

Li Hao smiled and said: "If it were a competition in our PCL division, then this Feitian Tower would definitely be full of formations. But now, in our Group A and Group B group matches, there are only a total of sixteen teams participating. This Feitian Tower is not Refresh the vehicles so it’s impossible to have a full formation jump.”

"Haoshen, I heard "383" and heard the sound of a car!"

Because there was no one around, Xiaolong didn't follow Li Hao to the fake garage. He drove to the glass room.

And at this moment, Xiaolong in the glass house suddenly heard the sound of a car.

After hearing the message from Xiaolong, Li Hao also heard the sound of the car.

"You just shoot and drive them away!"

Li Hao made a prompt decision.

Otherwise, once the enemy sticks to the reverse slope outside the glass room, and there is only Xiaolong in the glass room, it is impossible to beat a full formation, because in this first group match, the team skills are not in the cool-down period.

Therefore, there is no team skill [all members are super giant] or [all members are divine].

In this case, Xiaolong is just a normal super giant combat power.

In this case, it will be very difficult to fight against a full formation.

Immediately, Xiaolong obeyed Li Hao's instructions and shot immediately.

In an instant, this team was frightened.

They immediately didn't dare to put up a glass house because they didn't know how many glass houses there were.

But just as they left the glass room, passed through the reverse slope, and drove towards Li Hao, their team's voice exchanges were intense.

"There seemed to be only one gunshot!"

"He probably came here by car, there's no way he would just jump here after landing!"

"Is there a possibility? Maybe there is only one. It's just a certain team that came to explore the place?"

"It's very possible, then let's kill them. In the eastern circle, the Feitian Tower is in a very good location. If we move to other places, it won't be as good as this Feitian Tower!"

"Hey, if you drive here now, you will definitely be swept away if you go back. Let's park outside the fake garage and attack the glass house again!"

So, the commander of the car climbed straight onto the platform!

But at this moment, a fragmentation grenade flew onto their open-top jeep!

"There's thunder!"

A player saw it instantly, and then shouted a reminder at the top of his lungs.

But, it's too late.

The thunder thrown by Li Hao was not just an air burst thunder.

Moreover, it was an instant thunder explosion.

In an instant, the fragmented wristband exploded directly in the air.

The scattered shrapnel took away four professional players in the car at this moment.

One thunder kills four!

Destroy the team instantly!

In an instant, multiple kill information reports suddenly skipped across the computer screens of all living professional players.

And watching the kill information broadcast, many professional players fell silent.

Including the two great masters of Li Kui's team, jeemzz and Ibiza.

There is also the nh team in city y.

Of course, the nh team has now made a judgment.

"Haotian is at Feitian Tower!"

Immediately, Xiaolong rushed over and happily tasted the package.

At the same time, Wei Shen, who was on the way, smiled and said: "Haotian, with the way you kill, it doesn't seem to be a difficult thing to enter the ten-kill club in this first group match!"

Li Hao concentrated on licking her bag at this time.

"Xiaolong, let's transport the supplies to the second floor of the fake garage. In this circle, at least we can keep shooting in the early and middle stages!" Li Hao said with a smile.

So, Li Hao and Xiaolong made two trips to carry all the materials in the four bags to the fake garage.

At this time, Li Hao and Xiaolong were very fat.

At this time, with the world's attention, Li Hao's four thunderous kills are completely one of the top ten famous scenes.

In an instant, it was constantly being replayed on live broadcast platforms around the world.

Suddenly, Li Hao's popularity grew.

The 4am team opened the scoring and scored 4 points directly. It can be said that it was a great start.

In this way, Wei Shen and 112 soon arrived at Feitian Tower to meet Xiaolong and Li Haojiang.

The 4am team scored two points, two people occupied the glass room, and two people occupied the fake garage.

In this case, no matter which direction someone comes from, they will be able to see it immediately and provide quick support.

What's more, in competitions like the global finals, very few top teams dare to collide directly.

After all, before they came, they had to face the baptism of many gun lines.

It is very difficult to survive from being under numerous gun lines and then to speed down below.

At this moment, as the game time goes by, the safety zone is getting smaller and smaller, and the blue circle is gradually approaching.

At this moment, Wei Shen, who was looking in the direction of the pig pen on the second floor of the fake garage, suddenly exclaimed: "Haotian, this team has ideas about us. Their car has already moved and the speed has increased. No. If there is an accident, they will definitely come and fly above us!"

At this time, it was difficult for Wei Shen to shoot because there was no attack angle.

When Li Hao heard this, at this moment, he directly cut out a thunder.

But he didn't pull the ring immediately, but listened to the sound.

Then, when Li Hao heard the sound of the car, he knew that the other party was obviously going to fly to the Feitian Building.

In an instant, Li Hao immediately pulled the ring.

And at this moment, the directors of the global finals completely focused their attention on Li Hao.

Because they suddenly discovered that Li Hao was making trouble again.

At this time, players all over the world are extremely nervous and looking forward to watching this scene.

"Wow, it's Li Kui's team who wants to attack Feitian Tower!"

"That's right, only a god-level team like Li Kui's team can be brave enough to fly into the sky and attack the 4am team from the air!"

"The 4am team will defeat the Li Kui team in two points. If the first wave does not defeat the Li Kui team, then Haoshen and Wei Shen in the fake garage will be very dangerous!"

"We, God Hao, are overwhelmed with thunder. We just don't know if we can create the famous scene of killing four with one thunder again this time!"

"Li Kui's team's car has already flown to the roof of the fake garage. Li Kui's team successfully flew to Feitian Tower, and they are already half successful!"

But at this moment, Xiong Da, who was very proficient in Chinese, directly exclaimed.


This sentence of national quintessence made the other three members of Li Kui's team stunned.

At this moment, Li Kui's team saw a grenade flying into the void.

Just as their car flew up to the Feitian Building, what greeted them was not a bullet from the 4am team, but a fragmentation grenade flying in the air!

And at this moment, Li Kui's team suddenly became very closely connected with the fragmentation grenade!


When the fragmentation grenade exploded, the four members of Li Kui's team in the car were all in a box!

At this moment, players around the world who were watching the game were all excited.

"Oh my god, Li Kui's team was killed by four thunderbolts!"

"Damn it, Haoshen's wave is simply a show of criticism!"

"God Hao is really a show of eternity from the Western Mountains, a show of good fortune!"

"Xiu'er, is that you?"

"God Hao kills four with one thunder again!"

"I'm afraid that Li Kui's team will have psychological shadow when facing the 4am team in the future!"

"That's right, during the Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament, Team Li Kui was defeated by our Haoshen with one thunder and four kills. But now in the global finals, they have been brutally attacked by our Haoshen again!"

"Haoshen has really hit the mentality of Li Kui's team. I estimate that the mentality of the four members of Li Kui's team has collapsed!"

"Damn it, whoever it was, they would all collapse!"

"There are so many famous scenes where Hao Shen kills four with one thunder!"

"That's right, in the PCL division, any team that you can call the top team has been given fourteen points by Jishen!"

"Haha, no team in the PCL division that has not been defeated by Haoshen Yi Lei Si can be called the top team in the PCL division. Now this law, even if you don't expect to come to the global finals, that's fine!"

At this moment, players all over the world, especially those in the PCL division, saw that Li Kui's team, which was at the height of its power and unbeatable, was easily defeated by Haoshen with a single thunderbolt. In an instant, the whole country was filled with joy.

And at this moment, after Li Hao killed Li Kui's team with Yi Lei, Li Hao's personal kills suddenly exceeded double digits and reached 10.

Because the target was stuck in the middle, Li Hao got 2 points if he dunked the target.

Coupled with the myth and miracle of one thunder and four kills created by two thunders, Li Hao's single kills in this game reached 10!

But at this time, the directors of the global finals deliberately displayed it on the screen, and the whole world was shocked.

"Hao Shen, just kill 10 more?"

"How come Wu Shen can still kill 10 so easily in the global finals?"

At this time, the 4am team had not yet realized it.

Li Hao didn’t say anything either.

It was just 10 kills in a single game. To him, it was not worth mentioning.

Because in his previous games, Li Hao had created not only 10 kills in a single game, but even 20 kills in a single game.

Moreover, in the PCL competition, Li Hao was able to break through double digits in kills in almost every game.

10 kills in a single game!

For other professional players, this is almost impossible to find.

But for Li Hao, it is too easy and too ordinary.

After wiping out Li Kui's team, the 4am team was in Feitian Tower, shooting targets like crazy.

Because now, the 4am team has no shortage of bullets.

At this time, Li Hao was so arrogant that he came to the roof of the fake garage, turned off his side cigarette, and smashed the target ruthlessly and crazily for the entire final round.

S in the hand of Li Hao

LR is extremely accurate, and when he sees other professional players, he will shoot him right away.

Whenever you see a person, it is the head.

SLR head damage is very high.

In the 5.8 laps of the final, the helmets of professional players were almost not full of health. In addition, when their own health bars were not full of health, Li Hao often shot the SLR.

A headshot will knock him down directly.

Then, sealing cigarettes is useless.

Because of the SLR in Li Hao's hand, he clicked "Direct Poison Smoke" frantically and quickly.

Because the arrival of Li Kui's team has added too many bullets to the 4am team, Li Hao can fire almost unlimitedly.

Smoke bombs can’t reach Li Hao’s smoke-piercing machine, and Li Hao’s SLR goes through smoke like crazy.

In this case, even if the nh team is fully staffed in the end, it still cannot beat the 4am team.

To be precise, he couldn't beat Li Hao from the 4am team.

Li Hao has an SLR each, and the nh team who directly fights is completely afraid to show his face.

In this case, let Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 drive to the nearest point, and use a wave of throwing objects to directly knock down two of them and destroy two of them, and Li Hao's SLR shot with incomparable accuracy.

The gun knocked down one.

It was obvious that the nh team was the last one standing, but at this time, facing Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112, three people swarmed up to suppress him, even if he played to the limit and knocked down

When Wei Shen wanted to hit and heal Wei Shen, he was killed by Xiaolong and 112 who were filling in, but they were unable to successfully kill Wei Shen.

So, the 4am team successfully won the first game in the group stage of Group A and Group B.

In an instant, the other teams were extremely shocked.

The 4am team came to the stage of the global finals and still performed extremely strongly.

It can be said that everyone knows the heart of defending the world championship in the global finals. .

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