China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 42: Fixed angle, unresolved case, start-up

After receiving a text message from Lu Ping'an, the members of the Nortel production crew who had already been scheduled to be on campus were instantly startled, and then they gathered towards Hu Qingquan's office.

At the same time, the news that Lu Ping An was launching another project also quickly spread among Nortel students.

"Have you heard that Lu Ping'an is going to start a new movie again?"

"Real or fake, a short film or a movie?"

"Want to cast?"

"I don't know. If I really want to choose a role, I guess the teacher will tell me."


A group of sophomores and above were talking a lot.

The freshman students looked curious.

Jia Nailiang was about to make a move: "Senior Lu really knows how to cast actors in school?"

This question is of great interest to everyone, but no one can explain why.

"Really, what kind of actor does he want?"

"Maybe I will choose it. The senior said I didn't choose it last time."

"If we really choose, the competition will definitely be huge."

"It's a great choice."

"Are you going to get paid?"

"You're stupid. If you still get paid for the film, thank God for being able to act."


Compared to seniors, freshmen are a lot more naive and immature.

But this does not affect the students' curious admiration for Lu Ping'an and their yearning for movies.

Lu Ping'an, this magical senior, had already learned about it when they entered college.

In my freshman year, two short films won the Silver Bear and Palme d'Or.

He was even beaten deeply by his teacher because of it.

The short film "The Tuner" has become a compulsory teaching material in appreciation classes. No matter which department or which performing arts college in China, everyone has to do homework after watching it.

At the same time, there is also a big movie with a box office of over 30 million.

This is completely beyond what a student should achieve.

This is the obvious talent of a great director.

And he's only a sophomore now.

The great director is by my side!

There are also rumors in the school that Lu Ping'an will cast roles in the school for his projects.

Just like now, Lu Ping An is starting another project.

Sophomore Zhang Songwen and the others were summoned directly.

This shows that students still have opportunities.

How exciting.

It was said back then that I wanted to cast someone for the short film "The Tuner".

As a result, Zhang Songwen was practicing Mandarin with a stone in his mouth, and was accidentally seen by Lu Ping'an.

Then it was done!

So Zhang Songwen has now become a famous movie star!

This is a movie star!

There is also a scene where a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven. It is said that Zhou Yiwei is not very good at acting and only plays games. But because of his good play with Zhang Songwen, he has successfully participated in a big movie. He may become a movie star again in the future!

There are positive examples and there are negative examples.

Dong Xuan and Che Xiao, who were in the acting class back then, lost a huge opportunity just because they refused to show their underwear in front of the camera!

"What's wrong with wearing underwear? If it's me, I'll just take them off!"

"It's just that I don't have the spirit to dedicate myself to art. No wonder I miss a good opportunity."

A group of freshmen were discussing there, and Che Xiao and Dong Xuan once again covered their faces and fled. . .

There was a buzz of discussion in the teaching building, and there was also a buzz of discussion in the teachers' building.

"Lao Hu, this student is working on another project?"

"Yeah, Lao Hu is so lucky, tsk tsk."

"Do you know what the project is?"

"A big movie, the script is said to be amazing."

"Amazing? Oh, yes, this is the only way to have a safe journey."

"Any chance to take a look?"

"What, are you feeling itchy?"

"Nonsense, did Lao Hu say anything?"

"Not yet. He has just come back. Don't worry, he will tell you what's good."


The teachers looked at Hu Qingquan's office, with the door closed, chatting buzzingly.

But in Hu Qingquan's office, it was very quiet at this time.

A group of students who had been working together frowned as they read the script.

It wasn't until more than twenty minutes later that Hu Qingquan asked with a smile: "Do you understand the plot?"


"I understand somewhat."

"Still don't quite understand."

"It's a little scary."

"So weird..."

Everyone had different expressions and reactions.

This was all within Hu Qingquan's expectation.

He continued: "Next, let me tell you about physics first..."

Discussion of the script continued until noon.

After Hu Qingquan gave one last instruction to abide by the confidentiality agreement, a group of students walked out with a script in hand.

There was excitement and nervousness on his face.

The script is amazing. It is a group of art students who have not been immersed in the era of the information explosion. The physical settings sound amazing.

In addition, such a magical yet logical setting is actually very smooth in the script.

Everyone once again wrote the word "faithful" to Lu Ping'an in their hearts.

It's just not easy to complete such a script.

There are so many things that need to be done, and every detail cannot go wrong.

Because the clues are in the various details of the way of service.

A little mistake will have a lot of impact on the entire film.

And this is why Hu Qingquan summoned everyone today.

Only when everyone understands the theme and subtleties of the movie can they follow the idea of ​​​​Safe Road, so that everyone will not be confused when filming starts. We can even find mistakes together and then correct them. The rest of the actors join the group, and when they encounter Even those who don’t understand can quickly integrate into it.

In this way, the journey will be much easier.

"The next step is to determine the angle. What do you think?"

After everyone left, Hu Qingquan asked Lu Ping'an.

"There are a total of eight actors. Yan Danchen, Zhang Songwen, and Zhou Yiwei have been confirmed. Two more men and three women are needed. Of these five, I think we must have four older ones. We can't just use students."

Hearing this, Hu Qingquan once again recognized Lu Ping'an's idea: "This kind of drama that mainly focuses on lines really needs to find someone with more experience. It is best to have drama experience, and can lead the others. I suggest you bring Huang Lei on board." ."

"Teacher Huang, okay."

Lu Ping'an nodded. Huang Lei has rich experience in drama and has a good relationship with him. He can indeed be brought in, but he doesn't know yet whether he is free or not.

Lu Ping'an immediately called him.

Soon, after the other party knew the purpose of the visit, he readily agreed. At the same time, knowing that Lu Pingan still lacked a few experienced actors, Hou said that he would bring one more person over. Lu Pingan would decide by then.

Huang Lei took care of it, and then Lu Ping'an called Chen Kun.

Soon, Chen Kun readily agreed and also wanted to bring someone over.

There are already 7 of them. Lu Ping'an is not looking for anyone else for the time being. He will wait until Huang Lei and Chen Kun come over to see them.

In the afternoon, Huang Lei and Chen Kun arrived at Nortel.

And the people they brought looked familiar.

Huang Lei brought Hai Qing, his student.

Chen Kun brought Mr. Zhou, his best friend.

Chen Kun and Mr. Zhou just finished "Balzac's Little Tailor" a month ago. They had nothing to do at the moment and just happened to come over to have a look.

So the quality of this lineup immediately went up.

Huang Lei is one of the first generation of Four Xiaosheng. Chen Kun will be named one of the new generation of Four Xiaosheng in December this year. Mr. Zhou will also be officially named one of the first generation of Four Xiaosheng next year. Hai Qing is currently acting in dramas. I don’t know how strong she is, but I guess it won’t be too bad if she is recommended by Huang Lei. She is also Yan Danchen’s school girl, and they both know each other. Needless to say, Zhang Songwen has already become a famous actor in the film industry after starring in a movie. gain popularity.

In contrast, Zhou Yiwei, who was the protagonist for the first time, got a big advantage. With so many "big names", this was a way to elevate his status, but the pressure on him also became extremely huge.

But it’s not certain whether they will play it or not.

Mr. Zhou said: "Let's read the script. As long as it's passable, I'll be fine."

Lu Ping'an confidently took out the script, one for each person.

Next, the same expression appeared on the faces of the four people.

From confused, to serious, to amazing.

Chen Kun said to Mr. Zhou with some pride: "I just said that you will not come in vain."

Mr. Zhou nodded with his trademark hoarse voice: "It's really interesting, 'We think that there is another darker version of ourselves in a certain world, but in fact we are that dark side'. This sentence is great, Director Ping An , how did you come up with it?"

Lu Pingan shrugged: "I copied it. I have forgotten which book I copied it from."

Huang Lei smiled and said to everyone: "He is being modest, you know."

Lu Ping'an also smiled and said: "It was really copied."

Huang Lei ignored him, turned to Hai Qing and continued to show off: "I'm right, you will definitely have a surprise when you come today."

Hai Qing nodded: "It's indeed unexpected. Director Lu's thinking is really surprising, but I still don't understand it."

Lu Ping'an smiled and said, "It's okay. The entire crew will study it together for a while, and then we can start filming once we understand it."

Things settled down smoothly.

The script was good, the subject matter was unique, it didn't take up much time, half a month at most, and they could make friends, so the few of them decided without much hesitation.

Next is the matter of remuneration. Lu Ping'an also has a general understanding of the situation. The current highest salary for mainland actors is far less exaggerated than that of later generations. It will not be until next year that Zhao Wenzhuo's salary in "The Storm" will set a record, 100,000 per episode. He has already been famous for a long time, and he still has the status of a Hong Kong star.

Now, Huang Lei has also had a thorough discussion with Lu Ping'an. He said that the current external quotation is about 15,000 yuan per episode, and about 100,000 to 300,000 yuan for a movie. Mr. Zhou is about the same as him, and the two of them have basically squeezed into the front line.

Of course, this is a normal film and television drama. If it were to be released for half a month at most like the current "Comet", it might not be used yet, so it would have to be discounted.

In the end, everyone gave a friendly price. Huang Lei and Mr. Zhou both gave 50,000 yuan. Chen Kun, who is slightly less famous now, gave 30,000 yuan. Hai Qing gave 5,000 yuan. In addition, Yan Danchen and Zhang Songwen both gave 20,000 yuan, and Zhou Yiwei 5,000 yuan. The total remuneration was 180,000.

It's really cheap.

I have to say that compared with the sky-high remuneration later, the current actor's remuneration is really very beneficial to the work.

However, Lu Pingan also knows that this kind of friendly price accounts for part of the salary. In addition, starting next year, the salary of all actors, especially movie actors, will enter a stage of skyrocketing, and then step by step, towards 2.08 million a day.

There are two "Four Xiaosheng" and one "Four Xiaosheng" joining the team.

The popularity of "Comet" is already quite high in the future.

Lu Pingan decided that if the film performed well, he would give everyone a big red envelope.

With the matter settled, everyone agreed to start reading the script with the crew tomorrow.

Lu Ping'an continued to look for the last actor.

Han Wenwen is currently filming and has no schedule. This has been said for a long time.

He then thought of Gao Yuanyuan, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided to forget it. She was too beautiful, easily stole the spotlight, and her acting skills were mediocre, which affected his skills. She was still not single, and Tang Wei was similar. If she was not single, she could just pass, and instead of giving them the advantage, , it is better to make your own girlfriend cheaper.

Yan Danchen had mentioned to him before that her best friend He Lin had had some trouble at home and was short of money now.

Although she didn't mention Lu Pingan's help, Lu Pingan also made a note of it. Now that there is an opportunity, He Lin is indeed more suitable. She has a gentle appearance and good acting skills. She is suitable for the role, so she might as well give it to her.

Yan Danchen was very happy when he found out, and flew into the sky that night with Lu Ping'an in his care.

In the end, the matter was settled, and the salary was not expensive, 20,000 yuan, which was a reverse friendship price, so I thought it was a help to her.

It was only when Lu Pingping arrived the next day that he realized a problem.

Who is the mother of Chen Kun's son?

At this time, Chen Kun's son was almost due to be born.

There are rumors that the heroine of this unsolved case is He Lin.

Because He Lin didn't have any drama in 2001.

And the two of them seemed to have had a relationship.

So if she comes, will it be awkward with Chen Kun?

However, after Lu Ping'an asked Yan Danchen, he found out that He Lin and Chen Kun had a good relationship, but not to that point.

Sure enough, when He Lin arrived, she took a look at the crew and found that they all knew each other. She and Mr. Zhou had acted together in "Ci of the Ming Dynasty", Huang Lei was her teacher, and she didn't have any weird feelings with Chen Kun. .

Now it's better, the crew has a better understanding of each other.

Lu Pingan is very satisfied and has more confidence in "Comet".

Four days later, the rehearsal for the "Comet" crew ended, the crew completed preparations, and officially started shooting.

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