Jiang Heng has always liked the movie "Inception". In his spare time, when he sits in front of the window of his large flat and overlooks the night view of Beijing, he can't help but wonder whether he is living in the real world or just a big dream. Unfortunately, there is no "gyroscope" to help him distinguish between reality and dreams.

Just make the best of it. Now that life is rich and comfortable, there is no need to worry so much.

Follow your heart and listen to music in the brothel.

It's a pity that everything is complicated and I'm really too busy recently.

After filming the two "Matrix" movies, I have to rest for half a year. It's better to shoot "Inception" after the summer of 2003!

As for the actors, Wu Yizu will be used as the male lead, and the rest will try to use the original version.

Moreover, Jiang Heng is going to Hollywood to set up a production company to produce the film and impact the Oscar award, so as not to be criticized by film critics for only making popcorn blockbusters.

Among the five works he has directed and released, The Matrix, Lion Camel Ridge, and Pacific Rim have a very high reputation, 100 Million Years BC is at the bottom, and Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother is in the middle.

Some film critics have written that Jiang Heng has begun to show a symptom called "big director disease", which is mainly manifested in not telling the story well, but making things that the audience can't understand.

For example, the background of the story of Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother is too grand, and the settings and concepts such as "Witches and Liches Fighting for Hegemony", "The Emperor of Heaven Died", "The Ancestor Witch Was Seriously Injured", "Haotian Entered the Heavenly Court", and "Suppressing the Zhoutian Stars" are all stuffed into the movie, making people confused.

Especially the operation of Emperor Gou Chen at the end of the film, which is obviously about colluding with the Western Religion Jie Yin Taoist, but there is no plot foreshadowing, which seems very abrupt.

If you are not very familiar with "Investiture of the Gods", it is quite difficult to understand.

The final conclusion is that the dragon-slaying boy eventually became an evil dragon, and the great director Jiang Heng also began to not tell the story properly, mixed in all kinds of personal opinions, and began to not consider the audience.

It is estimated that the next step is to prepare for winning international awards.

After all, he has made so many special effects blockbusters and made enough money. Anyone wants to be recognized by awards.

This film review was published in a tabloid. Because it was a rare critical voice, and it was the summer hit of "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother", it was sold out instantly.

The other film critics and newspapers saw that this track had development, and they swarmed in and began to criticize "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother" from all angles.

Jiang Heng's identity and fame are there, and not everyone dares to name and criticize him.

Many film critics pointed the finger at Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother played by Tang Yan, saying that her role in the play was dispensable and she was just a vase.

In terms of acting, she was not as good as the three-year-old girl who played the young Yang Chan.

There were more criticisms about Tang Yan, so the newspaper office didn't accept much.

A young film critic named Ma Ziru, after watching "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" three times, finally found a point to criticize, which was the color of Xiaotian Dog.

The Xiaotian Dog in the film is a white dog, but in the animated version of "The Lotus Lantern", the dog is black.

Starting from this point, he quoted classics to prove that Xiaotian Dog should be a black Chinese pastoral dog.

After the manuscript was published, Ma Ziru rushed to the newspaper office excitedly and handed the article to the editor he had worked with before.

After reading it, the latter shook his head regretfully, "You are late. Three manuscripts like this were received this morning. The lady you left before also wrote this!"

Ma Ziru was surprised and speechless. There are competitors in such a niche track?

This world is too competitive!

Helplessly, he could only take back the manuscript and send it to a few newspapers he had never worked with before. Whether it can be published depends on God's will.

However, this wave of negative reviews has almost no impact on the box office of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother".

First, Jiang Heng has always had a good reputation in the mainland film market, which makes the audience feel that it is the tabloid media that is maliciously smearing him.

Moreover, even if the plot is not good, there are still special effects, right? There are as many as 89 stars. Just going to the theater to count the stars is worth the ticket price!

Especially for those young people who are fanatical about chasing stars, let alone idols acting, even if the idols stand there for an hour, some people are willing to spend money.

Not to mention that Jiang Heng is the leading actor, just support him for this.

Also, although there are many negative comments in those tabloids, the film reviews published on CCTV Movie Channel and major domestic mainstream newspapers and magazines are almost all positive.

On the Internet, the negative reviews of the film are showing an increasing trend.

"Director Jiang, I've already informed the mainstream media, and they're all fine. I've also contacted the bosses of Mop and Tianya, and they all said good things, but no action has been taken!"

At noon, Yu Dong came to visit the set and mentioned the reputation of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother".

This film was jointly released by China Film and Bona Film Group. Yu Dong has a good relationship with major media and is more sensitive to this aspect, so Jiang Heng asked him to pay more attention to the film's public opinion and reputation.

"What do you think?" Jiang Heng asked back.

Yu Dong said: "I think it's still the old way, just get some money!"

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head without saying anything.

Yu Dong was a little puzzled. For traditional media, it is also necessary to maintain good relations with various departments and give "travel expenses" to reporters who come to interview. Does the Internet need money, and how to do it?

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Hengdao: "The Internet is different from traditional media. Traditional media are very strictly supervised. Before a manuscript is published, it is reviewed at all levels, so their articles will be very cautious, especially critical ones. For example, a newspaper in Beijing If you criticize me, then I will consider which editor, editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, or senior leader of the newspaper is hostile to me.

This is not the case on the Internet. Maybe someone was unhappy after watching the movie and went home to write a long article on the website and then posted it to the forum!

If we spend money, I'm afraid a lot of people will blackmail us with negative reviews in the future! "

Yu Dong nodded when he heard this, "What should we do? We can't just let it go!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "It's easy to handle. Let's build a professional film review website. If netizens come to our website to read film reviews in the future, public opinion will naturally be controlled. As for other forums, find some part-time jobs online. , it doesn’t cost much to build an online troll, and the effect will be much better!”

Hearing this, Yu Dong suddenly became enlightened and said with admiration: "Director Jiang, your method is really good. I will order someone to build the website right now!"

Jiang Hengdao: "Do this quietly, don't make it public, don't let people know that our company runs a film review website."

"I understand, I understand. I'll go back and set up a subsidiary company first, and then use the subsidiary company to run the website. What about the website name?"

"Call it Douban Internet Cafe!"

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