As a distribution company controlled by Jiang Heng, Bonna Pictures is also well-known. It is easy to set up a branch. The business license was obtained in a few days, and the website was launched in the fastest time.

After all, Beijing is home to many universities and talents. As long as you are willing to spend money, there are many technical experts.

More importantly, the website itself is not complicated. Jiang Heng has also completed non-technical things such as the name, LGGO, page design, and scoring rules.

Yu Dong was stunned and wondered, aren't you a movie director?

How do you have time to study the website!

If you have some computer skills, you can make one yourself!

But Jiang Heng's computer skills are ahead of the times.

For the person in charge of the website, Yu Dong recommended a friend's daughter, Li Xiaobai, who majored in computer science and had some management experience. She worked in the telecommunications bureau before.

Jiang Heng went through the procedures and met her. He felt that she was quite smart. After giving her some advice, he let her take office.

Li Xiaobai was quite terrified at first, fearing that her leadership would ruin the company.

But after getting started with the new company, she realized that Uncle Yu had found her a job to support her in her old age!

Director Jiang had done all the design work for the website, and she liked it more and more, and didn't find any place to optimize it.

There was a professional team in charge of the technology, so she didn't have to worry about it. She only had to manage the daily life of the company.

This was really... so comfortable!

She immediately took the company staff to promote it and create film entries at the same time.

In the film and television section of Tianya Forum, a GG called " - the most professional film review website" was everywhere.

The administrator didn't notice it at first, and it was already several hours later when he realized that he had deleted the post.

However, his deletion of the post was like encountering a virus. What awaited him was more and more GG replies, and he was busy taking keyword bans.

The situation on Mop was similar. It can be said that within a day, many netizens who like to read film reviews and talk about film and television dramas online knew about

When they searched Douban and found that they could rate, review and write short reviews for their favorite movies, they instantly felt like they had found a group.

They hurriedly called their friends to post and rate on Douban. When "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" was released for a month, Douban had become the most popular film review website.

The ratings of several works by Jiang Heng were also released. "The Matrix 1" was as high as 9.4, "100 Million Years BC" was 8.5, "Lion Camel Ridge" was 9.1, "Pacific Rim" was 8.9, and "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" was 8.3.

Some netizens questioned whether the ratings of director Jiang Heng's works were too high.

However, seeing that the first place was Chen Kaige's "Farewell My Concubine" with 9.6, and "Tea House" and "Wreaths Under the Mountain" were as high as 9.5, they felt that the website's ratings were fair.

Many college students went to see Stephen Chow's "A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella" and found that it was only 9.0 at this time. They hurriedly called on their classmates and friends to help rate it, and it increased by 0.1.

In fact, the birth of did not have a big impact on the box office of "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother".

After all, the number of domestic netizens in 2002 was limited, and most people were still influenced by mainstream media.

And the mainstream media, with the perspective of "escorting the Chinese-language film market", also tried to do positive publicity for "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother".

It's nothing else. Jiang Heng's movie box office accounts for too large a proportion of the annual box office of the entire mainland film market. The leaders hope that it will grow year by year. How can they say anything negative?

In addition, after China joined the WTO, the economic situation has improved in the past two years, and some government agencies and enterprises have started to use traditional skills - booking theaters.

As a result, the box office performance of "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother" has soared since the day of its release.

China Film Group pays the most attention to this. Making money is one aspect, and the main thing is to have good results, and they are holding back to rush to 700 million.

However, after a full month of release, it only took more than 670 million, so it was decided to postpone it for another month before it was released.

So "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" was shown in the cinema for another month, and finally achieved a box office result of 721 million yuan.

The day after the box office broke 700 million, Han Sanping was extremely excited, and the senior executives of China Film Group were jubilant, saying that they would celebrate in a big way and hold a celebration banquet.

A group of people said a lot, but there was nothing new.

Someone said: "Hey, if we talk about creativity and ideas, it has to be Director Jiang. You have to ask him about this!"

Han Sanping was also about to talk to Jiang Heng, so he called him and told him everyone's ideas.

Jiang Heng thought for a while and said: "It's easy. We can use crystal to make a seven or eight zeros arranged together. One day, hold a press conference and invite some media friends to come. In front of them, smash the "700 million" to represent that our box office performance has broken the 700 million mark!"

Hearing this, Han Sanping's eyes lit up.

"Oh, you really make a living by your creativity. This idea is great, and it coincides with ours! Okay, just wait for me to arrange it!"

After Han Sanping hung up the phone, he told Jiang Heng about his idea, and the senior executives in the room were very happy.

One number and one crystal, nine people should be able to stand on it, and he can also swing a hammer to show his face.

The group of people started to discuss, some said they wanted to invite reporters from CCTV, and the movie channel would definitely be willing to come.

Some suggested inviting Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, both of whom shot blockbusters, one of which was released during the Spring Festival, and the other was invested by China Film and will be released next summer, which would also stimulate them and take the opportunity to promote it.

Hearing this, Han Sanping didn't know whether this idea was good or bad.

Zhang Yimou had a good relationship with Jiang Heng. He attended the premieres of Jiang Heng's new films several times and even paid a high price to invite Jiang Heng to star in "Hero". He should be willing to come.

Chen Kaige, on the other hand, has always been arrogant since he became famous for "Farewell My Concubine".

Originally, as the popularity of "Farewell My Concubine" faded, Chen Kaige had been silent for a long time because of the average reputation and box office of several works this year.

Unexpectedly, after the release of "Farewell My Concubine" on, it became the highest-scoring Chinese-language film with a high score of 9.6 and was reported by the media, and Chen Kaige became arrogant again.

In some of his small gatherings, Jiang Heng's evaluation was not very high.

Letting him attend the celebration banquet of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" will not cause any trouble!

Han Sanping was also undecided, but since everyone else said so, he also wanted to take the opportunity to promote The Promise. After all, it was a film invested by his company, so he called Chen Kaige.

The latter was a little silent when he answered the phone, but his words were very brief, "Okay, tell me when you have decided, I will definitely go!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hong asked what happened.

When Chen Kaige told him about the matter, Chen Hong was puzzled, "Don't you hate Jiang Heng the most? Why do you want to attend his celebration party and see him being so proud!"

Chen Kaige said proudly, "He is a young boy who is only good at special effects. He doesn't understand art. I just want to tell him.

Movies are not made like that!"

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