China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 120 The fighting scenes are perfect, but the audience wants to see the romance

After mastering the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills, Yang Jian's strength increased greatly. He quickly killed Gou Chen and saved his mother and sister.

Then the Jade Emperor's incarnation appeared, hoping that Yang Jian could go to heaven to help him.

Yang Jian naturally refused, because he did not want to be bound by heaven and had to return to the mountain gate to practice in seclusion, so he left with his mother and sister.

The last scene was fixed on the Jade Emperor's incarnation's wise expression, and he slowly said, "Then I'll see you in the Conferred Gods!"

So far, the film has ended.

When the lights came on, the audience applauded.

The film is not of artistic value, and the plot also has some flaws. For example, the Jade Emperor's sister, who has always been regarded as oppressed and persecuted by feudal etiquette, gives people the feeling that she can't stand loneliness and has no sense of the overall situation in the film, which makes her less likable.

In comparison, Tang Monk in "Lion Camel Ridge" has changed his previous cowardly image and sacrificed his life at the last moment, which has a more positive role in promoting the plot.

Of course, as a popcorn movie, "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother" is still very surprising.

The various gorgeous and realistic special effects fighting scenes are definitely better than "Lion Camel Ridge".

The slightly regrettable thing is the strength setting. The 17-year-old Yang Jian can't compare with Wukong in Journey to the West.

Wukong in "Lion Camel Ridge" blew up the whole audience. The opponent took out the super plug-in Buddha's Dharma Scroll, and Wukong had the full-level BUFF Tang Monk's ten-life cultivation of the relics, but still blew up the combination of monsters in Lion Camel Ridge.

Yang Jian's victory was a little difficult, and some film critics even believed that the final moment was completely based on the protagonist's halo.

Of course, this is nothing.

In the early stage of the final battle of many classic action movies, the protagonist was beaten in various ways and could not be killed.

When he exploded, the villain couldn't stand it and died in a few hits, which was considered a routine operation.

Another big surprise of the film is that there are 89 stars in the whole film, and it is worth it for movie fans to go to the cinema just for this.

"Congratulations, Director Jiang, it's another classic. I believe there are many viewers who want to say a lot to you. Can you come up and talk to the audience?" The beautiful host Yao Miao said on stage.

Jiang Heng tidied up his clothes and went on stage with a smile.

Yao Miao first praised the movie, and then said: "Director Jiang, I have always had a doubt, or it is the doubt of countless viewers present, why is there still no love?"

As soon as this was said, it resonated with countless viewers.

Jiang Heng's films have always been full of visual effects and the plot is also very smooth.

The setting of this one is relatively complicated, especially the operation behind Gou Chen. If you are not familiar with the original work of Fengshen, Western religion, "I have a destiny with the West", etc., it is somewhat confusing.

Therefore, the film released for areas other than China, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other regions influenced by Chinese culture is a special edition after re-editing. Some things that are too difficult for Western audiences to understand have been cut out, and the plot is simpler and smoother. It is a film about protecting a sister and saving a mother.

Columbia, the company responsible for the distribution, highly approves of Jiang Heng's re-edited version.

Western audiences do not have the Chinese people's sense of family, country, and saving the people. Saving daughters, mothers, and sisters is the greatest political correctness, and love is also counted.

But Jiang Heng's film has almost no love elements.

Not only are domestic audiences puzzled, but Americans are also puzzled. Can't there be more love elements?

Yang Mi, who came with her classmates, is at the venue at this moment, and whispered: "I thought the heroine and Director Jiang were in a love scene, but it turned out to be a sister!"

"Oh, so disappointed, I really want to see a love scene!"

Yang Mi's classmate is also a CP fan. After saying that, she stretched her neck and looked around to see how Jiang Heng would answer.

"Well, the movie "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" has two layers of story background. The first layer is called Fengshen, and the second layer is called Honghuang. The settings of these two layers are too grand, and there is no room for love in the weight of the fighting scenes."

Such an answer is obviously not satisfactory, especially for many female audiences.

A girl wearing glasses and dressed in a slightly intellectual way took the microphone handed over by the staff and asked, "Director Jiang Heng, I like your blockbusters very much. I can say that I have seen every one of them. It is the kind that I must watch no matter how busy I am. As your fan, I have a big regret, that is, I can't see touching love in your film.

You said that the story background is too grand and the narrative must be guaranteed. The fighting scenes are heavy and there is no room for love. But as an office worker, I want to say that this is just like our life? We carry too much and too heavy on our shoulders. Work almost takes up all our time and we are overwhelmed. But because of these, we need and desire love more!"

After the girl said this, the scene was quiet for a moment, and then thunderous applause broke out.

The filmmakers present all had smiles on their faces, and Stephen Chow pursed his lips.

As an excellent commercial film actor and director, Stephen Chow deconstructs many elements, but never deconstructs love.

It can even be said that the appropriate love scenes are a key to the success of his movies.

Jiang Heng didn't use such a good "tool", maybe he really didn't understand it!

On the stage, Jiang Heng said to the microphone: "Thank you very much for your suggestion. In future creations, I will consider adding more love scenes!"

Another girl said: "Director Jiang, can you make a special effects blockbuster with love as the theme? The kind where the male protagonist is willing to make enemies with all the gods and Buddhas in the sky in order to be with the female protagonist?"

Jiang Heng laughed awkwardly, "I will consider it, I will consider it!"

The audiences who came today all seemed to have their eyes on "love", and almost all the questions they asked were related to love.

Of course, it might also be related to the current era.

In 2002, "My Fair Princess" had already filmed two episodes, and Qiong Yao was also well-known to the public.

Hong Kong and Taiwan romance novels were popular in the mainland and influenced a generation.

At this moment, young people still have beautiful fantasies about love.

Instead of treating deep affection as a licking dog like twenty years later.

Jiang Heng was so deeply influenced by that time that he felt that he almost had no concept of love.

However, at this moment, "public opinion is surging", and Jiang Heng could only agree: "Okay, I will consider shooting a special effects blockbuster with love as the theme!"

As soon as this was said, the whole audience was filled with cheers of surprise.

It's no wonder that the audience was like this. After all, when the female lead was selected, Jiang Heng directed and acted by himself, and many people subconsciously thought that Tang Yan was going to play a couple with Jiang Heng.

I was ready to knock it, but after I came, you told me that I was going to play brother and sister, and then all kinds of fighting.

It was fun, but also a little disappointing!

The whole event ended at 8:30 pm.

The crew still booked a large banquet hall at a nearby star-rated hotel and invited guests to drink.

On the way, Zhou Xingxing chose to sit in the same car and said, "Hey, if you want to shoot a love story, if you have any questions, I can help you with reference!"

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