The mountain god, composed of sand and stones, is like a "human-shaped giant beast" formed by an army of ants. The sand and stones on every part of his body are constantly moving, thus forming a huge suction force.

When Yang Jian couldn't swing the three-pointed two-edged sword, his expression was already shocked.

Seeing that the "quicksand" covered the blade and was about to touch his hands, he hurriedly threw away the three-pointed two-edged sword and jumped into the golden light to leave.

Unexpectedly, the "quicksand" was faster and swallowed up Yang Jian's left foot, which had not yet "melted" in the air, and then swallowed up the "golden light" that Yang Jian had turned into.

The audience in the venue was shocked. This so-called Taoshan Mountain God is a little too strong!

On the big screen, Yang Chan was already pale when she saw her brother being swallowed.

"Second brother!"

After saying that, he raised a sword and was about to go forward to fight the mountain god.

Xiaotian Dog roared, and his body suddenly swelled like a white elephant, rushing forward and biting the mountain god's calf.

As a result, the mountain god did not feel the pain, and kicked the Sky-Howling Dog out with his foot.

The elephant-sized Sky-Howling Dog held the mountain god's "left leg" and crashed into the cliff. The left leg turned into a net formed by sand and stone, and the Sky-Howling Dog was firmly hung.


Yang Chan, played by Tang Yan, became more and more panicked, swung the sword to chop, and was swallowed by the mountain god with quicksand again.

When the giant hand made of sand and stone was about to touch Yang Chan, the Precious Lotus Lantern suddenly appeared in the air, emitting a soft white light.

As soon as the mountain god's hand was touched, it was burned into a glass-like state. He retreated in fear and said in a muffled voice: "Precious Lotus Lantern, how unfair the way of heaven is, you two wastes also have innate treasures, and I have such great ability, but I don't even have a weapon. Today, I will use the blood of the imperial family of the Heavenly Court to sacrifice this three-pointed two-edged sword."

After the mountain god said this, he chanted the mantra with his huge mouth, and the whole Taoshan shook.

Inside its body, Yang Jian and the three-pointed double-edged sword were trapped in the internal space composed of sand and stone. Suddenly, the ground fire gushed out and burned violently.

When Yang Jian was first trapped, he opened his third eye and saw the damage caused by the light of the precious lotus lamp to the mountain god.

Seeing the ground fire pouring in, he couldn't help laughing, "A mere ordinary fire wants to refine the true god. Look at my Samadhi True Fire!"

After saying this, he chanted the mantra and sprayed out the "Samadhi True Fire". In just a moment, he turned the mountain god composed of sand and stone into a crystal-like glass man.

This glass man was dozens of meters tall and sturdy. Under the moonlight, it was both shocking and weird.

In its belly, Yang Jian swung the three-pointed double-edged sword fiercely, smashing it to pieces, and it could never be resurrected again.

"Second brother, he won't be resurrected again, right?"

Yang Jian said: "No, his soul has been refined by my Samadhi Fire, and can't harm us anymore!"

The audience was shocked and puzzled. After all, in their impression, it seems that only Taishang Laojun and Red Boy can use Samadhi Fire.

However, some people who are familiar with the original work of "Investiture of the Gods" explained to the people around them, "In the Investiture of the Gods, there are several people who can use Samadhi Fire. Jiang Ziya used Samadhi Fire to burn the Jade Pipa Fairy to death. Yang Jian also used Samadhi Fire to burn the food and grass of the Shang Dynasty army."

"This mountain god is quite powerful!"

"I feel that Yang Jian is not as fierce as Sun Wukong. It's more exciting to watch "Lion Camel Ridge". The Great Sage killed people indiscriminately!"

"The timeline is different. Yang Jian here has only practiced for a few years, and the Eight Nine Mysterious Skills have not been perfected yet!"

But on the big screen, Yang Jian killed the Taoshan Mountain God, and the "Sand and Stone Net" that sealed Xiaotian Dog became invalid and scattered.

Roaring Sky Dog turned into a normal-sized dog again, and followed Yang Jian and his sister into the depths of Taoshan Mountain.

However, Taoshan Mountain was like a flower, with five peaks. In the middle of the valley, there was a small city, guarded by heavenly soldiers. It should be the place where Fairy Yunhua was imprisoned.

Yang Jian's eyes were filled with tears, "Mother, I am unfilial and have made you suffer!"

Suddenly, a voice said, "Hey, you can actually defeat the mountain god and come here. It seems that you have learned a lot of skills in Yuxu Palace!"

Yang Jian looked up and saw an old man in a Taoist robe with white hair standing on the opposite mountain. It was Hong Jinbao.

Then his body became ethereal, more than ten meters high, and appeared in the air.

The other four peaks appeared respectively, including Cheng Long, Zhou Xingxing, Zhen Zidan, and Wu Jing.

Just looking at the lineup of this group of opponents, the audience was already exclaiming.

The fights that followed were even more exciting, dazzling and dazzling.

Because Jiang Heng borrowed a lot of classic scenes from later martial arts dramas, coupled with gorgeous and realistic special effects and exciting and inspiring music, the audience was very excited.

You know, the TV version of "Wind and Cloud" that was just released this summer has already made countless viewers excited, not to mention that in this fight, Yang Jian also used the magic of changing the sky and the earth. With the help of Xiaotian Dog and Yang Chan, he fought for a long time before destroying the five heavenly generals.

When he came to the small town in the middle, he found that the guarding heavenly soldiers had escaped.

His mother, Fairy Yunhua, was locked in a courtyard with a peach tree in the middle.

"Mother, I am late for my unfilial son, please forgive me!"

After saying this, Yang Jian knelt down through the door, tears streaming down his face, and knocked his head to the ground.

Yang Chan couldn't help it, crying and hugging her mother.

Yunhua's face changed instantly, and he exclaimed: "No!"

Yang Chan had already stepped over the threshold, and a bolt of lightning suddenly struck from the peach tree. When it was about to hit Yang Chan, she was protected by the Precious Lotus Lantern on her body.

The peach tree fired several more bolts of lightning, hitting Yang Chan.

Although she was completely protected by the Precious Lotus Lantern, the huge "impact" still shocked Yang Chan and made her retreat several steps, falling outside the courtyard, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

It's like a child wearing an invulnerable armor. Although it can protect the body from being hurt by sharp blades, it still can't withstand the impact of continuous stabbing.

Yang Jian stood up suddenly, helped Yang Chan up and said to the courtyard: "Mother?"

"The peach tree is the seal. If I want to leave this courtyard, I will be struck by lightning. If outsiders want to come in, the same is true."

Seeing this, Yang Jian waved his hand and put on the large-leaf chain golden armor. Holding a three-pointed double-edged knife, he stepped into the courtyard.

With a loud "bang", the five peaks turned into a huge peach tree. The lightning emitted gathered above the courtyard, and gathered with the lightning emitted by the peach tree in the courtyard, and finally fell on Yang Jian.

With just one blow, Yang Jian's hair was disheveled, his armor was charred, and he was also blasted into a pit.


"Second brother!"

Yunhua and Yang Chan exclaimed and rushed over.

At this moment, the peach tree transformed from the five peaks condensed lightning again. Yang Jian, who was already seriously injured, pushed his mother away and threw Yang Chan out, kicking the Roaring Sky Dog away at the same time.

With a loud "bang", Yang Jian was hit again, and the huge impact force directly collapsed the courtyard.

Fairy Yunhua leaned against the ruins, still within the courtyard, and hurriedly climbed a few steps to the deep pit, crying: "My son, it's good for my mother to be here, don't save me anymore, protect Chan'er down the mountain!"

Yang Jian raised his head, his face was covered with dirt, but his teeth were white.

He smiled miserably: "It's okay, I have eight or nine mysterious skills, and my master said I have seventy-two lives, and these thunders can't kill me!"

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