Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 188 Li Hao: In Eighteen Games, You Only Need To Eat Ten Chickens To Win The Championship

At this time, fans of the 4am team had no idea that Li Hao, who was previously gentle and elegant like a Confucian gentleman, would now say such rude things.

In an instant, many fans were excited.

And Li Hao destroyed the Four Holy Warriors and searched both Longmen Inn and Widow Village before returning to school.

Because at this moment, the 4am team is very behind in the rankings.

And this circle is a yin and yang circle.

Covers the mainland and the airport island, half and half area.

This makes it impossible for each team to judge whether this is the airport circle or the mainland circle.

But for Li Hao, it was very obvious that this was an airport circle.

But now, when the 4am team cannot grab the top pick, then it has no choice but to find a way to play slowly.

"Bring more medicine, we will fight against the poison when the time comes -!" Li Hao said in a deep voice.

So, the 4am team set off after searching all these housing areas.

Moreover, go directly from the blue circle.

"Haotian, do you think this circle will be the airport circle?" Wei Shen asked curiously.

"This must be the airport area." Li Hao said with certainty.

Wei Shen did not continue to ask. At this time, the 4am team was not in a hurry to cross the bridge.

Because at this time, there are teams stranded at the bridge here or at the airport island bridge.

The 4am team is not in a hurry and just stays in the blue circle.

This is completely inconsistent with the style of the 4am team.

In this case, the previous teams could not have imagined that the 4am team would one day be able to resist poison and other circles.

Team 4am waits for the team in front to leave before following them into the circle.

When they came to the edge of the circle, the 4am team stopped entering the circle.

"Under the chicken game system, the disadvantage of sticking to the center is that once it is not the final destiny circle, it is almost impossible to win the chicken, because the vehicle is difficult to protect. Therefore, the best way is to control the edge of the circle. In this case, all the teams in the circle will be completely killed or expelled, and a weak side will be forcibly created. In this case, by pushing hard all the way, we can finally win the chicken. Although we are in the chicken competition system, we do not deliberately pursue kill points. , but if there is no fighting, then there is no feeling."

"So from now on, we must push hard and control the side. This side will be under the control of our 4am team. In this case, it will especially test our personal abilities. Ah Wei, do you hear that?"

Li Hao also emphatically said something about Wei Shen in the end, and Wei Shen looked confused.

"Haotian, what do you mean by this? Why, I have the lowest personal ability, right?"

Wei Shen never expected that Haotian would criticize him in the end.

Li Hao chuckled and said: "What do you think? People now say you are not worthy of the 4am team!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Shen felt even more wronged.

"I founded the 4am team, am I not worthy of it?"

But at this time, the team battle has already begun.

The 4am team controlled and pushed the other side.

At this moment, when other nearby teams knew that the closest team was the 4am team, they all wanted to stay away from the 4am team intentionally or unintentionally, because now the 4am team was completely crazy.

These teams were afraid of killing the 4am team above, so they came directly to kill them.

But the 4am team is not so crazy. If it is a points competition, then if these teams all score points, then the 4am team will naturally have to attack fiercely, rush and kill fiercely.

Because even if you don't play chicken, if the kill score is high, it will even be higher than the score obtained by the team that plays chicken.

But nowadays, in the chicken game format, a few more kill points are completely meaningless, and if you clear someone, it will most likely be a Chinese.

Therefore, the 4am team is just executing the established tactics.

In the finals, each team played extremely fiercely. Because the final circle is on the mountain north of the C-shaped building, there are not many bunkers.

Only some trees can serve as shelter.

In this case, facing the wolf-like 4am team, the other remaining teams, including the nh team, the 17th team and even the PeRo team, are all unable to resist the 4am team.

Because Li Hao, Ba Shao and Long Si Ge were all on fire, coupled with Wei Shen's performance, although in the eyes of other players, Wei Shen was considered poor.

However, the impression that Wei Shen is bad is based on the other three members of the current 4am team.

But now among the professional players in the PCL division, Wei Shen is also the top super giant. Although without the blessing of team skills, he cannot reach the god level. Unlike Brother Long and Ba Shao, who have relied on their own His true strength has broken through to the threshold of god-level and entered the field of god-level professional players.

However, now that Wei Shen is taken away, the combat power he can exert is almost the same as a normal god-level one.

Just click the target and throw the projectile closer.

The matter of charging into battle should be left to the eighth master and the fourth brother Long.

Wei Shen only needs to follow up with a shot.

The 4am team now does not need him to personally charge into battle.

Of course, sometimes it is necessary, that is, when Li Hao drives the gun from behind, the 4am team forms a three-attack situation.

In the end, the 4am team won the championship.

Two chickens in a row!

There are only eighteen games in total in the Bib Cup finals.

Now, the 4am team has eaten two chickens. In other words, the 4am team has shown terrifying signs of competing for the championship.

When he was about to eat chicken, Li Hao also said a wise saying about the chicken game system.

"If there is a chicken-eating format, there will be eighteen finals, then we only need to eat ten chickens!"

Li Hao's words instantly caused uproar.

And with the 4am team's two consecutive chickens, the influence of Li Hao's words was further amplified.

Suddenly, it caused an uproar in the hearts of hundreds of millions of players in the PCL region.

"As expected of me, God Hao!"

"Haoshen's understanding of the chicken-fighting competition system is really profound!"

"But you are right. In the eighteen finals, you only need to win ten chicken games. Then the other teams can only win eight chicken games at most. Then the champion will naturally be the 4am team.


"Actually, I think Haoshen is still too stable. The best way to win the championship is to eat nine chickens. And even if other teams also eat nine chickens. In terms of kills, they cannot be compared with the 4am team. In this case, The 4am team also won the championship firmly!”

"The 4am team is still the invincible 4am team. Even if the competition system is changed, I never thought that it would not be able to defeat the 4am team!"

"That's right, if the chicken competition system is used, the 4am team will operate steadily. If the points competition system is used, the 4am team will attack fiercely and kill fiercely. In short, if you have strength, you will be willful.

When it comes to transfer and operation, Haoshen, as the leader of the 4am team, is unique in the PCL region and even the world in terms of transfer command and operation capabilities!"

"I always feel that other teams are in doubt if they want to win the championship!"

"I think the fact that the 4am team has such terrifying strength now may be related to the fact that it has been ranking in the fairy server!"

"I also think that top teams such as Team NH and Team 17 should learn from Team 4am and enter the fairy server to rank. But don't come to the national server, which will harm ordinary players like us!"

"Yes, I strongly recommend them to go to the fairy server!"

Suddenly, it quickly became a meeting for players to denounce the top teams in the PCL division for wantonly bullying them in the Chinese server.

In the Immortal Server, those players who cheat will suffer.

Green players naturally hope that all professional teams will enter the fairy server to fight against those cheating players.

Don't fight in the national server with ordinary passers-by players like them.

After two consecutive wins, the 4am team was full of momentum.

At this time, without the support of team skills, the 4am team's current momentum and state are already at their peak, and they are close to invincible.

Because for professional players, mentality and momentum are particularly important.

Because in terms of marksmanship and consciousness, everyone is almost the same.

So in this case, naturally we can only compete with momentum and mentality.

Of course, when it comes to fighting spirit, the 4am team is not as good as the top teams in the PCL division.

There is no way, everyone knows that these top teams want to win the championship.

However, the championships of major competitions are all monopolized by the 4am team.

So under the current chicken-for-win competition system, other top teams want to break the championship drought.

0Request flowers…

As a result, the next game became even more exciting. At this time, these top teams finally understood one thing. If the 4am team is not killed in the early stage of the game, then in the later finals, the advantage of the 4am team will be infinite.

Whenever there is a chance, the 4am team must be killed in the early or mid-game.

Otherwise, in the finals, the 4am team's winning rate will be very high.

But even so, the 4am team did not win a single victory in the desert maps in the next three games.

Even if only the remnants of the 4am team are left in the end, the remaining people are Li Hao and Brother Long.

Li Hao directly led Brother Long to defeat the other teams in the final round, with one person supporting the other and destroying each team.

In the end, the 4am team won three chickens on the first day of competition.

Three out of six games, a 50% win rate, made other teams feel desperate.

Because in the other three games where the 4am team did not compete for the chicken, different teams competed for the chicken.

In this case, the 4am team will proudly stand at the top of the record list with a record of three chickens.

the next day.

It is simply difficult for other teams to catch up with the number of kills of the 4am team.

Moreover, the 4am team cannot be allowed to eat even a chicken.

In the next four games, the 4am team played extremely hard.

Still six finals!

After two days of competition, the 4am team had eaten six chickens.

If the team eats another chicken, they will completely lose the possibility of winning the championship.

But now, only these teams that competed in the first two days can have any hope of winning the championship.

Otherwise, 4am

Taking this opportunity, the nh team worked hard to catch up.

The 4am team still managed to eat three chickens.

As for the other chickens, they were all eaten by each team.

The second place is still the nh team that has eaten two chickens.

Because this means that even if the nh team loses in the next four games, it is impossible to catch up with the 4am team.

When the 4am team won the championship, it once again proved one thing to the world.

However, I only ate two chickens.

In the four games, the 4am team once again performed very familiar tactics, attacking fiercely, charging and killing fiercely.

Quanquan locked the championship in advance.

However, when the first two island maps were completed on the last day, the 4am team once again had two chickens in a row, directly increasing the number of chickens to 8 chickens. In this case, the 4am team finished the game.

That is, even if the competition system is changed, the 4am team still shows the style of an invincible team. .

In short, in this chicken competition format, when the 4am team is now five chickens ahead, it can be said that the championship has been locked in advance.

Therefore, the 4am team is equivalent to locking the championship four games in advance.

Otherwise, if the number of chickens is the same, the number of kills will never exceed that of the 4am team.

Because the number of kills of the 4am team is completely superior.

Although Li Hao thinks he has to eat ten chickens to win the championship with 100% certainty!

For other teams that win once, they need to win in six games. Only in this way can they surpass the 4am team.

In this case, the nh team will be second, with four chickens.

Why do you say that?

The PeRo team unknowingly ate three chickens and reached third place.

Therefore, the number of chickens must exceed the 4am team.

There was only one chicken on the island map, and in the last two games of the desert map, the 4am team once again had two chickens in a row.

As for those teams that don't have a chance to compete, it's completely impossible for them to catch up with the 4am team according to the current competition format.

Just like that, in the bib cup of chicken competition format, the champion 4am team, the runner-up NH team, and the third runner-up PERO team.

Li Hao took the 4am team to the housing area near the plum blossom pile early and just stayed there.

In this case, when it comes to the finals, how can the other teams that are still in full swing and are remnants of the competition be able to resist the 4am team that has emerged from the tiger cage.

Because in order to surpass the 4am team, the nh team must eat five chickens tomorrow, and it is also guaranteed that the 4am team cannot eat chickens.

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