He didn't know if Yu Dong had insomnia, but Jiang Heng slept soundly.

His original purpose was just to handle domestic review and distribution.

The moment I saw Yu Dong, I had the idea of ​​forming a publishing company because this person was the most suitable.

Firstly, he has the idea of ​​​​starting his own business, secondly, he has strong business capabilities and channel relationships, and thirdly, he is generally kind to his partners.

As for the Wang brothers, when they think about the $80 million commercial dispute between Zhou Xingxing and Huayi, they have no idea of ​​cooperation.

Wang Changtian, who founded Guangxian Media, is also a talented person, but he is still a journalist, and he is almost incompetent in the film industry.

It can be said that Jiang Heng has no suitable partner except Yu Dong.

The problem was that Yu Dong didn't know. After returning home, he thought about it for a long time, and finally called his brother-in-law and told him what happened today.

The latter also knew that this man had long wanted to go to the sea, but he did not expect such an opportunity.

"From your perspective over the years, what is the box office prospect of that film?"

"Except for the unknown lead actor, the whole movie is top-notch, especially the special effects scenes. If you haven't seen it, it's really shocking!"

"Compared to last year's "Twister"?"

"It can't be compared at all. It's just a disaster movie with a passable picture... I understand what you mean. The main creators of "Tornado" are not well-known in China, but they made 5,000 yuan by relying on shocking disaster scenes. More than 10,000 yuan in box office...!" Yu Dong said loudly.

The movie "Tornado" is a disaster film produced by Warner Bros. in the United States. In Yu Dong's opinion, the plot and characters are quite average, but the pictures are more shocking. It took over 50 million in box office, ranking second in the mainland's annual box office in 1996. name.

The "Matrix" brought by Jiang Heng clearly surpasses "Tornado" in all aspects. As long as there are no mistakes in the release and the promotion is effective, it will have a guaranteed box office of more than 60 million!

The divisible income of the producers and distributors is about more than 20 million yuan. If calculated based on a ten-point distribution commission, it is an operating income of more than 2 million yuan!

If the share ratio is higher, even if it is only 20%, the income will be more than 400,000 yuan!

400,000, how much drinking and how many years does he have to save to get it?

At the worst possible outcome, you can split the money after doing this, and then set up a company entirely of your own.

As for Beiying, you can apply for a leave of absence without pay, and there won't be much loss.

After some advice from her brother-in-law, Yu Dong finally thought clearly about the relationship and decided to cooperate with Jiang Heng.

Historically, he had brought his sister, brother-in-law, brother and others together to pool money to start a business. This time he could just rely on himself!

Turning around, Yu Dong came to see Jiang Heng again and said directly: "Mr. Jiang, actually I thought about it carefully, who else should I choose to partner with?"

Jiang Heng smiled, knowing that this person was not easy to fool, "Oh, then tell me, why?"

“If Hong Kong films want to be distributed in the mainland, there are several key issues that must be resolved, otherwise they will not achieve very good results.

The first is to pass the review. It is ideal to not cut the film. If it is not met, it must be cut so as not to affect the main plot line and the audience's understanding of the film. Therefore, your partner must be able to solve this problem.

The second is the distribution channel network. There is currently no dedicated film distribution company in China. The distribution departments of major studios are responsible for their own film distribution. Beijing Film Studio has a strong background and the largest distribution network in the country. The current distribution I am the director of the center!

Of course, Mr. Jiang can also find someone else, but I believe there will be no one more suitable!

For example, the Wang brothers who came yesterday have some relationship backgrounds and may be able to solve the trial problem. But they worked in GG before and have never been involved in film distribution. Do you think they can do it well? "

After Jiang Heng heard this, he couldn't help but applaud.

"I have to admit that what you said is correct at all. But it was my impromptu idea to find someone to partner with and set up a distribution company to distribute my own movies. If we follow the conventional rules, when a Hong Kong filmmaker comes to the mainland, he will definitely find someone to work with. Cooperating with major film studios is to save worry and effort.

After all, this movie is going to be distributed globally, so I don’t have much time to waste here.

Therefore, to me, this matter is nothing more than the difference between earning more and earning less.

I can choose to give up the idea of ​​taking this risk and stick to the regular routine, or you can choose to take a bold plunge! "

After Jiang Heng said that, he glanced at the Rolex on his wrist, "Well, my time is limited, please tell me your offer for the last time!"

Yu Dong was slightly frustrated after hearing this. His guess was correct, but the gap between the two sides was too great, and it was impossible for them to cooperate equally.

Because this matter doesn't make much difference to Jiang Heng, but it is very important to him.

Yu Dong took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and finally said: "The proportion of agency issuance must reach 10%, and my shares in the company must not be less than 18%!"

He eventually increased the stakes, but it was lower than his psychological bottom line because he was really afraid that Jiang Heng would cancel the cooperation in anger.

But I’m really not willing to accept too much less!

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became solemn. Jiang Heng was silent for a moment and said: "Okay, just 18%. I will give you 420,000, and you will take 80,000 to start a publishing company together!"


Yu Dong reached out his hand excitedly, thinking about the benefits after success. At least at this moment, he no longer cares about the number of shares.

Jiang Heng is considered a Hong Kong businessman, Yu Dong has extensive contacts, and the new company is not short of money. Both office space and business licenses were obtained very quickly. In mid-October, everything was completed.

During this period, Jiang Heng also solved the problem of approval, and finally a few cuts were made, but fortunately it did not affect the understanding and development of the plot.

Then there was the issue of the schedule. The annual box office champion "Jurassic Park 2" has been released in the summer, and the second-ranked "Opium War", the third-ranked "A Good Man", the fourth-ranked "Heaven Falls", and the fifth-ranked "Say It Well" have all been released.

The most competitive should be Feng's "Party A and Party B". In the original history, this movie was released on December 14, 1997. It was reported that it achieved a box office of 30 million, won the box office champion of Chinese movies in 1998, and established the concept of "New Year's Day".

This statement is biased, and it will make many people mistakenly believe that the box office champion of the mainland released films in 1998 was only 30 million yuan.

But in fact, the box office champion of the mainland released films in 1998 was the famous "Titanic", which achieved a box office of 360 million yuan that year.

Even a few years ago, a box office of 30 million would not win the annual championship.

For example, the box office champion in 1995 was "True Lies" starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, with a box office of 103 million yuan.

In 1996, it was "Simple Tasks" starring Cheng Long, with a box office of 80 million yuan.

The Chinese film market in the 1990s was indeed a bit sluggish, but it was not the state that almost no one watched as exaggerated in some media reports.

As long as the quality of the film is good, the box office revenue is not bad.

"The film "Party A and Party B" was produced by Beijing Film Academy, with Director Han as the producer and Ge You as the star. To be honest, we had thought of many plans for the production and distribution of this film before!"

In the office of the newly established "Bo Na" film distribution company, Jiang Heng and Yu Dong were discussing the release date.

In Yu Dong's opinion, it is natural to avoid the release date of "Party A and Party B".

Firstly, it is not appropriate to compete with the old company for the release date of the new film after completing the unpaid leave.

Secondly, he thinks Ge You is quite popular, and the film is also said to be quite funny, and he is afraid that they will affect the box office.

His suggestion is to postpone the release to 1998.

But Jiang Heng didn't think so. There is no such thing as a "National Day" now, and November is a historically off-season.

If the Lunar New Year period in December is given up, it can only be postponed to February 98 or later.

But the period after the Lunar New Year is also a off-season. "Titanic" will be released in April, and the summer vacation is too long. After thinking about it, the Lunar New Year period is the most suitable time period.

Jiang Heng expressed his thoughts, including the prediction of the release date of "Titanic", and Yu Dong was very entangled.

He wanted to avoid the Lunar New Year period and find another release date, and he also wanted to compete with "Party A and Party B" to make those mocking and questioning voices disappear.

The reason is also simple. His application for unpaid leave caused a huge sensation in the Beijing Film Studio. Many people said that he was deceived by a Hong Kong person.

Some people even broke the news that Jiang Heng was a liar who made a science fiction movie that he didn't know what it was, and somehow fooled Yu Dong.

He was the director of the distribution department of Beijing Film Studio, but he left to start a joint venture company and wanted to distribute science fiction movies in Hong Kong. Does that place produce science fiction movies?

For a while, Yu Dong became the hottest topic in Beijing Film Studio. People who knew him or not talked about Yu Dong.

He was busy with the establishment and opening of a new company, so he naturally couldn't hear these words, but someone still briefly relayed them, which made him angry!

But he was from Beijing Film Studio, and it was really unreasonable for him to distribute other movies to compete with his old boss.

"I still think it's not appropriate to choose the Lunar New Year period!" Yu Dong said unconfidently.

Jiang Heng glanced and guessed roughly in his mind.

"If I were to act arbitrarily, I would choose that time slot for the release!"

Yu Dong smiled, "You are the major shareholder, if you insist on releasing it in that time slot, then I can only do it!"

"Okay, let's choose this time slot, and the time, let's choose December 19th!"

The 19th is Friday, and the first day of the release plus Saturday and Sunday will generally have a good first weekend box office performance.

The release cycle of mainland movies is generally about one month, and there are still ten days before the Chinese New Year on January 19th, so it can be said that it is not greatly affected by the Spring Festival travel rush and the Spring Festival holiday.

The only one that has some impact is Feng's "Party A and Party B", but the two have different styles and types, and the mutual influence is not too great.

After all, few people watch two comedy movies in a row in the same time period, usually one of the two.

There is nothing wrong with watching science fiction and then comedy.

After the release time of the film in the mainland was determined, Jiang Heng flew back to Hong Kong Island.

His goal is to distribute the film worldwide. Even if it cannot cover remote countries and regions, he still has to find ways to distribute the film in major box office areas such as the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan.

For these places, it is difficult and inefficient to actively seek distribution, and it is even more impossible to use the method of co-developing a distribution company with Yu Dong.

As long as it is released in Hong Kong and achieves good results, film distributors from all over the country will naturally come to discuss cooperation. Hong Kong films before this were basically in this model.

And to distribute the film, it is necessary to discuss cooperation with several major theaters. Unfortunately, Jiang Heng had no dealings with those theaters before, which is a bit troublesome!

After thinking about it, he had to ask someone with a particularly strong network of connections to help.

Jiang Heng thought about it for a while and thought of Sammo Hung. He invited Sammo Hung, Yuen Wah, Yuen Biao, Yuen Kwai and others to his company to watch the film in advance through Yuan De.

Among them, except Sammo Hung, the others were quite interested in Jiang Heng's new film.

Because I knew about this when I was selecting the female lead, and we were both in the Shaw Brothers Clearwater Bay Studios, so we had some interactions.

Yuen Kwai, Yuen Biao and others were extremely depressed after the box office failure of "Ma Yongzhen".

I especially wanted to know how the film they shot with them would turn out. If everyone flopped together, would they feel better?

In the meeting room of Youteng Films, the fat but flexible Hong Jinbao looked at the large swivel chair of the boss and twisted it with his hand.

"Not bad, you picked a bigger chair for me!"

Yuan De laughed and said, "If it's too small, it won't fit!"

Sammy Hung asked, "You really haven't seen it before?"

Yuan De said, "I'm so busy, how can I have time! Besides, I'm just a martial arts director and villain, I don't care about these!"

Sammy Hung nodded slightly, and said in a slightly lower voice, "Then I'll say it clearly, if the film is not good, I won't have the face to ask Mr. Zou (Zou Wenhuai), let alone others!"

Yuan De said, "I know, I know! Just think of it as a stroll here. If it doesn't work, I definitely can't force it!"

Yuen Kwai suddenly said, "I heard that he went to the mainland a while ago?"

He also found that the Hong Kong film and television industry was becoming more and more difficult, and he planned to leave, but he didn't decide whether to go to Hollywood or the mainland.

Yuan De said, "He said he went there and has contacted the distribution company and set a release date!"

"When? He said it will be during the Lunar New Year, December!"

Hong Jinbao looked solemn, "December? Andy Lau's Black Gold seems to be released in December!"

"Black Gold? China Star, produced by the Xiang family?"

"Yes, starring Andy Lau and Liang Jiahui!"

"That's not easy to do!"

The brothers and sisters discussed it, and none of them were willing to get involved, because there was no interest involved!

If you offend people for a bad movie, it would be a loss!

While talking, a clerk brought tea and snacks, and Jiang Heng followed in. After a few greetings, he connected the projector and played "The Matrix".

The people in the conference room can be said to be one of the best in the Hong Kong film industry. Some of them can be directors and scriptwriters, and their skills are very good. Their appreciation ability is absolutely beyond reproach.

The more so, the more shocked by the content of this film.

Because laymen don't know how impressive it is, they often shout "wow, wow, wow!"

But people like Sammo Hung and Yuen Kwai know how difficult it is to shoot such a scene when the crew is shooting.

Especially the scene where the male protagonist Neo dodges the bullet for the first time, Sammo Hung couldn't think of any way to shoot it.

"I can't believe that the special effects shots are so realistic!"

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