Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige are classmates of Beijing Film Academy, both of whom entered the school in 1978.

Due to his poor family background, Lao Mouzi first joined the queue after graduating from middle school, and then worked as a worker in a cotton spinning factory.

After work, he bought a "Seagull" brand camera and became a professional photographer.

After the college entrance examination resumed, he made a photo album of his photography works and showed it to the admissions tutor of Beijing Film Academy, hoping to get a chance to apply for the photography department.

But he was 26 that year, and he was over the 22-year-old admissions standard, so he was repeatedly rejected. I wanted to go to Beiguang to major in photography, but I was also rejected by the same people.

After many twists and turns, I asked my relatives and friends to find the deputy dean of Nortel and handed my portfolio and a "Study Letter" to the senior officials before I was able to enroll.

Therefore, according to Chen Kaizhen, Lao Mouzi barely went to school and could not be compared with him.

Lao Mouzi was cautious and taciturn when he was in school, because he was overage to enter the school. It was originally said that he could study for two years.

After the two-year period was over, the school held an interview, and Lao Mouzi thought, "I just need to get a college diploma and leave."

He also complained to Tianzhuangzhuang and others, "I'm afraid I won't be able to come back after I leave."

But the final result was that he was allowed to study in the photography department for four years like other undergraduates.

In comparison, Chen Kaifeng had a lot of success because his father is Chen Huaikai, the director of Beijing Film Studio.

It is precisely because of the existence of Mr. Chen that many people have been rumoring that "Farewell My Concubine" was not filmed by Chen Kaizhan.

At the beginning of the resumption of the college entrance examination, Chen Kaige wanted to apply for the Chinese Department of Peking University, but when he arrived at the examination room, he discovered that even the Chinese Department had to take mathematics, physics and chemistry, so he retreated and chose Nortel.

However, although Lao Chen has a good family background, he cannot compare with his childhood friend Tian Zhuangzhuang.

The latter's father was the first director of Beijing Film Studio, and his mother later became the first director of Children's Film Studio.

During the written test, Tianzhuangzhuang, who has a good family background, finished answering the questions in half an hour, handed in the paper directly and went out to wait for Chen Kaitian.

That kind of calm and unhurried demeanor is really beyond the comparison of ordinary children.

In this world, wealth, vision, resources, and connections can all be passed down.

Even farmers who farm often have lower grain yields than others because their father passed away early and there is no one to teach or support them.

Chen Kaizhi was very confident and high-spirited in college, developing an arrogant character.

I like to participate in various activities, especially poetry recitations.

When I was running for the position of director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games in 2008, I didn't immediately reveal my plan, but I impassionedly recited Du Fu's "Wen Guanjun Takes Henan and Hebei".

For such an inappropriate move, he was immediately eliminated by the organizing committee and did not even pass the first round.

From Chen Kaitian's subsequent words, he never felt that there was anything wrong with what he did.

Some people call him a poet director because he has a strong and unrestrained desire for expression. He also only focuses on what he wants to express, but rarely considers whether the audience can understand it.

"Farewell My Concubine" can become a classic, thanks to screenwriter Lu Wei.

Because Chen Kaizhen didn't want to film this at all at first. It was only because "Walking and Singing" suffered huge losses that he had to accept the producer's suggestion.

After reading the original work, Lu Wei said it was a first- and second-rate novel.

Chen Kaige said that your evaluation is higher than mine, and I think it is a third-rate novel.

Perhaps because he didn't care about the story at all, when screenwriter Lu Wei proposed that not a single word of the script he wrote could be changed, Chen Kaizhen readily agreed.

The way they cooperate is that Lu Wei writes the script, and Chen Kaizhen marks the top, middle and bottom three according to the scene. The top ones will be filmed directly, and the bottom ones will continue to make changes.

Lu Wei wrote a total of ninety-nine scenes, but Chen Kaizhan only took out two.

After the film was completed, it won the Palme d'Or at the 46th Cannes Film Festival.

Chen Kaizhen has also become the most famous "film master" in China. In the words of "Farewell My Concubine", he has become a "corner" of "people's dignitaries".

The way he behaves and the way he speaks is full of "master style".

In terms of artistic creation, he also gave full play to his desire for expression, and his works began to be controversial.

However, before "The Promise", although "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin" failed miserably at the box office and lost a lot of money, it could still be maintained due to its reputation.

Chen Kaicheng's reputation as a "master" is still quite resounding. Facing a commercial film director like Jiang Heng who only has box office but no awards, he still has a psychological advantage.

On the evening of Saturday, September 22, 2002, the crew of "Split the Mountain to Save Mother" held a grand celebration ceremony in the banquet hall of Shangri-La Hotel in Beijing.

A huge poster of the film was hung at the event, with the final score of 721 million in the mainland market printed on it.

In front of the poster is a row of numbers made of ice, each of which is 700,000,000, representing the 700 million box office mark of the Chinese film market.

A few years ago, the total annual box office of films other than Jiang Heng's films in the mainland film market was around 1 billion.

Today, the mainland box office of one of Jiang Heng's works has exceeded 700 million, which really makes many officials excited.

A lot of people came to this banquet today.

Han Sanping, the head of the mainland film market, also had to stand up and make a toast, full of compliments.

But several leaders who came could not stop praising Jiang Heng, which made Chen Kaizhen very unhappy.

"The world has changed. Grand prizes are not as useful as box office. Those of us who 'bring glory to the country' are not as good as commercial film directors!"

Chen Kaizhen muttered in a low voice with a very disdainful expression.

Zhang Yimou was not as silent as before. He looked at Jiang Heng, who was chatting and laughing with the leaders, with some envy in his eyes.

Said: "Times are changing, the country is changing, and we should also seek change. I don't think there is anything wrong with commercial films. If you win awards when you can sell box office, it will be even better!"

Chen Kaizhen sneered, "What award, Oscar?"

Just after filming "Farewell My Concubine" that year, screenwriter Lu Wei called Zhang Yimou over and asked him what he thought.

Lao Mouzi said that this is the most similar film to learn from Hollywood.

In that era when art was paramount, Hollywood, which praised commercial films, was a derogatory term. These words really made Chen Kaizhen and Lu Wei angry, and Chen has never forgotten them all these years.

Zhang Yimou didn't think that Lao Chen was mocking him, maybe he was used to hearing words with a similar tone when he was in school.

"The Oscar is also a major award in Hollywood. It would be a good thing to win it. Speaking of which, "The Matrix" didn't win, which is a pity."

Chen Kaizhen said sarcastically: "If he wins, your "Hero" will only be able to hit the second domestic Oscar-winning film!"

Lao Mouzi looked at Chen Kaicheng in surprise, knowing that this man was unhappy and kept silent.

Not long after, it was time to smash the numbers on the ice.

A total of nine leaders, including Han Sanping, Jiang Heng, and Yu Dong, as well as senior executives from China Film and Aiyouteng, stood in a row and smashed the digital ice cubes in front of them with small hammers.

This means that the box office performance of a single film in the domestic film market has exceeded the 700 million mark.

The moment the hammer fell and the ice broke, cameras and cameras were all aimed to record this historic moment.

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