Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 178 4Am Defends The World Championship And Establishes A Dynasty

The PGC Global Finals is the last and most grand competition of the year.

Every team has a reason to win the championship.

Especially the other Five Emperors teams in the PCL division.

In the PCL division, it can be said that they were suppressed by the 4am team in all aspects.

But now, coming to the stage of the global finals, they all want to win the world championship in the global finals, so that they can vent their hatred.

However, Li Hao will never let them win the world championship trophy in the global finals.

From the first game of the finals, team skills have been available for use.

No more cooling off period.

In this case, with the blessing of team skills [God-level for all members], Wei Shen, Xiaolong, etc. of the 4am team have all been upgraded to the realm of god-level professional players.

Coupled with the leadership of Li Hao.

The 4am team made a killing in the finals.

Whether it is the peerless duo in the pel division, the dominant sq team in the npl division, or the five emperors team in the pcl division, they are no match for the 4a-m team.

Especially in head-to-head battles, even if there are only two teams left in the 4am team in the end, and even Li Hao has been eliminated, the 4am team can still do two against four.

Such a 4am team suddenly showed its power in this finals.

Each of the fifteen other teams that will participate in the finals has been beaten hard.

These teams have no history of resistance.

In this case, the global finals will completely become a stage for the 4am team to shine.

The battle of the gods, in front of the 4am team, is not enough to watch.

Not only did Li Hao perform perfectly in the 4am team, the other three players who were promoted to god level with the support of team skills also had explosive statistics.

In this case, with the end of eighteen games in three days, the 4am team successfully defended the world championship in the global finals!

The 4am team won the world championship trophy, and golden rain fell at this moment.

Suddenly, the whole world was shaken.

The 4am team successfully defended the world championship in the global finals, and the 4am team has become the two-time champion of the global finals!"

"The 4am team has completely established an e-sports dynasty!"

"Looking at all the major teams around the world, no one can compete with the 4am team now!"

"Team 4am is invincible in the world!"

Suddenly, the front pages of major media outlets around the world were all reporting on 4am winning the world championship.

One can imagine how terrifying the current influence of the global finals is.

At home, players are completely crazy.

At this time, players in the PCL division all felt that the 4am team was now a dynasty.

Having won two global finals, two intercontinental championships, the Mid-Season Championship Invitational, and four league championships, as well as achieving a Grand Slam, can't such a 4am team still be called a dynasty today? Team?

At this time, the 4am team returned with great honor.

When returning to the Shanghai International Airport, the 4am team was greeted by tens of thousands of fans.

Nowadays, the influence of the 4am team in the country is simply unprecedented.

Because of the 4am team, a dynasty has truly been established.

In Li Hao's mind, he feels that only a triple crown of world champions can be called a dynasty in his mind.

But in the hearts of hundreds of millions of players in the PCL region, today's 4am team is directly a dynasty.

Of course, after the 4am team returned, the members of the team were naturally favored by many teams with capital investment, and all of a sudden, they contacted them privately.

At this time, the 4am team was at its peak, completely standing at the top of all teams in the PCL division.

And Li Hao's personal fame has further spread.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the biggest contributor to Team 4am’s ability to establish a dynasty is Li Hao.

Without Li Hao, the 4am team would not be where it is today.

Li Hao returned to Shanghai and took advantage of the popularity to start a live broadcast to sell goods.

Because the products are carefully prepared for so many days, the inventory is very sufficient.

After one night of live streaming, sales directly exceeded 5 billion.

It can be said that Li Hao has made a lot of money.

Of course, those merchants who came to Li Hao’s live broadcast room to buy slots also made a lot of money.

And consumers, namely Li Hao's fans, also received benefits.

In short, Li Hao’s live broadcast is satisfactory in all aspects.

Li Hao is even more satisfied. After all, the sales of 5 billion and the net profit are more than 1 billion.

Back in China, many media wrote about it.

Especially now that self-media is very developed.

Nowadays, the Internet is filled with news about the 4am team.

The 4am team is ushering in its most prosperous era!

However, this also means that the 4am team has prospered and declined.

After New Year's Day, late at night, Wai Shen called.

When Li Hao saw Wei Shen calling at this time, he knew there must be no good news.

"Awei, what's wrong?"

Li Hao currently has no intention of leaving the team.

Li Hao had already told Wei Shen about this on the plane back to China.

"A team just forcibly bought out the contracts of Xiaolong and 112 in our 4am team, and was even willing to pay them liquidated damages. And they are also very tempted, after all, the other team promised to build the team with them as the core." Wei Shen said solemnly. road.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Awei, I think this is normal. After all, in this PGC global finals, both Xiaolong and 112 have played their own worth. In this case, it is very normal to be favored by other teams or capital. . And in our circle, people come and go, isn’t it more normal?”

"What about you?" Wei Shen asked.

At this time, Li Hao learned that Wei Shen called to tell the matter, not for Xiaolong and 112 to leave the team, but to reconfirm his attitude.

"Awei, didn't I tell you before! My contract in the 4am team has not expired yet. I am not going to leave the 4am team before the contract expires. Unless, you want to let me go!" Li Hao smiled.

As soon as these words came out, Wei Shen's hanging heart finally let go.

"My head wasn't caught in the door, how could I let you go!" Wei Shen said with a smile.

"They can just leave. They have everything in the 4am team. To be honest, they have no motivation to fight anymore. In this case, it is better to go to other teams and become the boss. There is no need to force them to stay. Let me say it. , the 4am team has the two of us, the 4am team is here!" Li Hao said with a smile.

"Yes, our 4am team wants to recruit people, so feel free to do so!" Wei Shen didn't take the departure of Xiaolong and 112 very seriously.

Just like how Yongyuan and Xiaolu left the team, the 4am team let them go without even asking them for liquidated damages.

Soon, the PCL division revealed that Xiaolong and 112, the generals of the 4am team, left the team one after another.

As soon as the news came out, it shocked the entire country.

After all, the 4am team is now the most popular in the country. As a result, under such circumstances, news broke that someone was leaving the team.

Soon, the 4am team issued an announcement confirming the news.

Then, many professional players in the PCL division couldn't help but get excited.

But just when the professional circle was abuzz, there was a problem with the game PUBG.

Because he had just won the global finals, Li Hao had hardly touched games since he came back. He was either taking care of his family or busy in the company.

Because it is the end of the year, live streaming is obviously more important.

Likewise, family is Li Hao’s focus.

Work comes second.

Li Hao knew that there was a problem with PUBG, but he came over from Qu Biao for dinner, and Li Hao learned about it.

"What? There are many cheats in the game?"

Li Hao kept frowning after hearing this.

"Yes, it may be that there is a problem with the anti-cheating system of Tencent. Nowadays, there are cheaters everywhere in the game. Green players can't finish it at all. Moreover, these cheating players are so arrogant that now the game has been They made it a mess!" Qu Biao said with a toothache from anger.

"Impossible, doesn't Tengxun claim to use quantum computers as servers? Why can such a powerful anti-cheat system be cracked?" Li Hao asked in a deep voice.

And at this moment, the real father-in-law just entered the house.

"I have also heard about this. If nothing else, some game companies in the NPL region are jealous of the revenue from the game Tengxun and have broken the anti-cheating system. So much so that today's servers cannot even distinguish between cheating players and cheating players. Green players. Unless there are obvious signs of cheating. Only by manually judging and watching replays can we determine the cheating player, but this workload is simply impossible!" Lao Fang said solemnly.

0Please ask for flowers......0

Li Hao kept frowning.

Although he is considered successful now, he became famous from this game, so Li Hao naturally doesn't like this game to be ruined by cheaters.

Immediately, Li Hao started broadcasting.

But at this moment, overwhelming black fans entered Li Hao's live broadcast room with great arrogance.

Then, it’s crazy to start a fight.

"Little anchor, do you dare to log into the game now?"

"Are you afraid of us, Hao God, Mouse God?"

"Do you still dare to be so arrogant in the game now?"

Li Hao’s anti-fans are now cheating players.

All of them are extremely arrogant and have cheats in their hands, and they will not be banned. So now that Li Hao starts broadcasting, they come to Li Hao live broadcast room crazily to find a sense of presence.

Li Hao naturally hates plug-ins.

Because FPS games, especially this survival competition game, if there are plug-ins, it will completely destroy the fair competition environment of the game.

In this case, the plug-in will completely destroy PUBG, which is something Li Hao never wants to see.

"You cheating orphans, you think there are cheats now, so you come to my live broadcast room to make your presence felt. Come on, come and snipe me!"

Li Hao feels that now that he is the number one player in the PCL division and even the number one professional player in the world, he must stand up and resolutely oppose and resist cheating.

Therefore, Li Hao directly played in four rows alone, and the live broadcast room had not yet turned on the delay.

Li Hao wants to prove to those green players that cheaters are vulnerable!

So, at this time, many cheating players were extremely angry when they heard what Li Hao said!

They cheated, and Li Hao still dares to be so arrogant now.

In an instant, they all started lining up together.

At the same time, at this moment, Tengxun suddenly noticed the scene happening in Li Hao's live broadcast room.

Then a certain technical expert from Tengxun had a sudden idea to temporarily set up a server and bring in Li Hao and other cheating players. In this case, a fairy server could be created directly.

Since the current anti-cheating system has been broken, and there is no such a large amount of manual work to determine any cheating player, then all these cheating or suspected cheating players will be put in this

Play games on the fairy server.

Immediately, Tengxun urgently set up a fairy uniform. Under various orders, a fairy server was temporarily established without even realizing it!

Li Hao felt that this match was very long, and it took ten minutes before finally entering the game.

Similarly, those players who cheat also feel that it is abnormal.

But they have no idea what Teng Xun is doing secretly!

As a result, Li Hao and all the cheating players who attacked him all entered a fairy server.

At this time, the game suddenly showed that there were only 97 people!

That's because Li Hao is solo in four rows!

The other 24 teams are all cheating players.

But now, they have all entered the Immortal Server.

At this moment, Li Hao decided to cheat the player. Such a brave move also attracted the attention of the entire PCL professional circle.

At this time, countless professional players came to Li Hao's live broadcast room to watch in person this rare and exciting scene of Haoshen fighting against cheating players.

At this time, all players boarded the plane.

Li Hao naturally jumped into a complex housing area like P City, so that he would have room to operate.

Otherwise, there won’t be much room for maneuver if you skip schools or airports.

After all, most of the players he faces now are cheating players.

At this moment, when Li Hao started skydiving, he opened the skill panoramic map.

Suddenly, Li Hao felt his heart tightening.

He always felt that something was wrong with the game nowadays.

He could see it from the time of the match, and now in the sky above P City, the bad feeling in Li Hao's heart was getting worse and worse.

That is, the supplies in P City are very scarce.

There aren’t many guns!

But Li Hao chose a housing area where there were two guns, a troll and a macho gun.

Li Hao is naturally the fastest in parachuting. At present, the main plug-ins are perspective, micro-aiming, blood mist tracking, etc. Violent plug-ins such as wall penetration, flying, and ground escape are still not very common.


Firstly, this kind of plug-in is expensive, and secondly, once used, it will definitely be reported by players. If the number of reports is high, it will attract the attention of human reviewers, and it will definitely be blocked.

You must know that an account costs 98 yuan, which is not cheap. .

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