China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 43 Finale, five generations later on the list


After shouting "click" again, Lu Ping'an said to Yiwei Yiwei, who had dyed yellow hair and a buzzcut, "Yiwei, act a little more panicked and show off your inner drama. In the close-up, you look like wood. This doesn't work. Adjust it." , and Awen, please sit a little further to the left, blocking Kun'er's face."

"Okay, give me three minutes."

Zhou Yiwei quickly wiped his face.

Mr. Zhou also went up to teach him immediately.

Huang Lei continued to discuss positions with Zhang Songwen and others.

Then the filming started again, and Lu Pingan shouted "Ka" again.

This time the target of the attack is Ning Hao: "Mouse, please shake the camera a little more, yes, I want a bit of a documentary feel, Xiao Wang, don't move your camera position, yes..."

"Okay, is this okay?"

"Okay, that's it."

"The Night When the Comet Came", as a truly independently-directed movie by Lu Pingan, Lu Pingan attaches great importance to.

When I started filming the short film "The Tuner" before, because it was a short film with few scenes, it was easy to adapt the lines. If I just copied it, it didn't seem to be difficult.

But later when he was filming the big movie "The Tuner", he actually felt that he was beyond his capabilities.

With Jiang Wen's help, many times the restoration of the scene exceeds 100%, and it is even easier to exceed 90%. But Lu Ping'an knows that without his help, the number of shots that exceed 90% in ten shots is less than half. .

This is the same as the beginning of the short film "The Tuner". Among the 13 NG passes, only 5 times exceeded 90%, and there were not many overshoots. Most of them were bad shots, and then the film was wasted.

The filming of "Comet" was similar this time.

Less than half of the lens restoration degree exceeds 90%.

The number of NGs occurred again and again. On the first day, the average number of NGs in each scene reached a terrifying eleven times.

But the cast and crew members who know him well aren't too surprised.

Isn’t this what road directors are doing when making films?

Actors who are not familiar with him, such as Mr. Zhou, Hai Qing and He Lin, will indeed feel that Lu Pingan is a bit too serious at first.

Later, Zhang Songwen said directly: "Director Lu's famous saying, shots that pass the test within five times are garbage."

So everyone understood.

The road guide is really strict.

Lu Pingan himself had dark lines all over his face.

When did he say this?

But he didn't refute it.

Because after being mentally prepared for NG at least five times, everyone's performance state became much more relaxed.

The pressure on the crew's props, makeup artists, and set managers is also much less.

Gradually, every time I heard the road guide shout "passed" within 5 times of NG, everyone became as happy as if they were encouraged.

Unfortunately, there really aren't many such times.

Mr. Zhou nodded in praise: "So Ping An's standards have always been very high. To be more precise, his standards have been getting higher."

"Yes." Huang Lei also agreed, "Jiang Wen told me at the time that there would be no bad films in Lu Ping'an's future films."

Lu Ping'an's ears were sharp, and his face became hot again after hearing it.

Are my standards ever getting higher?

My abilities are really limited!

"Okay, all units, please pay attention and prepare... Action!"

. . . . . .

The filming of "Comet" is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Because of the high pressure of filming, I haven't been close to Yan Danchen these days.

Yan Danchenbao was fully understanding, so sometimes she would thoughtfully help Lu Pingan cook some delicious food, and feed him in different ways every day. When she finished eating, she would meet up with He Lin, and then she and Lu Pingan would go to the set separately. .

He Lin did her best to cover.

She knew that the two were together, and she also knew that they did not want to make it public for the time being.

As best friends, there is nothing else we can do but these.

This also gave Lu Pingan a good impression of this girl.

In addition, He Lin's acting skills are also good and her character is not bad. At least I haven't heard much about her since.

So he felt that he could be given more opportunities in the future.

Well, the main thing is to make Yan Danchen happy, who knows that this is her best friend.

Eight days later, on October 20, with the last "click" sound, "Comet" was completely finished.

[Congratulations to the host for completing "The Night When the Comet Came", the restoration degree is 93%, and the rewards have been distributed]

93%, Lu Pingping breathed a sigh of relief.

The results are not bad. It is the first independent film, and it is Chinese-language. Many lines have been adjusted. I am very satisfied with being able to achieve this step.

[Reward for "The Night When the Comet Comes": Language Learning Tenfold Enhancement Card (valid for 3 months). The time-sensitive reward can be claimed after the work is completed]

Booster card?

Lu Ping'an's eyes lit up.

This reward seems to be better than the average original reward.

It seems that the same original reward also has good and bad aspects.

But if you want to get it, you have to wait for the work to be completed.

The revolution has not yet succeeded, and there is still work to be done.

So far, the filming and preparation time for "Comet" has only taken 13 days, and the total cost including the salary is 346,000 yuan, which is more than 20,000 yuan more than Hu Qingquan expected, and 20,000 yuan less than Lu Ping'an expected. many.

Lu Ping'an feels that he has made progress.

He feels that the next film can reach over 95%.

Don't be in a hurry, take your time, and one day you will be able to surpass it.

On the day of filming, Jiang Wen called.

"Would you like to come to the movie screening of "The Hunting Gun"?"

He remembered it as soon as he said the journey was safe.

Shooting of "The Gun" started in June and was completed in August. It has been editing ever since. Until a few days ago when the shooting of "Comet" started, Jiang Wen had already called him and said that the first cut was almost completed and would be reviewed. During the film meeting, Lu Pingan was one of the investors, so he invited him to watch the film together.

"When and where?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, Nortel small screening room."

"Okay, I will definitely come."

That night, the main creators of "Comet" had a good drink at the hotel.

At the finals banquet, Mr. Zhou and Hai Qing said to Lu Pingan without any surprise: "Don't forget me next time you have a project."

Lu Pingan answered without surprise: "Of course I will tell you if there is a suitable one, come on, they are all in the wine."

Huang Lei was talking all the time during the meal. He always had endless topics to talk about, and he had a lot of fun chatting with a group of students.

Chen Kun is a little busy and always goes out to answer the phone.

Lu Ping'an guessed that his child was about to be born, right?

He decided that if he could get him drunk today, he would solve the case.

Unfortunately, he left half an hour early and drank three glasses of wine before leaving, looking really embarrassed.

Lu Ping'an felt a little regretful and turned his head towards Yiwei Yi.

Zhou Yiwei looked bitter: "I'll drink, I'll drink!"

In the whole movie, he is the most NG, but he is not allowed to drink.

Ning Hao brought his girlfriend here, can he let this go? So Ning Hao, get down too!

The closing banquet lasted until 11 o'clock, and Lu Ping'an was still the most sober one. He closed the stalls for everyone one by one and was still waiting in the hotel room, never letting everyone have any worries, including He Lin.

He Lin is such a good woman, she knows how to leave enough space for Lu Pingan and Yan Danchen.

It's just that it's better to go home than stay in a hotel, so tonight, the two of them had another big fight.

At noon the next day, Lu Pingping arrived at the Nortel small screening room as scheduled.

The first cut of "The Gun" premieres on October 21st.

At 2 pm, the small screening room was already overcrowded.

Generally speaking, this kind of film viewing meeting is actually a film review meeting for the leadership of the film production unit China Film Group, but people from all walks of life who got the news came in droves.

It is said that even though the production of "The Gun Hunt" has not been fully completed, some overseas film institutions have already contacted investors to purchase its overseas copyrights, which is also rare for Chinese films.

In the words of Hu Qingquan at the scene, the reason why people pay so much attention to the directorial debut of young director Lu Chuan is that people have great expectations for the young generation of Chinese filmmakers.

Hu Qingquan smiled and said: "If there is a screening party for your new film, it will probably be so lively."

I don’t know if watching the new movie will be popular or not, but now Lu Ping An has been noticed by reporters.

As a director who, like Lu Chuan, is a post-fifth generation director and has achieved impressive results, Lu Ping'an will naturally not be let off by reporters.

Therefore, when many reporters interviewed Jiang Wen and Lu Tailang before the film screening, they also interviewed Lu Ping'an.

Among them was Feng Ke, whom he had met once before, and Zhuo Wei, who he also met on the other side. Now he is in the "Daily News" and is mainly responsible for reporting movie news.

For reporters, Lu Pingan also gave "Looking for a Gun" a lot of face.

"I am honored to have a cameo appearance. I think this film will definitely be a success."

"I have a general understanding of the story of the film, but in the end I still have to watch the edited film."

"My new movie? Let's talk about this later. Today is for "Looking for a Gun"."

Jiang Wen, am I enough to give you face?

Soon the film started playing.

It’s pretty much the same as what I remember, but I didn’t quite understand it the first time.

However, the scene still gave high praise.

There was endless applause.

After the movie, Lu Pingping was fine. He found an opportunity to say hello and left.

When Jiang Wen finished his work in the evening, he had another drink.

This time, Jiang Wen was in high spirits, but Lu Tailang was obviously much silent.

Lu Ping'an doesn't care about him, as long as the film is profitable.

The portal reported this early the next morning:

"After the "fifth generation" created a world for Chinese films in the world, today's young Chinese filmmakers have attracted the attention of the world with their flexible control of film language and experimental practice. Ning Jingwu's "Silent" The Chinese poetic film style shown in "The River"; Lou Ye's "Suzhou River" tells the ancient love myth in the most modern image style; Lu Ping'an's "The Tuner" presents the most avant-garde script style Thrilling stories, etc. These films, with their own unique artistic innovation, have enriched the diverse forms of Chinese art film practice. The emergence of "The Gun" can give us real expectations for Chinese commercial films."

Unknowingly, I have truly become one of the directors who will definitely be mentioned after the fifth generation of directors.

Thanks to "book friend tail number 1282", "little stone in the waves", "mint constant love", "ordinary boy", "book friend tail number 7317", "meow eating watermelon", "MING", "Lei Lai Smile" for their monthly votes, and " Thank you very much for the reward!

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