China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 114: Liches and witches cannot coexist

Jiang Wen likes "The Sun Also Rises", a soundtrack that runs through both movies.

Jiang Heng also likes "Tomorrow", which was used in "Lion Camel Ridge" before and is still used in this "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother".

On the big screen, the camera slowly moves from the mountain transformed from peach branches to the sky, and then the four words "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" appear.

When it falls further down, it is Yang Jian and the Three Holy Mothers, trekking through mountains and rivers in the snowy wilderness, and moving forward with difficulty.

The melodious and sad soundtrack matches the picture of Yang Jian and his sister going through hardships perfectly.

Some audiences admired, while others discussed in a low voice.

"Who is Emperor Gou Chen?"

The knowledgeable man explained to his companion, "Emperor Gou Chen is a Taoist deity, called 'Emperor of Heaven' in the classics. He assists the Jade Emperor in managing the North and South Poles and the three talents of heaven, earth and man, controls all the stars, and presides over the wars in the world, so he is also a martial god and a war god.

From this point of view, it makes sense that Emperor Gou Chen controls the soldiers of the heavenly court and hunts down the Jade Emperor's sister."

"Why do these heavenly generals look like monsters!"

"Yes, the gods in the heavenly court look like monsters. What does Director Jiang think?"

"This is the heavenly court before the Conferred Gods. Maybe monsters were in power at that time!"

Audiences around 2000 have not yet been baptized by the setting of "primeval mythology", so there are some minor obstacles when watching.

However, with a compact plot and outstanding special effects, it does not have much impact.

After the subtitles and music ended, Yang Jian and his sister finally encountered danger. A dozen Wu tribe members several feet tall rushed over. The faces of the four leaders turned out to be Cheng Kuian, He Jiaju, Huang Guangliang and Li Zhaoji.

The "Four Evil Men" of Hong Kong film industry came to play the Wu tribe villains in the movie.

Cheng Kuian, who was several feet tall and looked even more ferocious, laughed: "Haha, these two little kids are delicate and tender, they must be delicious if they are roasted!"

On the screen, the little kid who played the Three Holy Mothers was so scared that he was in tears and hid behind his brother.

Five-year-old Yang Jian protected his sister with a nervous expression, and said in a tender voice: "Uncles, we are disciples of Yu Ding Zhenren, the disciple of Kunlun Mountain Yuxu...!"

"Kunlun Mountain? Those Qigong masters are so devoted to cultivation that they don't care about the war between witches and demons and the collapse of the three realms. No one will care about eating his two little disciples? Ahaha!"

He Jiaju shook his one-meter-long head and laughed very creepily. Not to mention the Yang Jian brothers and sisters on the screen, even the audience in the venue felt scary.

The "Four Evil Men of Hong Kong" in the past were vicious, but they were human after all.

The ones in front of them were simply evil ghosts in the world and fierce beasts resurrected!

The Third Holy Mother cried out, "My uncle is the Jade Emperor. If you bully us, my uncle will beat you!"

The "Four Evil Men" showed surprise on their faces. Huang Guangliang said with a smile: "Gou Chen has issued a reward. Anyone who can catch Yun Hua's son will be rewarded with magical herbs and herbs!"

Li Zhaoji said: "Hey, witches and demons cannot coexist. How can we take the reward from the demons? If you ask me, eat these two kids. They have the blood of the immortals, and they must be very nourishing!"

After that, he jumped up, swung the huge mace in his hand, and smashed it straight at Yang Jian.

With a loud bang, a large pit more than three meters wide appeared where Yang Jian and his sister had stood. Li Zhaoji was holding a stick and wondering, "Where are the people?"

"Be careful!"

Li Zhaoji turned his head and saw a snow-white lotus-shaped treasure lamp, holding the Three Holy Mothers floating in the air, and Yang Jian descended from the front, and kicked Li Zhaoji in the face with his short legs.

At this moment, the slow-motion camera showed that Li Zhaoji's one-meter-long brain was kicked so that the muscles on his face trembled and his tongue flew out.

The whole person was like a bag filled with half a bag of grain, and fell to the ground with a bang, leaving another human-shaped pit more than one meter deep and more than ten meters long.

"Bao Lian Lantern?"

"The little bastard is so cruel?"

The rest of the witches' eyes were red, and when they looked at the Bao Lian Lantern, they all showed greedy expressions.

"This lamp has not yet recognized its owner. It is just instinctively protecting its holder. Hurry up and grab it!"

Huang Guangliang said as he leaped forward, leaped dozens of meters high, and opened his big hands like door panels to grab it.

The three-year-old San Shengmu was so scared that she leaned back and fell off the light ball on the Baolian Lantern. Fortunately, her little hands grabbed the base and cried, "Save me!"

The Baolian Lantern seemed to understand what people said, and it burst into strong light in an instant.

As soon as Huang Guangliang's big hand touched it, his palm was broken and his bones were fractured.

The light ball exploded, hitting Huang Guangliang so hard that he sprayed blood into mist, and the whole person flew away to the distance, his life or death unknown.

"Fuck, this Baolian Lantern is too powerful, it is so powerful even without recognizing its owner?" Some viewers exclaimed.

"If Fairy Yunhua had held the Lotus Lantern all the time, maybe she could have protected the three of them!"

"Too powerful, so exciting!"

On the screen, the other three villains looked at each other, gave up the idea of ​​robbing, and called on a dozen giant witches to attack Yang Jian.

Then the scene became a little funny. The one-meter-tall little Yang Jian moved swiftly, occasionally leaping into the air, and could knock down these witches every time he attacked.

However, these guys who were more than ten meters tall and strong were too resistant to beating. It was like tickling to fall to the ground and smash a deep pit. They could continue to fight after standing up.

Little Yang Jian soon ran out of energy (lack of magic power), and was caught by Cheng Kuian's big hand when he slowed down.

"Haha, I caught you, I caught you!"

He immediately opened his bloody mouth, pretending to eat Yang Jian, and said to the Three Holy Mothers on the Lotus Lantern Group: "Little kid, if you want to save your brother, give me the Lotus Lantern?"

"No, go to Kunlun...!"

When Yang Jian was halfway through his words, Cheng Kuian pinched his hand and said to the Third Holy Mother: "Hurry up, or I'll pinch him to death!"

"No, I don't want my second brother to die. I'll come down and give you the Lotus Lantern. Can you let my second brother go?"

The Third Holy Mother was delicate and beautiful, with big round eyes, which made the audience's hearts melt.

They all felt that Cheng Kuian's role was too evil and bad. Why didn't Yang Jian's master come out to save the brother and sister!

On the screen, Cheng Kuian smiled evilly and said like a wolf grandmother: "Okay, okay, as long as you get off the Lotus Lantern and give it to me, I will let your brother go, and you too!"

The Third Holy Mother chanted a spell softly, and the light of the Lotus Lantern faded and fell to the ground.

Or maybe he didn't control it well and dropped her.

Before the Third Holy Mother could stand up, Li Zhaoji had already reached out and grabbed the Precious Lotus Lantern, laughing wildly: "Hahaha, the innate spiritual treasure lotus lantern, I actually got it!"

He Jiaju said viciously: "Quickly kill him!"

After that, he opened his big hand like a door panel and slapped the potato-like Third Holy Mother like a mountain.


The Third Holy Mother was frightened and cried instantly, feeling lonely and helpless.

Yang Jian's head was almost exploded by the pinching, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Just when the brother and sister were about to die, they suddenly heard a sigh, "It's okay for you to take the treasure, but you also want to kill people to kill them. You don't take the Kunlun Sect seriously at all!"

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