Chen Kaigan on the side felt his teeth sore when he saw this scene.

Although he was very confident in "The Promise" and felt that it could achieve good box office results, the figure of 700 million was something he never dared to imagine.

But he felt that Jiang Heng's movie was not very good, relying entirely on the special effects scenes and star cast.

The special effects of his "The Promise" also cost a lot of money, and the cast includes stars from China, Japan and South Korea. It is expected that the box office performance will not be much worse than "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother".

Even if 700 million is not reached, 500 million should be achieved!

There must be one, Lao Chen firmly believes.

Looking at Jiang Heng, who is surrounded by stars like a moon, one has the feeling that Guan Yunchang is standing in front of the white horse formation, looking at Yan Liang from a distance, and always feels that this is a product that "inserts the bid to sell first".

It's a pity that the film "The Promise" is still not good enough to kill Jiang Heng.

How about I also make a traditional mythology film?

As soon as this thought emerged, it grew like weeds and couldn't be suppressed.

There is also a mentality of "I can't take pictures that Jiang Heng took."

Be it "Fengshen", "Journey to the West" or traditional mythological stories, there is no copyright.

For example, he is familiar with "The Sky", which he believes will not be bad at the box office.

It's just the dignity of a "film master" that makes him a little embarrassed to make films that are obviously not artistic.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but frown.

A senior executive of China Film Group Corporation was puzzled, "Director Chen, what are you thinking about? He smiles sometimes and frowns sometimes!"

Chen Kaizhen is a person who cares about face, and he didn't hide it at all. He said calmly: "The mainland film market is really revitalized. 'Yang Jian saves his mother', which is not ranked among the myths, can earn so much box office. This If you want to film "Havoc in Heaven," you have to spend more than one billion, right?"

The China Film executive laughed, "How is it possible? The total box office for this year is only a small amount? But if Director Jiang waits for a few years of filming, it should be over one billion!"

Chen Kaizhan snorted, "Then he can't wait any longer, because I plan to film it!"

The people around him were stunned when they heard what Lao Chen said. It was obvious that he was doing something wrong!

But having said that, there is a natural gap between Chen Kaifeng and Jiang Heng. One is the one with the highest achievements in Chinese-language literary films and the other is the one with the highest achievements in commercial films.

If not for their close relationship with China Film Group, Chen Kaizhen would not be here at all.

After thinking about this, most people around me chose to remain silent.

However, there are also rich people who came to join in the fun because of their connections. They said with surprise on their faces: "Director Chen is going to make "Havoc in Heaven" and it will definitely be a big hit at the box office! Are you short of investment? I have it, I have it!"

Chen Kaizhen saw that the atmosphere was strange and felt that he had made a mistake, but he did not think that everyone was afraid that what he just said meant that he would not get along with Jiang Heng.

But I thought, how can I say that I want to make something like "Havoc in Heaven" that has no artistic value at the first thought.

If you want to shoot it, it has to be a protest type like "Houyi shoots the sun" or "Nuwa mends the sky", or a desperate and accusatory one like "Gonggong's anger touches Buzhou Mountain".

Yes, it’s an accusation! An indictment of the entire world.

Someone oppressed him, so he wanted to accuse and destroy...

Director Chen was immersed in his ideas and didn't pay attention to it at all.

Seeing this, the rich man came forward and said it again.

Chen Kaijian originally wanted to say, what's so good about making a film like this that has no artistic value to explore.

But thinking that Jiang Heng might take pictures in the future, he endured the disdain in his heart and said: "Well, okay, you can come to me later and we can discuss it!"

The local tycoon was overjoyed when he heard this, "Okay, okay, let's go back and study it carefully, and strive for a box office of over 800 million, 8888, let's make it, hahaha!"

There were many guests in the banquet hall and the voices were noisy. It is expected that his words could not spread too far.

But this man had a male duck voice and his laughter was very distinctive, so it reached the ears of Han Sanping, Jiang Heng and other leaders.

"It seems that someone wants to copy your success at the box office, so we need to keep up the good work!" a leader said with a smile.

For leaders, it is not a good thing for one company to dominate the film market.

Especially in the past two years, theaters everywhere have been living in a world of ice and fire.

When Jiang Heng's new film was released, the audience was like a carp crossing the river, and the theaters were full for several days after the release.

Other films are relatively deserted when released, and sometimes even empty.

This situation is definitely not conducive to the development of the film market. The leaders have conducted many investigations and discussed ways to revitalize it.

One of the well-recognized ones is to encourage capable directors and production companies to make blockbusters, so that the market is in a situation of healthy competition and contention of a hundred schools of thought.

The leaders are very satisfied with this year's situation. "Split the Mountain to Save Mother" was a big hit during the summer, "Kung Fu" by Zhou Xingxing will be released on October 1st, "The Matrix 2" will be released for the Lunar New Year, and next year's Spring Festival release will also have Zhang Yimou 's "Hero".

In just half a year, four blockbusters were released, which is already the best result in history.

However, leaders definitely hope that their results will get better and better and that they will improve year by year.

Upon seeing this, Han Sanping expressed his position: "We, the China Film Association, will continue to support Director Jiang Heng and other directors who are interested in making commercial blockbusters, and work together to strive for an early realization of a new situation for the renaissance of Chinese-language films!"

Jiang Heng also said: "Leaders, please rest assured that I will continue to make good commercial blockbusters and contribute to the vigorous development of the motherland's film industry. I will also do my best to provide help to colleagues in need and achieve common progress...!"

The leader was very satisfied after hearing this.

Go to Chen Kaitu and ask him what specific ideas he has.

Chen Kaijian first glanced at Jiang Heng, and hesitated for a moment between "Gonggong's anger touches Mount Buzhou" and "Havoc in Heaven", and finally said: "I want to film Havoc in Heaven and create a different Sun Wukong."

The leader didn't hear anything wrong with this, but Jiang Heng was keenly aware of it and said: "This guy wants to make magic changes, and I don't know what he will come up with! However, when "The Promise" became a box office hit, it really attracted investment. ?"

As the saying goes, love comes from the heart, Jiang Heng didn't say anything, but Chen Kaizhen felt that Jiang Heng's expression was very disdainful.

"Director Xiao Jiang, you don't think I stole your film, do you?"

"Wherever, Journey to the West, Apotheosis of the Gods, and those traditional mythological stories are cultural treasures belonging to the Chinese nation. Every Chinese is qualified to film them. Is Director Zhang interested in filming one?"

Zhang Yimo was stunned and thought to himself: Why does this still have to do with me?

He hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I'm too rigid and have poor imagination. I can't shoot fairy tales."

This was a modest remark, but Chen Kaicheng actually nodded, "Lao Zhang is indeed not suitable for filming Shinhwa, otherwise there would be many people competing with Director Jiang!"

Jiang Hengdao: "How come? I hope more and more people will make blockbusters and good films. After all, the movie-watching community needs to be cultivated. The more good films released at the same time, the more willing the audience will be to consume, just like catering. It's like a crowd, and the audience has a choice when they arrive.

I'm really looking forward to next summer, because not one of my blockbusters will be released, but Director Chen's "The Promise" will also accompany it! "

Chen Kaigan heard this and said solemnly: "That's what I said, but when the time comes, I will say that I have stolen Director Xiao Jiang's box office, so don't mind it!"

Jiang Heng laughed loudly when he heard this.

In fact, he has trained himself in how to treat others.

You generally don't laugh randomly on grand occasions unless you can't help it.

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