Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 179 Li Hao Fiercely Battles The Fairy Uniform!

Get the gun on the ground.

At this time, many cheating players who jumped into P City were about to lose their mentality.

I searched several rooms and couldn't find a single gun. I asked you if you can believe it?

But at this time, Li Hao had a gun.

Li Hao frantically chased after those cheating players who couldn't find the gun. The cheating players they cheated had no effect in front of Li Hao.

He was completely and completely beaten crazily by Li Hao, which can be described as killing.

After Li Hao destroyed the third and fourth teams, the other cheating players found the guns.

At this time, they naturally came to Li Hao with a fire in their hearts.

Come to kill Li Hao.

But what they don't know is that even if they cheat, they can't beat Li Hao.

Things like perspective and micro-aiming were completely inadequate in front of Li Hao.

Li Hao slaughtered the cheating players like crazy and then turned on all the voices.

While killing, he was taunting wildly.

"That's it?"

"You orphans, if you cheat, are you at this level?"

"Is it okay to drive your motherfucker off?"

Li Hao was sarcastic and felt extremely uncomfortable and painful towards these players who cheated and were killed by Li Hao.

They never expected that they would not be able to defeat Li Hao despite being cheated.

At this moment, Li Hao cut out of the game and suddenly changed the title of "Nine Five Zero" in the live broadcast room.

"Single-player four-row sniper cheating orphan!"

The title of this live broadcast can be described as extremely campy.

This made those cheating players extremely angry.

So what about Li Hao? They feel like they cheated. In the game, he is the real god.

Li Hao is a false god at best.

But now Li Hao is so arrogant.

All of a sudden, these cheating players were sniping at Yuan.

Li Hao welcomes all comers.

Li Hao was alone in four rows, matched with these cheating players, and entered the fairy server in every game.

Li Hao is alone and faces many cheating orphans.

Moreover, there are four rows of single seats, which can be said to be extremely arrogant.

Although the chicken eating rate in this fairy server is not as high as usual, only about 40%, this is very scary.

You know, the players Li Hao faced were all cheating players.

Not the usual green player.

Li Hao faced cheating players in a team, and he was still alone, and he had such a high success rate. It can be said that Li Hao's strength is truly demonstrated in this fairy server.

Li Hao felt extremely relaxed.

Because even if you beat the world's professional players who have broken through to the god level, they are not as happy as cheating orphans like this.

Li Hao was beaten heartily, even if he sometimes died at the hands of cheating orphans and was whipped to death, it didn't matter.

Because Li Hao discovered that after every round, the damage gained was simply converted into experience hundreds or thousands of times.

You must know that in the previous global finals, the damage obtained from killing other god-level players was at most dozens of times, and no more than thirty times was converted into experience.

But now in this fairy server, Li Hao naturally does not know that this is the fairy server. He has no idea that Tengxun temporarily set up a server called the fairy server specifically because of him.

The damage Li Hao dealt to these cheating orphans, after the game was over, Li Hao converted it into experience, which was a hundred times higher at the beginning, and even killed those orphans who played violent cheats, such as Feitian and Escape. For plug-ins such as ground, wall penetration, and headlock, the damage value multiplied by one thousand is converted into experience.

Li Hao's experience accumulation is extremely fast. It can be said that playing in this fairy server for one day will gain more experience than a year of playing in normal games.

Li Hao immediately fell in love with this fairy costume.

Therefore, I am more interested in sniping cheating players.

On the contrary, the cheating orphans couldn't help but feel collapsed.

They sniped at Li Hao and wanted to make Li Hao cute.

Unexpectedly, Li Hao's mentality did not collapse at all.

Li Hao became more and more interested. Even though later on, the chance of eating chicken dropped to only one-third, Li Hao's interest did not diminish.

The live broadcast lasted until late at night, and Li Hao didn't stop broadcasting until five in the morning.

Throughout the whole day and night, Li Hao fought against cheating orphans in the fairy uniform.

Li Hao is not afraid of cheating at all.

Because he is considered the most powerful human implant.

In this case, how could he be afraid of these cheating orphans?

The next day, Li Hao started broadcasting at ten o'clock.

Then, he still fought with the cheating orphan in the fairy server.

At this moment, Tencent is also urgently repairing the loopholes and trying to restart the anti-cheating and anti-cheating system.

Although Tengxun was not able to completely restore the anti-cheating system in the end, it did send all those cheating or suspected cheating players to the Immortal Server.

In this case, these cheating and suspected cheating players can kill each other in the fairy server without affecting the normal game.

Li Hao, on the other hand, is in the Immortal Server, fighting these cheating players to the end.

Watching Li Hao's live broadcast, no professional player dares to queue with Li Hao now.

Because that's all just for torture.

What's more, the situation in the PCL competition area is changing these days.

With the New Year's Day, Fujin News officially announced the start of the transfer period.

At this moment, many teams are undergoing changes.

In addition, now that the 4am team has lost two members, it will inevitably have to recruit new members.

In this case, many super giants have taken action!

Not only the super giants, but also some professional players who are close to the god level or have broken through to the god level now want to join the 4am team!

Because the 4am team now shows a very obvious attitude that Li Hao will continue to play professionally in the 4am team.

In this case, if you want to win the championship, come to the 4am team!

Suddenly, many professional players were contacting the 4am team in private.

But at this time, the body didn't care about it at all.

Li Hao doesn't care whether the 4am team will eventually transfer those players to the 4am team. Now Li Hao is focused on fighting on the fairy server!

Fairy clothes, Li Hao is completely in love!

In the past, Li Hao felt that there was no challenge at all when playing ladder or ranking.

But now in this immortal server battle, Li Hao must devote himself wholeheartedly to it. A little negligence may lead to death.

And soon, the news of the fairy uniform was revealed unknowingly.

Because cheating players are not stupid.

They cheat because they want to easily kill other green players.

But they found that when they entered the game, although their accounts were not blocked, their opponents were not those green players, but all cheaters.

At first, they thought that cheats were rampant, which led to the current situation in ranked games where cheats are rampant.

But when they watched the live broadcasts of some professional players or technical anchors, they suddenly discovered that in these game matches, there were no cheating players at all.

On the contrary, these cheating players are now all gathered together.

Otherwise, normal green players would not even be able to enter the fairy server.

"The fairy clothes are now the real fairy clothes!".

"This is the real battle of the gods!"

Each one of them was young and energetic, so they immediately approached Li Hao.

No chicken!

"The fairy uniform is indeed worthy of its name. There are cheating orphans in it! Everyone thinks they are a fairy!"

When Ming Shen and Zuo Shen heard these words, how could they not tolerate it?

Li Hao is ready to continue Singles Four again!

However, Li Hao didn't care at all and had a very good attitude.

"That's right, those professional players are actually afraid of cheating orphans. They don't dare to enter the fairy server, and they don't even have the courage to play cheating orphans with Hao Shen. How can they compare with Hao Shen!"

Unless, you cheat!

"Putting all cheats in the fairy uniform and letting the cheating orphans deal with other orphans is really wonderful!"

"No wonder our Hao Shen is so excited and happy, it turns out he has been fighting in the Immortal Server!"

Suddenly, it caused countless players to laugh.

Therefore, the name of the fairy costume naturally spread.

"There are also those technical anchors who usually pride themselves on being no less than a professional. But if they don't dare to play professionally, instead of going to the fairy server to fight, how dare they claim that their skills are unparalleled?"

But at this moment, Li Hao saw several professional players contacting him!

"Now I finally understand why Haoshen is the number one player in the PCL division. Why can't other professional players catch up with Haoshen? It's because they don't have the skills, professional attitude, and fearless heart!"

But cheating is still not cheap, and ordinary green players cannot afford the cost of cheating.

Li Hao read the news and said with a smile: "A few others want to experience the fairy clothes. If so, let them come and experience the fairy clothes!"

Once they start broadcasting, there will be countless players setting the pace in their live broadcast room.

At this time, Li Hao had just finished playing a solo four-row game.

Immediately, Li Hao pulled Mingshen, Zuoshen and mad98 from Team 17 into the team.

Because currently, without cheating, only Li Hao’s account has the authority to enter the fairy server.

"I really want to see right now, those professional players who have the courage to try the fairy uniform!"

"The fairy costume, that's so interesting!"

Later, those god-level professional players in the PCL division were the first to bear the brunt.

Moreover, even if you cheat, you will be sent directly to the immortal server. Who can tolerate it?

"I have to say, Teng Xun's skills are really cool!"

They dare not even go to the fairy server. They are all trash. No wonder they have to win the championship!

"It seems that currently, Haoshen is the only one fighting in the Immortal Server. Other professional players and technical anchors don't dare to try it in the Immortal Server!"

"Teng Xun: I won't ban your account, but I will let you go to the fairy server and play with other cheating orphans to see if you still want to cheat!"

In the final round, he was besieged by several cheating teams and ultimately lost sadly.

All of a sudden, this rhythm became bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, seeing this lineup, countless fans watching the game in Li Hao's live broadcast room became excited!

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