Among the Chinese mythological stories, the one that is more suitable for filming a romance blockbuster with special effects is naturally none other than "The Legend of White Snake".

There is also a movie called "The Origin of the White Snake", the plot adaptation of which was quite successful.

If a real-life version is made with super special effects, it will definitely break the rumor that Jiang Heng will not do the "love" scene.

It’s just that I’m not in that frame of mind at the moment, and I don’t want to release “The Origin of the White Snake” early.

Naturally, I can only thank Zhou Xingxing for his kindness in advance.

After casually asking about the post-production of "Kung Fu", Zhou Xingxing said modestly: "They are just small scenes, they can't be compared with your films!"

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "Yours is a martial arts, mine is a myth, they are not the same type, they cannot be compared like that!"

Then when the film's schedule was mentioned, Jiang Heng also had a headache.

Most of the filming funds for "Kung Fu" were provided by Jiang Heng, and the distribution rights are naturally in Jiang Heng's hands.

The problem is that for this year’s Lunar New Year release, “The Matrix 2” has already been booked, and the rest can only choose between the immature Spring Festival release or the National Day release.

Zhang Yimo and Zhang Weiping have decided to postpone the schedule of "Heroes" to the Spring Festival in order to avoid the edge of "The Matrix 2".

For "Kung Fu", there is really no good time to choose. If the post-production is fast, I might as well try the National Day release.

“The National Day holiday is just in time!”

Zhou Xingxing doesn't have any objections. After all, in his opinion, the schedule is important, but the key is the quality of the work.

Among the top 15 grossing films in Hong Kong in 1992, he won seven, and the first five were all his films. Not all of them were filmed during the New Year or summer holidays.

Jiang Heng was very happy when he saw this, "At that time, the filming of the "The Matrix" series will be finished, and I will be free to attend promotional activities by then!"

Zhou Xingxing said: "You are the producer and producer, so you must attend. It's a pity that you are not allowed to make a guest appearance, otherwise we can still use it for publicity!"

Jiang Hengxin said, who said you can't take advantage of the opportunity to promote if you don't participate in the show.

Shen Teng's "Paper Man" guest appearance was used by the film crew to promote it, saying that Shen Teng starred!

"If it doesn't work, you can take another shot!"

Zhou Xingxing thought about it seriously and said with a smile: "Forget it, you are too handsome and you will steal my limelight!"

In fact, I feel that every supporting role in the filming has its own characteristics, and it is difficult to replace Jiang Heng with anyone. It is better to let him guest star as the "gentle scum" four-eyed boy!

Jiang Heng chuckled and didn't mention it again.

After arriving at the hotel, a group of celebrity guests drank and drank happily.

Jiang Wen was a bit blunt, "To be honest, I still feel that "Shituoling" is the best. You have a lot of private goods in this film!"

Jiang Heng almost spit out a mouthful of wine and thought to himself, "You are the only one who has the nerve to accuse me of carrying private goods?"

Jiang Wen knew that everyone around him was looking at him, so he didn't feel embarrassed and said with a smile: "You just said that the first level of background is the Conferred God, and everyone knows this. The second level of background, ancient times, sounds very grand! "

Jiang Heng smiled and nodded, "Yes, my idea is to come up with a series of videos that connect the heroes from classical Chinese mythology. The first common background of these mythical characters is the world of gods. , the broader universe I call it.”


All the filmmakers present took a breath after hearing this.

The prehistoric universe sounds very grand.

How much money does it cost to make this series of mythical special effects movies, and how much money can be made!

The first reaction of investors like Zhang Weiping is, can I get a piece of the pie and operate one independently?

But as soon as the idea came up, he was rejected by himself.

As the saying goes, it's not too tiring to watch people shoulder responsibilities. Before filming "Hero", I felt that making blockbusters was nothing special. Isn't it just spending more money?

It was only during the actual operation that I realized that there were too many problems and too many difficulties. I really don’t know how Jiang Heng managed to do so many things at such a young age.

What makes him even more worried is that filming "Hero" is already very difficult, but in terms of investment and box office prospects, it seems that it cannot compete with Jiang Heng's blockbusters.

It's a pity that Jiang Heng currently only accepts investment from China Film Group in China, otherwise it would be great to invest some money to participate.

What Zhang Weiping thinks about is how to make money, while the other stars see countless acting opportunities, not to mention that their eyes are all shining.

Today's Hong Kong film industry is in decline, and Jiang Heng's films are all considered mainland films. They are actually the top film resources in the Chinese film industry at the moment.

At this moment, everyone suddenly learned that Jiang Heng's film is not just a single film, or a series of films.

It is very likely that multiple series of movies will form a so-called "movie universe", which would be a big deal.

The reason is very simple. For example, in the "Fengshen Universe" that is obvious at the moment, the first part of Yang Jian is about splitting a mountain to save his mother, and the second part can be about gathering the seven monsters of Meishan!

There is another popular protagonist Nezha. The first part is of course "Nezha Makes the Sea", and the second part can be a battle with Li Jing, Jin Zha and Mu Zha!

There are also Lei Zhenzi, Tu Xingsun, Huang Tianhua, and Deng Chanyu. If they all have one or two personal movies, then Jiang Heng's film and television resources will be too rich.

For a time, everyone complimented and praised everyone.

Jiang Heng looked around and saw faces full of smiles.

It seems to confirm what Huang Bo said, when you become famous, you will find that there are good people around you.

We had a meal and drank until past twelve o'clock at night. Those who lived far away stayed in a hotel.

Jiang Heng didn't go home because he thought it was troublesome, so he also slept in the hotel.

I woke up at 10 o'clock the next morning. I called the front desk and they sent me a stack of newspapers.

I opened them and found that they were all full of praise for "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother".

The criticism was limited to the fact that the setting was too grand and some parts were difficult to understand.

I called Han Sanping again, and he told Jiang Heng not to worry about anything. At present, the publicity of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" on TV, radio and newspapers was positive, and he told him to focus on filming the sequel to "The Matrix".

I communicated with Yu Dong, who said that he had sent someone to post and promote it on major websites.

There were still few netizens in China at that time. Although they would not immediately create "water army", they would not leave it alone.

Jiang Heng felt relieved to go back to film the sequel to "The Matrix" after learning that the publicity and promotion were normal.

However, the two companies that distributed the film, China Film and Bonanza, held many previews in major ticket-suppressing cities across the country, and each place was crowded with viewers.

Although the news that the film did not have a love element had spread, which disappointed many fans, they still had to watch it.

After all, in the current domestic film market, apart from Jiang Heng's special effects blockbusters, there are too few excellent commercial films.

As a result, many boys and girls regard the release of Jiang Heng's new films as a festival. Every time a film is released, the food and hotel orders of the day will surge.

This time, it is the summer vacation for students. The day before the release of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", the first day of the release of the movie tickets for many popular theaters were sold out, and some nearby fast hotels were also full.

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