China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 116 Prequel to Conferred God

When the Yang Jian brothers and sisters enter the Kunlun scene, the pace is relatively slow, but there are a large number of guest stars appearing.

First, Yuanshi Tianzun, played by Tang Guoqiang, and White Crane Boy, played by Xie Tingfeng, took the Yang Jian brothers and sisters into the Yuxu Palace.

Immediately, the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao, who were all-star guest stars, were summoned and issued a talisman in front of them. Yang Jian was appointed as the head of the three generations of disciples of Yuxu Palace and sent orders to the three realms.

In other words, for the official certification of Yang Jian's identity, Heavenly Court will no longer send people to hunt him down, and the Wu Clan will not dare to provoke Yang Jian.

He also passed down the "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills" and ordered the real Yuding, played by Lan Tianqian, to take the Yang Jian brothers and sisters back to Yuquan Mountain and Jinxia Cave to practice peace of mind.

Wang Huichun's cameo Guangchengzi stayed behind after the other golden immortals left and said to Yuanshi Tianzun: "Master, although Yang Jian has innate magical powers, he is only five years old and his future achievements are still unknown. So early, he is designated as the first disciple of the third generation. , are you a little more anxious?”

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed: "We have to be anxious. This Haotian suppressed his own sister, and then complained to Patriarch Hongjun, saying that after the war between the lich and the demons in heaven, there was a shortage of righteous gods, and the star officials had no masters, and they all relied on him. Cultivation to suppress Zhou Tianxingdou, I hope that the Kunlun Sect can send disciples to serve in the Heavenly Court, and I will choose you as the Twelve Golden Immortals!"

Guang Chengzi, the chief disciple of Yuxu played by Wang Huichun, looked slightly angry and majestic: "Haotian, you actually want us to become your subjects?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "This is indeed what I mean. The twelve of you have practiced with me for fifteen hundred years. Although you have cultivated the three flowers on the top and the five qi toward the yuan, you have still not been able to kill the three corpses. You have committed a murder. According to the He means that if he takes up a post in the Heavenly Court, suppresses all directions and pacifies the evildoers, he may be able to offset the calamity."

Guangchengzi's face became increasingly unhappy, and he only said: "Master?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "It is a fact that the Heavenly Court is short of people. We always need to replenish the manpower, but it does not necessarily come from our teaching. I am going to discuss a list of gods with my senior brother Taishang Laojun and my junior brother Tongtian Cult Leader. When the time comes, you senior brothers Guarding the mountain gate, Yang Jian led three generations of disciples down the mountain to enshrine the gods and complete the killing.

But before becoming a god, he had to help Yang Jian rescue his mother so that he could work with peace of mind! "

On the screen, Guang Chengzi suddenly realized.

In the venue, the audience can understand the basic setting of this film. It feels a bit like a prequel to Fengshen. Is this going to be a series of movies?

Some viewers lamented, "Look at this Jade Emperor, he is not as useless as in "Journey to the West". He is quite calculating. Even Yuanshi Tianzun ended up!"

"What's rubbish is the setting of the 1986 version. The Jade Emperor in the original work is much more powerful!"

"You can see the grown-up Yang Jian soon, right?"

"Who is Tang Yan playing? It can't be the Three Holy Mothers, right?"

"Can't you? Director Jiang is so ruthless, but there is still no love scene?"

On the big screen, the scene has switched to Yuquan Mountain and Jinxia Cave. Xiao Yang Jian is practicing martial arts on the grass, and every move is perfect.

The close-up shot shows the fists and feet, changing from small to large, and when it cuts back to the face, it is already Yang Jian, a young man played by Jiang Heng.

However, he was dressed in a plain robe, with a bun on his head, a slight vertical mark on his forehead, a fair face, an ascetic expression, and a sense of compassion, which instantly fascinated many female viewers.

"Oh my god, Director Jiang's Yang Jian is so handsome!"

"This is the style of the third generation chief disciple of Yuxu Palace!"

"Director Jiang is so good at acting and filming. He gave himself the most beautiful shots!"

The Third Holy Mother played by Tang Yan on the side is also very beautiful alone, with a fairy-like air.

But as soon as he and Jiang Heng were in the same frame, the little girl's feelings came out.

"Second brother, you practiced well!" Tang Yan clapped his hands and applauded.

Jiang Heng shook his head slightly, his expression a little sad, "It's a pity that I still can't understand it. I thought that with my talent, I could learn it in three to five years. I didn't want three years after three years, three years after three years, twelve years to pass by My mother has been suffering for twelve years at the foot of Peach Mountain. She really can’t wait any longer!”

The Third Holy Mother played by Tang Yan also had a determined expression, "Then let's say goodbye to Master together and go save my mother!"

Before the two of them could take action, Master Yuding, played by Lan Tianqi, was already approaching.

"I've met Master!" Yang Jian and the Three Holy Mothers saluted together.

"I figured out that our master and apprentice are about to part ways, so I came here to see you two off. I have a message before leaving. This Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, the most important talent, can only be practiced with clear thoughts. Your master and I can't learn it no matter what. . But if you want to go to Taoshan, defeat the layers of guards, and rescue your mother, you must use this technique, so remember it!"

"Thank you Master!"

Master Yuding glanced at the Third Holy Mother, "Chan'er is protected by the lotus lantern. Even the Great Luo Jinxian can't hurt her, so there's no harm in following her!"

Yang Chan was delighted, "Thank you Master!"

Master Yuding looked at Yang Jian again, "Gou Chen has always harbored hatred because of the death of his brother, Emperor Ziwei, during the Lich War. When you go this time, be very careful about him!"

"Disciple knows!"

There was another discussion among the audience in the venue. It turned out that the setting of "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother" was a little too much for the audience in 2002.

Someone said: "Emperor Ziwei can still die in battle, it's too exaggerated!"

"Not to mention that the previous Emperor of Heaven died in battle, so Haotian became the Jade Emperor. It's normal to have multiple Ziwei Stars!"

"That's right, if I don't grant Boyi the title of Emperor Ziwei, my position will definitely be free!"

While the audience was talking, the Yang Jian brother and sister had already come down the mountain.

When he was halfway there, Yang Chan suddenly said: "By the way, second brother, don't you want to take Xiaobai with you?"

Yang Jian whistled, and a white dog ran out of the forest, following the brother and sister.

After leaving the gate of Yuquan Mountain, Yang Jian and Yang Chan turned into a golden light and used the Golden Light Technique to travel.

The originally inconspicuous white dog leaped more than ten feet away.

When it landed, it stepped slightly down on the grass tip, and then jumped up again, and its speed was not much slower than the Golden Light Technique.

The audience in the venue was stunned, "This Roaring Sky Dog can actually fly on the grass?"

"The Golden Light Technique used by Yang Jian is too rubbish, it can't be compared with Sun Wukong's Somersault Cloud!"

"In the Conferred God World, few people can fly on clouds and mist, they all use the Five Elements Escape Technique or mounts to travel!"

The brother and sister flew for a long time, and at dusk, they landed on a barren mountain.

"Where are we, second brother?"

The shallow scar on Yang Jian's forehead turned red, and then opened. It turned out to be the third eye. The pale yellow eyes looked around and then retracted the magic power.

"It turned out to be the former mausoleum of Emperor Xuanyuan. Emperor Xuanyuan is now one of the three saints of Huoyun Cave. Since we are passing by, we should go and pay our respects to pray for our smooth journey!"

Yang Chan had no objection, and the two of them and the dog went to Xuanyuan's tomb.

The sky was dark, when yin and yang met.

Suddenly, a ghost general wearing a large-leaf interlocking golden armor and holding a three-pointed two-edged sword appeared in front of Xuanyuan's tomb. He was majestic and looked like a god.

"I am Feng Hou, the great marshal under Emperor Xuanyuan. Anyone who disturbs the mausoleum of the emperor will die!"

After saying that, the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand had already slashed towards Yang Jian.

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