Even though Yang Jian said that, he was not stupid enough to still carry the thunder within the confines of the small courtyard, so he hurriedly jumped out.

Unexpectedly, this "Sky Thunder Array" seemed to be activated. Not only would it bombard Yang Jian who jumped out of the small courtyard, but Yang Chan, who was protected by the lotus lantern, also became a target.

Only Fairy Yunhua and Roaring Sky Dog who were still within the courtyard were okay for the time being.

Yang Jian once again relied on the eight-nine mysterious skills to resist the thunderstorm. He used a three-pointed two-edged knife to chop down the peach trees transformed from five peaks before breaking the thunder array.

He also cut down the peach trees within the courtyard to completely remove the seal.

But the towering Taoshan suddenly collapsed, and countless rocks fell one after another.

When Yang Jian was about to leave with his mother and sister, he suddenly heard loud laughter and turned around to see that it was Emperor Gouchen played by Zou Zhaolong.

"I didn't expect that in just ten days (one day in the sky, one year underground), you would have such cultivation. The blood of this immortal family is different from ordinary people!"

Yang Jian protected his sister behind him, "Emperor Gou Chen, my uncle said at the beginning that if I can split the peach mountain, I will let my mother go!"

Gou Chen sneered, "Really, but Lingxiao Palace has never issued such a decree. I only know that anyone who breaks the seal and leaves Taoshan without permission will die!"

Fairy Yunhua said: "Gou Chen, if my brother knew you were acting like this, he wouldn't let you go!"

Emperor Gou Chen laughed loudly, "Let me go. All his cultivation and magic power have been used to suppress Zhou Tian Xingdou. How can he have any spare power to deal with me?"

He immediately looked at Yang Jian and laughed loudly: "Do you know who the five divine generals you just killed are? They are the Eastern Green Dragon Star, the Western White Tiger Star, the Southern Suzaku Star, the Northern Xuanwu Star, and Tianxi Xingjun.

Without these star masters to help him share the burden, the star fight will be chaotic in the sky. I will take the three of you and kill them one by one in front of Haotian. His Taoist heart will definitely be damaged, and the power of the stars will backfire, and he will die. Maybe on the spot, hahaha! "

Yang Jian exclaimed, "How is this possible? How could the Four Star Lords and Tianxing be killed by me so easily?"

Gou Chen patiently said: "I want you to understand better when you die. We guys are all survivors of the Lich War. Everyone's moral character has been greatly reduced, and we are unable to suppress the stars in the sky and maintain the operation of the heaven. Hongjun It doesn't matter if Haotian comes over.

But this little bitch couldn't bear the loneliness and wanted to go down to the mortal world, which caused Haotian's face to be greatly damaged. Something went wrong when suppressing Zhou Tianxing Dou, and his cultivation level was also reduced. Only then did I see the opportunity.

Haotian, Haotian, I thought that your advanced cultivation and hard-hearted heart prevented me from becoming the Supreme Being of the Three Realms.

But if your six roots are not purified and you are still thinking about your sister and your nephew, don’t blame me for being cruel! "

After saying that, he waved his hands, holding a spear in his hand, and shouted: "Suffer death!" He raised the spear and stabbed.

Yang Jian hurriedly waved his three-pointed two-edged sword and fought with him.

But when he split the Taoshan seal, he was beaten too many times by Lei Jie, and he was seriously injured again, so he was no match for Gou Chen.

After only thirty rounds, he was stabbed in the right shoulder with a gun.

Yang Jian looked shocked, Gou Chen said with a smile: "I forgot to tell you, I am in charge of the war and revolution in the world, and I am the God of War and Martial God of the human race. Your methods are just childish in my eyes!"

Immediately, the spear and Yang Jian were nailed to the ground.


"Second brother!"

Fairy Yunhua knelt down in tears, "Emperor, have mercy. I am willing to let you go to see your brother. I just ask you to let my children go!"


Yang Jian and Yang Chan shouted at the same time.

Gou Chen laughed loudly, "Haotian Haotian, this is the good girl you have tried so hard to protect, hahahaha, she doesn't care about your life or death at all!"

He looked at Yang Jian again, took out a simple bronze mirror from his arms, and threw it next to Yang Jian.

"This is your uncle's Haotian Mirror. It has the ability to predict the future. You, a good girl, will follow your mother's old path. One day when her son seeks revenge from you, she will not care about your life!"

Yang Jian couldn't believe it. He turned to look at the Haotian Mirror. A slightly blurry picture appeared in front of his eyes. He saw a young man holding a giant ax, leading a monkey with a stick, a pig head with a nail rake, and a child with a circle. Surround him and try to beat him or kill him.

"who are they?"

"They are all the people who want to kill you in the future!"

"It's already this time, and you still want to use tricks?"

Gou Chen said: "I think you are destined to my heaven, and I am short of manpower here. As long as you are willing to submit to me, help me kill Haotian, and become the Lord of the Three Realms, I will spare the lives of your mother and son."

Yang Jian was shocked, "Aren't you afraid that I will lie to you?"

Gou Chen laughed loudly, "I learned a method from the West that can resolve the grudges of the world. As long as you agree to submit to me, you will never remember those hatreds again!

Now, you have only two ways, surrender to me, and I will make you the righteous god of heaven, the deity in charge of heaven. Your mother and sister are both rewarded.

If you don't obey, I will capture you, mother and son, to the thirty-third heaven and kill them one by one in front of Haotian. "


"Second brother!"

Fairy Yunhua and Yang Chan both looked at Yang Jian with tears in their eyes.

The latter roared angrily, "How can a man be born in heaven and earth to seek revenge against his relatives? Although I resent him for suppressing my mother, after all, he saved my life and my little sister's life in times of crisis. How can I harm him because of your inducement?" Even if I live in the mortal world for the rest of my life, I will not become an official for the sake of God, and I will not accept a thief as my father..."

Gou Chen's plan failed and he showed a ferocious face, "Okay, since you all want to die, I will let your whole family die neatly and show it to Haotian!"

After saying that, he had another spear in his hand, and stabbed Fairy Yunhua in the abdomen directly.


Yang Jian's eyes were red, and he used one hand to pull out the spear on his shoulder.

Gou Chen had a helpless expression, "Oh, I really don't want to use it, but I just said that I have a fate with you and won't let me kill you!"

After saying that, he actually took out a lotus platform from his arms and flew over Yang Jian. The light he sprinkled fixed Yang Jian, making him unable to move.

At this moment, Xiaotian Dog turned behind Gou Chen at some point and bit his left calf.

Gou Chen grimaced in pain, raised his foot and threw it away, "A demon dog dares to hurt me!"

When he said this, he had another spear in his hand, threw it at Xiaotian Dog, and nailed it to the ground.

Yang Chan took this opportunity, holding the Precious Lotus Lantern, and flew towards Yang Jian.

"Second brother!"

While speaking, the light of the Precious Lotus Lantern had already knocked over the lotus platform.

Gou Chen was angry, and a long iron stick appeared in his hand, sweeping it out, "It's an insult for the innate spiritual treasure to recognize you, a bitch, as its master!"

While speaking, the iron stick had already hit over, hitting the light emitted by the Precious Lotus Lantern. Although it could not directly hurt Yang Chan, the huge shock force still made Yang Chan spit blood.

"Haha, I'll shock you to death, little bitch!"

After Gou Chen said this, the iron stick in his hand became bigger, like Sun Wukong hitting the Bull Demon King with the golden hoop in "A Chinese Odyssey", smashing Yang Chan into the mud, leaving only the Precious Lotus Lantern on top.

"Chan'er!" Yang Jian roared.

A special effect screen showed that Yang Jian's body was perfected in the Eight Nine Mysterious Arts. At this moment, he no longer had any right or wrong in his heart, nor did it involve the belonging of the Supreme of the Three Realms.

Just one thought, to kill the guy in front of him.

He suddenly pulled out the long spear on his shoulder, his body floated in the air, and waved his hand, and the three-pointed two-edged knife on the ground came to his hand.

As soon as he thought about it, the Samadhi Fire in his chest burned fiercely. While forging his body, he also refined the dark large-leaf chain gold armor to be as bright as new.

He swung his sword and the Samadhi Fire came out through the blade, and it was tens of meters away.

In the sky full of firelight, Gou Chen's extremely terrified face was reflected, "Three, Samadhi Fire!"

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