Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 189 The 2021 Spring Split Is Coming, A New Format

Although the Bib Cup is a cup competition.

But it is a cup competition under the chicken-eating competition system.

The 4am team still won the championship, triggering heated discussions across the Internet.

"I think the 4am team in the chicken game is more terrifying than the points game!"

"Yes, when the 4am team became stable, it was extremely stable!"

"I still remember what Haoshen said. Whoever dares to shoot will be shot on the spot!"

"I even remember what Fourth Brother Long said, Haoshen, can I shoot?"

"Yeah, who would have thought that the dignified Fourth Brother Long would be so humble that he would have to ask God Hao for permission to even shoot?"

"But don't you think it is this 4am team that is the most terrifying?"

"That is, the 4am team's tactical literacy is very high. Moreover, they obey the commander's orders very well!"

"Wei Shen: How dare I not listen?"

At this time, all the players in the national server were talking about it.

And this 4am team is simply more terrifying.

Likewise, Team NH, Team 17 and Team PERO feel even more desperate.

Therefore, the day after the 4am team won the Bibo Cup championship, Mingshen, Zuoshen and NH team commander Pinyan, the three of them, had already come to Li Hao.

"Haotian, take us to the gods to be tortured!" Mingming said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Hao smiled and said: "The God of Ming finally wants to come to the gods to torture these cheating orphans. That's great!"

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that there was a black line.

"What about abusing cheating players? You are being tortured by cheating players! The Chinese server is not challenging at all, so come to the fairy server and try "867" to test the waters!" Mingming said with a smile.

"I can tell. Even Awei, the noob, performed so brilliantly in the scarf cup this time. Obviously, it has something to do with how he usually fights against cheating orphans in the god uniform!" Zuo! God smiled.

As soon as these words came out, suddenly, a faint voice sounded from the voice channel.

"I'm still here. Does it make sense for you to say this about me?"

Wei Shen said quietly.

"Awei, don't deny it. You said to yourself that your marksmanship has improved. Is it because you practiced the gun in the immortal server?" Zuo Shen said with a smile.

Wei Shen couldn't refute this statement.

"That's true, but you three shameless guys came here to take advantage of our position. Do you think this is appropriate?" Wei Shen said again quietly.

Pinyan smiled and said: "Hao Shen, he is the Hao Shen common to our PCL division, and he is not the Wu Shen of your 4am team!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Shen was completely speechless.

Li Hao thought that since Ming Shen and Zuo Shen are here, he should take them to the Immortal Server.

Anyway, taking Wei Shen, Ba Shao and Fourth Brother Long to the Immortal Server would be better than taking Mingming, Zuo Shen and Pinyan to the Immortal Server.

Today's Li Hao is not afraid of Mingming, Zuo Shen, Pinyan and others getting stronger.

Because the speed at which they become stronger is impossible to match that of Li Hao.

Li Hao directly adds points through the experience points of the sniper system.

The improved strength is obvious to all.

Li Hao's attributes in all aspects have been improved visible to the naked eye.

In this case, "Li Guo is not afraid of being caught up by other professional players in the PGL division.

Therefore, Li Hao took Mingming and Zuo Shen to fight for the immortal uniform.

Make those cheating players in the fairy server particularly excited.

Because in the current PCL competition area, in terms of personal strength, Li Hao deserves to be first, second is Mingming, and third is Zuo Shen.

Because no matter whether it's Brother Long or Eight Young Masters, they can actually compete with them.

But as they join the 4am team, it is obvious that, just like the NBA, when stars join a team with super giants, their personal reputation will be greatly damaged.

But it's obvious that both Ba Shao and Long Si Ge are bent on winning the championship.

They don't care about it at all.

Because they have all enjoyed the treatment of being the first player in the team.

The strength of professional players can be clearly distinguished through the data of various competitions.

As for statistics, there is no doubt that Li Hao is the number one player in the PCL division.

Therefore, Li Hao took Mingming, Zuo Shen, and Pin Yan to battle on the Immortal Server and fight crazily against cheating players.

The battle lasted for a full day before the broadcast ended.

Naturally, Li Hao gained tens of millions more experience points.

Another wave of big points can be added.

After the Bib Cup, Team Mam will set up a competition.

Because it is the Douyu Golden Grand Prix.

As for this cup, it is naturally impossible for Douyu to invite the 4am team.

Especially now that the 4am team is at its peak, the 4am team has also shown extremely terrifying dominance in the chicken competition format.

So in this case, Douyu Golden Grand Prix did not hide it and did not invite the 4am team. Even if it was laughed at by the fans of the 4am team, Douyu did not want to give the championship bonus to the 4am team in vain.

Therefore, this is completely a carnival for many teams that have signed on the Douyu live broadcast platform.

If we talk about the signings of teams like Douyu Live Broadcasting Platform before, we may think that without the 4am team, even if they win the championship, there will be no gold content.

But now, they don't think so at all.

Without the 4am team, it's time for them to show off their skills.

Therefore, the 4am team is waiting to see what happens, watching the fire from the other side.

Watching the NH team, 17 team, OMG team, PeRo team and other teams fighting madly, it is difficult to distinguish.

Under this kind of chicken competition system, even if it is as strong as the NH team, it cannot dominate.

The same goes for other teams.

So the competition is extremely fierce.

Li Hao, on the other hand, has nothing to do all day long to live broadcast the fairy clothes. He goes to the company once a week to live broadcast the goods.

Then I spent time quietly with my two sons, who are now a few months old and have grown white and fat.

What's more important is that Li Hao's twin sons don't look like sons at all, but like daughters, not noisy and very well-behaved.

In this case, there is no need for Li Hao or Fang Ziling to worry.

One day the two brothers ate and slept, and slept and ate. Of course take them out for a walk every day.

The well-behaved twin sons are extremely white, plump and very happy. Every day, Fang Ziling's three brothers simply dare not go back to the Fang family villa.

Because once they returned to the Fang family villa, when Lao Fang and his mother-in-law Qu Dinglan looked at the two fat boys who were white, plump and very festive, they couldn't help but scold them.

Anyway, it's a forced marriage.

In the end, the Douyu Golden Grand Prix came to an end.

The final battle was very tragic.

The NH team, the 17 team and the PeRo team had the same number of kills. In the final competition for kills, the NH team had one more kill than the 17 team and two more than the PeRo team.

Therefore, in the end, the NH team won the championship.

Team 17 ranked second.

As for the PeRo team, they are still the third in line.

After the Douyu Golden Grand Prix came to an end, the Huya Destiny Cup came next.

The Huya Destiny Cup also does not invite the teams that signed with Douyu Platform.

In this case, the 4am team will be even more unscrupulous.

Completely fearless, in the game, it can be said to be domineering.

In this case, other teams will not be able to prevent the 4am team from winning the championship.

After the 4am team won the Huya Destiny Cup championship.

At this moment, the 2021 Spring Split is finally coming.

As for the Spring Split, the rules are the same as last year. The winner of the Spring Split will get a ticket directly to the 3 Global Finals at the end of the year.

Similarly, teams participating in the Spring Split can receive varying amounts of World Championship points based on their ranking.

This is true for the Spring Split, and the Intercontinental Split after the Spring Split also has World Championship points.

Now, as the first league under the chicken competition system, the rules of the spring competition are definitely different from the past.

So in this case, no matter which team wants to win the spring championship.

The same is true for the 4am team. Although in the eyes of outside fans, the 4am team has established a dynasty.

But in Li Hao's heart, he feels that only by winning three consecutive global finals and becoming a triple world champion can the 4am team truly be called the dynasty in his heart.

Therefore, Li Hao is naturally determined to defend the world championship in this s3 global finals.

Of course, if you want to defend the S3 Global Finals world championship, you must start from the spring split.

The champion of the spring competition will directly receive a ticket.

The global finals will be held in China, not in the Magic City, but in the famous venue in the Imperial Capital.

Then, any professional player in the PCL region will want to win the global finals world championship in such a grand venue.

Of course, it is impossible for other teams in the PCL division to let the 4am team win the league for five consecutive years. I also want to break the 4am team’s monopoly on the league championship.

In addition, under the chicken-eating competition system, it is not that they have no chance.

At this time, the raging war in the spring competition began to burn.

Because it is a chicken competition format, the grouping in the spring competition is completely different from before.

In the past, the league was divided into three major competition areas.

But now the 2021 Spring Split is divided into five divisions.

Erangel Division, Vikendi Division, Miramar Division, Karajin Division, Paramo Division.

Each division has sixteen teams.

In other words, in the PCL League, the number of team seats in the main competition has increased to 80.

In this case, there will be a total of eighty teams in the PCL league.

One can imagine how fierce the competition is in the current PCL division.

Because the game of chicken is now completely popular all over the world, major capitals are particularly fond of it.

In this case, in the PCL division, teams will spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

Previously, when the teams in the PCL division participated in the three major cup competitions, those teams in the pclp or pdl were frantically playing promotion matches, just wanting to be promoted to pc doctors.

Finally, when the Spring Split was held, the number of team seats increased to 80.

For this reason, the PCL event organizing committee decided to divide the competition into five competition areas.

Being divided into five divisions, promotion to the group stage is particularly cruel.

In each division, only five teams can advance.

Moreover, there will no longer be an extra team quota for the weekly finals in the cold zone where the weekly champion is located.

This is true for several weeks of the regular season.

In the five divisions, the mid-week competition only allows five teams to advance to the weekly finals.

It can be said that this competition system is also very cruel.

This means that there are only five places, so you have to win the chicken.

In this case, the charm of the chicken game system will be fully demonstrated.

The spring championship prize money is still tens of millions.

Because there are six games, one game of chicken is enough to make it into the weekly rankings.

Before the war, Li Hao laughed and said: "In this mid-week competition format, we only need to eat a handful of chickens and we can almost get off work. However, to be on the safe side, it is most stable to eat two handfuls of chickens. As for the mid-week competition, there is no need at all. Make a special effort to make a six-in-one chicken!"

This represents a week, and every day has more to see.

Then similarly, for the mid-week competition, five divisions will need to be played for five days.

You know, these are almost all given by sponsors of the PCL division.

This is good news for every player who likes PUBG.

Plus two days of finals last week!

In this case, the 4am team will take the lead.

Chicken-eating competition system, chicken-eating is the main one.

Of course, it’s not just the PCL division, but also the PEL division and the NPL division. The leagues are very popular, and the atmosphere in 2.6 is very good.

Li Hao's words immediately relieved a lot of pressure on Wei Shen, Ba Shao and Brother Long.

"That's right, one island and one desert!" Wei Shen said with a smile.

Overall, this game is still very popular right now.

In the short term, it will continue to dominate League of Legends.

At this time, the whole world is focused.

In this way, the Spring Split Miramar Division started the mid-week split with enthusiasm on Monday.

The 4am team is still in the Miramar division.

But eating chicken is the most important thing.

After all, eating chicken has rankings.

"That's naturally the best!" Li Hao said with a smile.

Players in the PCL division "Of course, too..."

Of course, this does not mean that kill points are not important.

In this case, professional players in these competition regions can also have high incomes.

Officially, the teams are evenly placed in the five divisions, and there will be no death zone in any division.

Li Hao doesn't know which game 4am will compete in today, but as long as there is such a good circle, 4am will definitely not let it go.

They were too focused on winning, and Li Hao could see it.

Because the 4am team is competing!

And the Erangel Division is no longer a group of death.

It is conceivable how popular the PCL league is in China now.

The 4am team has now completely attracted the attention of global players.

In this case, it would be fair to all teams to just do it.

Finally, as the various competition rules of the Spring Split are announced one by one, the Spring Split officially begins. Among them, the Miramar division where the 4am team is located starts the mid-week survival competition on Monday.

Kill points, that's all secondary.

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