China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 122 The Return of the Celestial Being

Beijing, the China Film Red Cinema Line's Cinema Guomao Store.

Liu Xiaoli looked at the huge crowd in front of her, her expression both frustrated and helpless.

"Xixi, there are too many people!"

Liu Tianxian was also a little disappointed, and whispered: "It seems that I can't buy tickets!"

As a result, she saw a reminder when she entered the door that today's tickets were sold out.

"Damn, there are more people here than in Manhattan (cinema)!" Liu Xiaoli couldn't help complaining.

Liu Tianxian said softly: "Most of the blockbusters released in the United States, there is only one a year here, it's different!"

Then she sighed: "It's better to come out earlier!"

The old man next to him smiled and waved his hand: "It's useless, you can't buy tickets even if you go out at seven o'clock!"

Seeing the surprised faces of the beautiful woman and her beautiful daughter, the old man said proudly: "Do you know when someone comes to line up? In the middle of the night, they come with a mat!"

Liu Tianxian is fifteen at this moment, and still a little naive.

Her beautiful eyes were wide open, and she didn't understand why they had to line up so early just to watch a movie.

Even if Jiang Heng's film is very good, at most you can watch it a few days later, or go to a farther place!

Liu Xiaoli knows that the world is bustling, all for profit, the world is bustling, all for profit.

Wondering: "Hey, there are scalpers here!"

"Hey, what are you talking about? There are scalpers everywhere! They get up early to line up, usually to grab those IMAX tickets, twenty-one, and they can be sold for two hundred. Ordinary ones can also be sold for fifty or sixty!

There are always those who bring their girlfriends to buy tickets but can't buy them. They are afraid that their girlfriends will be angry if they change places, so they buy a few ordinary tickets from scalpers!"

Liu Xiaoli still has some assets, and the difference of twenty or thirty yuan is nothing.

"Uncle, do you have a ticket?"

The uncle smiled and said, "Yes, but there is only one ticket for Yu Fu..."

Before he finished speaking, an old lady next to him grabbed the uncle's ear and scolded him, "Hey, you shameless bastard, I'm going to the bathroom and you can still talk nonsense to others. I thought you were young!"

The uncle was also a stubborn person. He argued with others, and Liu Xiaoli was scared and hurriedly took her daughter out.

After leaving the cinema, they stopped and were still angry. Liu Tianxian looked like she had done something wrong and didn't dare to speak.

"Did you two not buy the tickets?"

Liu Xiaoli turned her head and glared at him, but saw that he was a man in his thirties who looked quite gentle.

"What do you have?"

"Of course it's IMAX. For the next show, in the middle of the back row, I'll charge you 600 for two people!"

"600, why don't you go grab it?"

"Hey, this is what I earned from my hard work. I came to line up last night. It's like buying tickets for others, and I'm collecting some hard-earned money!"

"Mom, otherwise, forget it!" Liu Tianxian said timidly.

The scalper said hurriedly: "Hey, little beauty, you don't know, this is not an ordinary ticket that you can get as many as you want, it's the IMAX with the best visual effects. There are only ten screens in the country, and there are only two in Beijing. If you don't buy it now, it's normal that you can't buy it in ten days or half a month. There are just many rich people in Beijing!"

"Two tickets, 400!" Liu Xiaoli stopped talking nonsense.


After getting the movie tickets and waiting inside, Liu Xiaoli couldn't help but say: "Xixi, you must work hard in the future to stay away from those low-quality people, understand?"

Liu Tianxian nodded as if she understood, but didn't dare to say anything.

Since she grew up, almost everything about her has been decided by her mother.

The only time she made her own decision was when she watched Jiang Heng's "Lion Camel Ridge" and had the idea of ​​becoming an actor.

When Liu Xiaoli first heard about it, she naturally refused.

But seeing her daughter's persistence and hard work, she agreed.

In the first half of the year, Liu Tianxian not only completed all the credits, but also was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, which made her extremely relieved.

If there is any regret, it is naturally the heroine of this play.

Liu Xiaoli has always felt that if the filming is planned at this time, her daughter still has a great chance of getting a role.

The reason why I came today is to see which girl is so lucky and how she performs.

In the IMAX theater, Liu Xiaoli led her daughter to find a seat and sat down. She looked around and it was really good.

After all, it was a newly renovated theater, which gave her a better feeling than the one in New York.

It's just that there are too many people in the theater, almost full, but it's something she rarely encounters in all the years she has watched movies.

Liu Tianxian also sighed, "There are so many people, mom!"

"Yes, there are a lot of Hollywood blockbusters during the Christmas season, that's all!"

After that, she added, "I'll tell your godfather later, and find a chance to meet Director Jiang and have dinner together!"

Liu Tianxian nodded softly. She has the resources, so she will naturally not start from a supporting role.

I just don't know if Director Jiang will choose her.

I heard that when the female lead of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" was auditioned, many beautiful girls went, and there were also those with deep backgrounds and connections, but in the end, a girl with no background and no acting experience was chosen.

It's really hard to say what Director Jiang's casting standards are!

When Liu Tianxian was nervous, the movie had already started.

The mother and daughter watched the whole process intently. The special effects were really outstanding, and the plot was compact and smooth.

Especially the design of many action scenes, Jiang Heng borrowed the content from some later film and television dramas, and put it in the 2002 film, it was really too dazzling and exciting.

When I left the theater after watching the movie, I still heard many people talking about the plot with great interest.

"Yang Jian has a hard life. It's okay to have a mother, but it's terrible that his sister is disobedient and insists on finding a mortal!"

"The part about the Haotian Mirror is pretty good. Yang Jian is besieged by Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Nezha, Chenxiang and others. The fighting scenes must be exciting!"

"It must be exciting. Just the fight between Yang Jian and Sun Wukong should be very good to watch. Yang Jian here has practiced for too short a time and is still a little weak!"

Listening to the discussions of the people around her, Liu Tianxian couldn't help but say, "The movie is really good, mom, I'm so happy today!"

Liu Xiaoli said, "Well, Director Jiang shot it really well, but the heroine is a little worse. If my Qianqian played it, she would definitely be better than her!"

Liu Tianxian couldn't help but imagine that she appeared on the big screen, playing the role of the Third Holy Mother Yang Chan and acting against Yang Jian played by Jiang Heng.

Sighing slightly, he said, "There is no such opportunity!"

Liu Xiaoli said, "Opportunities still need to be fought for. I heard that Director Jiang is planning to shoot a love movie. He will definitely help you get the role of the heroine!"

After saying that, he hurried into the underground parking lot and called Chen Jinfei after getting in the car.

"Old Chen, you said last time that Director Jiang was going to make a love movie. Is there any definite news?"

Chen Jinfei on the other end of the phone laughed, "How can there be any definite news? Director Jiang is only in his twenties and has never been in love. He knows what love is! I think he is really smart. He knows that he doesn't understand, so he doesn't invest recklessly in filming. He just plays special effects blockbusters, and they are all successful. It's amazing!"

Liu Xiaoli said, "You have never been in love?"

"Yes, and there has been no scandal, but after this movie, I heard that the girl named Tang often visits the crew!"

Liu Xiaoli said, "Old Chen, do you have any contact with Jiang Heng?"

Chen Jinfei smiled bitterly. He currently runs a real estate company and has a net worth of more than 2 billion yuan, but he may not have as much money as Jiang Heng.

And in terms of status, there is no comparison.

Now Jiang Heng is the number one commercial film director in the mainland. Although he has not won important international film awards, he has revived the Chinese-language film market with his own efforts.

How many cinemas have been saved from bankruptcy and closure because of Jiang Heng's blockbuster movies!

And he is not ranked that high in the domestic real estate industry, so it's really hard to compare.

Just said: "What do you think?"

"Can you meet Director Jiang and have a meal?"

"Let me call and ask!"

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