China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 11: Stephen Chow and Cheng Long compete in the Spring Festival

After 2000, in the mainland film market, if you want to achieve impressive box office results, it is essential to gain scheduling advantages.

But in Hong Kong, during the prime time of several theaters, the films produced by their own companies must be released.

So the box office results of a film depend on its quality on the one hand, and also on whether it has theater support on the other.

A typical example is Jet Li, who is known as the Kung Fu Emperor, but when "Chow and Yi Cheng" competed for dominance in the film industry in the early 1990s, his films never appeared in the "Spring Festival period".

The reason is also simple. The top brother of Jiahe is Cheng Long, and the best Spring Festival period must be reserved for him, so Jet Li can only be relegated to the summer period.

After Jet Li left Jiahe, his agent was shot, and he reached a settlement with Jiahe after mediation by the middleman, the films shot by Zhendong Pictures were still released in Jiahe, and naturally they still could not get the Lunar New Year period.

During this period, Jet Li shot several films for Yongsheng, but at that time, Yongsheng's top general Zhou Xingxing was in the limelight, and Jet Li still could not get the Spring Festival period.

It was not until 1997, when Hong Kong movies were on the decline, that Jet Li entered the Spring Festival with "Once Upon a Time in China: The Lion of the Western Region" because Chow Yun-fat left Hollywood, and started a box office war with Jackie Chan and Stephen Chow.

Therefore, in the Hong Kong film market, no matter how good a film is, it must have theaters willing to cooperate to achieve impressive box office results.

Of course, if the film is so strong that it can beat other theaters' popular films that are losing ground, and you have to release your film to make money, that's another story.

But in the era of "Shuang Zhou Yi Cheng", it was almost impossible.

Nowadays, Chow Yun-fat has left and Stephen Chow has reduced production, and films not invested in by theaters also have the opportunity to be released during the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival in 1998 was a very good opportunity.

Jackie Chan's "Who Am I" is as classic as ever, but Hong Kong people have seen the same routine too many times, and they are a little visually fatigued.

Originally, it only achieved a box office of more than 38 million in Hong Kong, far lower than "Rumble in the Bronx" in 1995 and "Simple Mission" in 1996.

As for Stephen Chow's "The Lucky Guy", the box office was even worse, less than 30 million.

The reason is simple, this movie was also a way to repay a favor.

At that time, Stephen Chow had already set up his own Xinghui Company and did not plan to shoot other directors' works, but Wang Jing and Li Lichi found him, so he had no choice but to make a cameo appearance, and then he became the protagonist. The quality of the film can be imagined.

Therefore, the fierce competition in the 1998 Spring Festival was greatly reduced compared with previous years.

Among them, Jiahe Cinema Line must be specially showing Cheng Long's "Who Am I", and the only two remaining cinemas are Jinsheng and Xinbao.

Speaking of the cinema system in the Hong Kong film industry, it can be traced back to the 1950s.

At that time, the production cost was relatively low, and the salary of the star protagonist was only more than 1,000 yuan. One or two theaters could make the movie pay for itself, which was the embryonic stage of the development of Hong Kong cinemas.

In the 1960s, it became the world of Shaw Brothers. Of course, there is also a cinema chain called Lisheng, which specializes in distributing small and medium-cost films produced by small companies other than Shaw Brothers.

In the early 1970s, Jiahe was established, forming three Hong Kong film cinema chains: Shaw Brothers, Jiahe, and Lisheng.

In the 1980s, Lisheng was renamed Golden Princess. Because New One City scheduled films at Golden Princess and produced a series of hit movies, Golden Princess became the second largest cinema chain after Jiahe.

Later, New One City was disbanded, and Golden Princess also closed down, replaced by the Jinsheng Cinema Chain established by Chen Rongmei.

Shaw Cinema Chain first became Debao, then became Xinbao, and also separated out a Yonggao Cinema Chain.

In 1993, the most glorious year for Hong Kong films, Wong Pak-ming established the Oriental Cinema Chain, which resulted in five cinema chains in Hong Kong at one time, resulting in a shortage of films and a large increase in shoddy films, which to a certain extent led to the decline of Hong Kong films.

As a result, Yonggao withdrew after losing money and changing its name. In 1996, Oriental merged with Xinbao, which was equivalent to withdrawing from the arena.

In the following three years of 1997, 1998 and 1999, Hong Kong films were at a low ebb, and the three cinema chains of Jiahe, Jinsheng and Xinbao have always been the focus.

Among them, Jiahe is difficult to cooperate with, but Jinsheng and Xinbao are under great revenue pressure, so it is still possible to release the film in their cinema chains.

Sammo Hung participated in the establishment of the Debao Cinema Chain, which is considered a part of today's Xinbao Cinema Chain, and there are still many acquaintances.

Jinsheng originated from the New Princess of the year, and the New Princess was all dependent on New One City.

Sammo Hung once co-produced a movie "The Lucky Stars" with Mai Jia of New One City, and they also have a lot of origins.

One more thing to say is that this man came from Jiahe, and his Baohe Company was the largest satellite company of Jiahe for a long time, and he was considered a general of Jiahe.

In short, the relationship between the Hong Kong film industry, cinema chains, and companies is complicated, but when it comes to the most extensive network of contacts, there are really few people who can compare with Sammo Hung.

Jiang Heng invited Sammo Hung to watch the film, naturally to use his extensive network of contacts to help "The Matrix" be released in Hong Kong.

If you want the other party to participate and help him compete with Cheng Long, you naturally need extraordinary strength.

Judging from Hong Jinbao's performance after watching the movie, Jiang Heng succeeded.

Don't think that he will not help Jiang Heng because he has a strong relationship with Cheng Long.

It should be noted that the conception and creativity of "Huang Feihong: The Lion of the Western Region" was thought up by Cheng Long. After telling Hong Jinbao, the latter directly took it to cooperate with Jet Li to shoot "The Lion of the Western Region", and it was released during the Spring Festival, which almost pissed Cheng Long off to death.

In other words, the relationship between the two is so good that they can resolve it.

"What schedule do you want to choose for this film?"

Hong Jinbao has cooperated with others in various ways in his life, provided that the other party is capable. Now that he sees the advanced world view and explosive special effects of "The Matrix", his "heart of cooperation" can no longer be suppressed.

"I think the Spring Festival period is very good!" Jiang Heng said slowly.

"Isn't it too risky?" Yuan Hua said.

Hong Jinbao waved his hand boldly, "I think it can be done. Now that Zhou Yunfa has gone to Hollywood, only Aaron and Zhou Xingxing are left in the 1998 Spring Festival. If there is some hype and Jiang Heng's new film will be involved, the three-party war will definitely attract people. The audience’s eyeballs.”

Yuande smiled. He recognized Hong Jinbao's words, but said, "Isn't it too exaggerated?"

"If that's not enough, let's just say that "The Matrix" uses Hollywood's most advanced visual effects technology and will replicate the impressive results of films such as "Jurassic Park 2" and become the annual box office champion in 1998!"

Hong Jinbao continued, obviously knowing how to hype things up.

Now, those brothers can't sit still.

The annual box office champion in 1998, this is going to be an instant hit!

Those of them who participate in this will definitely get some credit!

Yuan Biao patted Yuan De on the shoulder, "If that were to happen, wouldn't you want to win the Best Supporting Actor?"

Yuande felt a little numb after hearing this. After being in the film industry for so many years, who wouldn't want to win an award to prove himself?

Hong Jinbao said: "Those are all trivial matters. I think the key to the problem is to break the box office myth of "100% on every two weeks" and give the Hong Kong film industry a new type of film, which is a new way out!"

After hearing this, several people groaned.

Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet, this person is almost the first to feel the decline of Xiangjiang movies.

As a filmmaker in Hong Kong, who doesn’t miss that era when everyone was crazy and prosperous?

It's a pity that it's all over.

Hong Jinbao looked at the silent Jiang Heng and said, "Don't worry about the theater chain. I'll be in charge of Jinsheng and Xinbao. It's definitely the prime time for the Spring Festival."

Jiang Henggong raised his hand and said, "Thank you very much for the expenses!"

Hong Jinbao glared and said with great force: "You are looking down on me when you say this! Am I helping you for money? Do I, Hong Jinbao, lack that little money?"

Jiang Heng's expression was stern, and he didn't know how to answer the question.

Yuan Hua smiled and said: "If there is a suitable role or position in the future, just remember us brothers!"

In "The Matrix", he played a traitor who colluded with Smith. His role was limited, and he was afraid that he would not get a supporting actor award.

But if Jiang Heng can really become a major international director who specializes in special effects films and always wants to use them, the benefits will be too many.

As for the distribution costs, it is difficult to calculate the money. Furthermore, with the quality of the film of "The Matrix", it is worthwhile to go directly to Jinsheng and Xinbao Cinemas.

It would be a bit unpleasant to have to collect money.

After discussing for a while, they realized they were hungry and went out to cook by the stove together.

In the box, Jiang Heng sat next to Hong Jinbao and was surrounded by the other "Seven Little Fortunes" brothers. The treatment was different from the last dinner party.

During the dinner, Hong Jinbao couldn't help but whispered: "In fact, I have nothing to achieve in my life. I just have a son who is not very successful. I have a suitable role. I hope he can give it a try!"

Jiang Heng smiled bitterly after hearing this, and immediately accepted the offer, "Don't worry, brother, I will definitely consider using him if I have a suitable role in my future filming!"

"Good brother, let me do one!"

Hong Jinbao was so brave that he raised a glass and did it.

Jiang Heng hurriedly drank a cup and sighed inwardly after putting it down.

These days, you are really fighting for your father everywhere!

Even the entertainment industry, which relies heavily on talent, has become involved. How many second-generation stars have joined the group through their parents' connections, and their performances are a mess!

But when he was in it, he really couldn't refuse!

Yuan Hua said: "Director Jiang, there should be a second part of your film, right?"

Seeing several people looking at him, Jiang Heng said shyly: "There is a second part!"

"When do you plan to shoot?"

"It will definitely take a few years!"

"Will it be possible in a few years? It's easy for others to follow suit!"

"That's right, especially that boy Wang Jing, he will definitely make a spoof movie!"

Jiang Hengdao: "My movie series is not something that others can follow if they want. As for director Wang Jing, as long as it doesn't go too far, it will be fine!"

These people were slightly disappointed when they heard this, and they also felt too anxious. After all, the film has not been released yet, and the decision must be made based on the box office results.

Hong Jinbao said: "It's almost the Spring Festival. Once we've decided on theaters and film schedules, everything will be fine. Have you thought of a new film?"

"Not yet, I plan to see the box office results first!"

After listening to this, everyone felt that Jiang Heng could keep his composure, so they stopped asking about his plans.

After drinking and chatting for a while, they dispersed.

Another day later, Hong Jinbao went to two theaters, Jinsheng and Xinbao.

Both of these companies were preparing to release Zhou Xingxing's "One Train" during the Spring Festival of 1998, but both were somewhat dissatisfied.

Because this film is said to be the work of Zhou Xingxing, but in fact Zhou Xingxing has very few scenes and can only be regarded as the second male lead.

What's even worse is that the quality is not that good either. Although you can make some money with Zhou Xingxing's name, it is almost impossible to sell it well at the box office.

The bosses of the two theater chains are still a little depressed because there are not enough good films to be released during such an important period as the Spring Festival.

After hearing from Hong Jinbao that Jiang Heng, who was previously regarded as a joke, had actually made a special effects blockbuster with a novel story and stunning visual effects, everyone became interested.

Jiang Heng was immediately invited to bring a copy to the cinema. After the preview, the bosses of the two cinemas were shocked.

Because no matter how you look at it, "The Matrix" doesn't look like something that a small supporting actor from Hong Kong who has always been a bit player can make.

Even if it is an action, zombie, comedy and other films with mature routines, Jiang Heng is already a genius for being able to make it.

It is not necessarily a famous director to make such an effect as "The Matrix"!

Although there are all kinds of doubts, no one can go against money.

The bosses of the two cinemas signed a distribution contract with Jiang Heng without much consideration, and set the date and the number of screenings.

In general, it is slightly less than Stephen Chow's "The Lucky Guy", but these two companies guarantee it.

If the first-week box office and attendance of "The Matrix" exceed "The Lucky Guy", the number of screenings will be increased.

Then, Jiang Heng began to carry out pre-release publicity activities.

The first move was naturally to announce to the media that the new film "The Matrix" of Youteng Pictures will compete for the box office champion of the 98 Spring Festival, and is confident that it will surpass "Who Am I" and "The Lucky Guy", opening the science fiction era of Hong Kong films.

This report shocked Hong Kong.

Many stars and film practitioners asked, who is Jiang Heng?

After learning that this person used to be a minor actor, his father died and his mother remarried at the beginning of the year, and he inherited a lot of inheritance and directed his own film, they cursed him!

Some scolded Jiang Heng for not knowing his own weight, and how much artistic attainments can a person who can't even get a supporting actor have, and he also learned to make movies from others. I really don't know how to write a fool!

Some scolded Jinsheng and Xinbao Cinema for messing around, and how much money did they charge Jiang Heng to arrange a bad movie to be released during the Spring Festival.

Among them, the most puzzled one is Xiang Huaqi, because Zhou Xingxing's "The Lucky Guy" was made by Wang Jing, Li Lichi and others, and released by Yongsheng Entertainment.

I was thinking about how this movie would perform at the box office and how much money it could make!

I heard this news the next day, and I was so depressed!

Because the so-called new movie had little impact on "Who Am I", which was exclusively in Jiahe Cinema Line, and it could not be scheduled there. But it greatly squeezed the box office space of "The Lucky Guy"!

This is intolerable!

Xiang Huaqi immediately called the boss of Xinbao Cinema Line and asked why "The Matrix" was being shown.

The boss of Xinbao Cinema Line said with a smile: "Mr. Xiang, everyone knows how the movie "The Lucky Guy" came about. To be honest, it has no strength to challenge "Who Am I". You also know how much pressure the cinema chain has been under in recent years, otherwise the cinema chains in Hong Kong would not have changed from five to three! There is no reason to turn it away if there is a chance to make money, right?"

Xiang Huaqi was speechless when he heard this. How could he not know what was going on with "The Lucky Guy"? After losing Stephen Chow's contract, he continued to look for Stephen Chow to make movies and make money in the name of "repaying favors" and "guest appearances".

But if we put it in the open, it won’t sound good!

“Is The Matrix really that good?”

“I think it might beat Jackie Chan’s Who Am I and win the annual box office!”

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