On the big screen, Zhang Guoli was dressed in Taoist clothing, with white beard and hair, and said in the air while stepping on a piece of auspicious clouds.

Cheng Kuiyu raised his head and wondered, "Hey, who are you, you idiot? Why haven't I seen you before?"

The audience was also a little surprised. They knew that there were many guest appearances in this film, but they did not expect that Leslie Cheung would appear in the film.

But insiders can make a rough guess, and they think it was Han Sanping's work.

On the screen, the middle-aged Taoist priest played by Zhang Guoli swept the dust and picked up the Three Holy Mothers on the ground into his arms. He stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on his face and sighed: "Poor child!"

"Second brother, save second brother, save second brother!" Third Holy Mother cried.

Zhang Guoli swung the whisk again and hit Cheng Kuiyu on his right arm. The latter opened his hands and threw Yang Jian away as if he was electrocuted. He rolled on the ground with his arms in his hands, wailing as if he was in pain.

The two leaders played by He Jiaju and Li Zhaoji are faced with a powerful enemy, "Who are you? What kind of magic method did you use?"

But I heard a voice coming from far away, "Haotian, you bully the small with your big one, how shameless!"

When the camera turned, it was Ding Haifeng and Zang Jinsheng flying in from a distance like cannonballs.

These two people are also dressed as witches, but their bodies are only slightly more majestic than ordinary people.

When they came closer, He Jiaju, Li Zhaoji and the rest of the witch clan were all trembling with fear. Their bodies were as big as a hill and fell to the ground. They said, "I've seen the ancestral witch!"

In the auditorium, the audience was a little surprised, "Ancestral Witch, what kind of setting is this!"

"Director Jiang's setting this time is too grand. He won't follow in the footsteps of "The Legend of Shushan", right?"

But I saw Zhang Guoli on the big screen saying domineeringly: "What did you call me?"


"What did you call me?"

"When you were training next to Ancestor Hongjun, we, the Witch Clan, fought against the Demon Clan in Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven died, so you took advantage...!"

Zhang Guoli snorted coldly, "In Zixiao Palace, you called me Haotian, and I won't pick on you. When you leave Kunlun, what do you call me?"

After saying that, the aura was fully activated, but translucent ripples were seen in the air spreading from around Zhang Guoli, and Yang Jian did not react when he touched the ground.

But when he "impacted" an ordinary wizard, his body flew backwards and he died spurting blood.

In the blink of an eye, eight or nine Wu clansmen died. The three stronger ones, Cheng Kuiyu, He Jiaju, and Huang Yuliang, only struggled twice before dying.

The two ancestral shamans played by Ding Haifeng and Zang Jinsheng also groaned. The former broke into a cold sweat and the latter's mouth was bleeding.

"Old Jade Emperor, as the Supreme of the Three Realms, you are so shameless to attack ordinary Wu Clan!" Ding Haifeng said angrily.

Zang Jinsheng sighed: "That's what happened, let's go!"

Ding Haifeng sneered: "His real body is outside the thirty-third heaven, suppressing Zhou Tianxing Dou, but he is just an incarnation, how can he be scared?"

Zhang Guoli smiled and said: "But I see that you two are also seriously injured and have not recovered yet!"

Ding Haifeng was silent and immediately transformed into a monster about forty meters tall, with a majestic physique and a tiger's head and body.

But when he saw him roaring, he immediately pounced on Yang Jian not far away.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian was on guard, and he suddenly ran away a hundred meters away.

"Qiang Liang" twisted his body, and the tiger's tail, which was as thick as a basin and several meters long, instantly lengthened and was pulled towards Yang Jian's landing point.

"Haotian" in mid-air had an angry look on his face, "Seeking death!"

He rolled up the dust in his hand and hit "Qiang Liang" first. However, the forty-meter-tall, majestic monster with the head of a tiger and the body of a tiger was instantly knocked away and landed hundreds of meters away with a loud bang.

Zang Jinsheng on the side instantly moved, and when he flew out, he transformed into a monster with a human face and a tiger body, covered with golden scales, and a double-winged monster. The body was more than thirty meters long, and its wings were spread hundreds of meters. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at "Qiang Liang", grabbed it and flew away and disappeared.

"Uncle, are you uncle?" San Shengsheng said with tears in her eyes.

Yang Jian said stubbornly: "Uncle is a bad person, he is not!"

Zhang Guoli smiled bitterly, lowered his clouds, and placed the Three Holy Mothers on the ground. He also summoned the lotus lantern under the corpse of the witch clan and returned it to the hands of the Third Holy Mother.

Then he asked Yang Jian, "What would you do if someone bullied her?"

"Even if I risk my life, I still have to protect her!"

"What will you do if she grows up to be noble and beautiful, but is deceived by a rude and barbaric Witch Clan?"

Yang Jian glanced at the "hill"-like corpses of the Wu clan on the ground and said viciously: "I'll kill him!"

Zhang Guoli sighed, his expression a little sad, "Yes, I thought so too at the beginning!"

Yang Jian was stunned, with a pensive and painful expression on his young face.

Especially when they saw Cheng Kuiyu, He Jiaju, and Huang Yuliang, they showed deep disgust.

Xiao Yang Jian pursed his lips and said painfully: "Why, why!"

Zhang Guoli seemed not to have heard his nephew's words, and thought to himself: "Pangu created the world, and died of exhaustion. The soul was divided into three pure bodies, and the body's essence and blood turned into twelve ancestral witches. Later, Nuwa made humans out of clay, and humans began to multiply. Founded the Demon Sect, became the leader of the Demon Sect, and merged humanity and demon into one body. Taiyi, the Eastern Emperor, led the ancient demon clan to establish the Heavenly Court and establish the laws of heaven, which became the orthodoxy of the three realms... In the battle between lich and demon, countless stars and great witches were killed. , so that the stars in the sky were out of control, and the ancient earth was shattered.

I, who practiced beside Daozu, was ordered to take over the Heavenly Court in a critical situation. I used my cultivation to suppress the stars in the sky and prevent the Heavenly Court from collapsing. The laws of heaven were rebuilt and the order of the three realms was restored. But at this time, your mother, my good sister, felt that heaven was boring and boring, so she came down to earth to travel...!

Yang Jian, tell me, what should I do?

If she grows up and becomes like your mother in a dozen years, what will you do then? "

Yang Jian, who is only five years old, is gifted and born with supernatural powers, but he can't figure this out!

He held his little head and squatted on the ground in pain, saying, "I, I don't know, I don't know!"

Seeing her brother in pain, San Shengmu ran over to hug Yang Jian, "Second brother, second brother, I listen to you and will never leave you!"

Yang Jian hugged San Shengmu and burst into tears, "Good sister, brother will always protect you!"

He immediately kowtowed to "Haotian" played by Zhang Guoli, "Uncle, now that things have come to this, please forgive my mother, she is your sister!"

Zhang Guoli sighed, "Haotian under the seat of Hongjun Patriarch can be partial, but the Jade Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Three Realms, cannot bend the law. Your mother violated the heavenly law and was suppressed by me under Taoshan. If you really have the ability to rescue her, I won't say anything. If she is left alone, she will be detained all the time, at least she can save her life! "

Little Yang Jian stood up, his expression firm, "One day, I will split the peach mountain and rescue my mother out!"

Zhang Guoli smiled, hesitated to speak, and then his body became ethereal and finally disappeared into the air.

"Second brother, uncle is gone!" San Shengmu said with a bitter face.

Yang Jian snorted coldly, "He is not our uncle's, he is just a heartless, heartless... guy!"

"Second brother, I'm scared!"

"Don't be afraid, brother will always protect you!"

"Will you play with me all the time?"

"Of course, uh, I have to learn well, split the peach mountain and rescue my mother out!"

"Oh, second brother, come on, you can do it, then I will play by myself and won't bother you!"


Little Yang Jian responded casually, and then his face changed, "Don't run away behind my back, understand?"

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