There are so many handsome guys in the entertainment industry, but only Wu Yizu has so many "XX descendants".

Twenty years later, his handsomeness has become a specific noun and adjective.

Some boys who are quite confident in their appearance will call themselves "Xie Su's descendants", but few call themselves Jin Chengwu or Wang Lihong.

It seems that Yizu has filled most of the country and has become a synonym for handsomeness in the hearts of countless people, which shows how outstanding his appearance is.

And the savior Neo he played in the movie is so handsome that countless women at the scene are crazy about him.

Don't ignore the impact of appearance on film achievements. The most typical example is Jet Li. The reason why he can sit firmly on the title of "Kung Fu Emperor" is that those who are more handsome than him are not as good at fighting as him, and those who are better at fighting than him are not as handsome as him.

The perfect combination of chic and elegant movements and sunny handsomeness, a harmless and righteous appearance is really popular with the audience.

At this moment, Wu Yizu was on the verge of becoming famous. Although he was still a newcomer with no works released yet, he quickly became the focus of the media for taking photos and asking questions after the main creators came on stage.

"Hello, Mr. Wu Yizu, how did you join the crew?" asked a female reporter wearing glasses.

"Well, actually, I really didn't think that I would make a movie one day. I just thought that I must go to Hong Kong to take a look at this year! After traveling there, I spent almost all my money, so I thought about making some money and going back to be a model, and then I was introduced to Director Jiang Heng!"

Perhaps because he was born to do this, Wu Yizu was not panicked at all in front of the guests and many media reporters in the audience, and talked freely.

"Director Jiang's first sentence stunned me, and what he said later made me doubt my life for a long time!"

The reporters were whetted their appetite and asked him what he said at the time.

"Director Jiang said that the probability of us living in the real world is less than one in a billion. I was a little confused at the time. How could this be possible!"

The guests and reporters in the audience were even more confused. They only watched the most exciting fighting clips and had not yet been exposed to the world view of the film.

In addition, in 1997, domestic information was blocked, and almost everyone in the auditorium had never heard of the theory of virtual world.

"How could this be possible!"

"This, this, too sci-fi!"

The reporters talked about it, and Wu Yizu smiled, "I thought so at the time, and then Director Jiang began to tell me various theories and bases. We talked for about an hour, and my brain was confused. Then he showed me the outline of the script. I felt that my world view was overturned and I thought this story was too cool. Even if I didn't get much pay, I was willing to participate in it."

After hearing this, the reporters and guests became more and more interested in "The Matrix". Of course, the main reason was that they felt that there was too much material to write about in this report.

"Hong Kong's No. 1 Handsome Guy", "The First Chinese Science Fiction Movie", "Humans Live in a Virtual World"...

Among these gimmicks, the most popular one is actually "Hong Kong's No. 1 Handsome Man"!

As the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts.

Everyone has different aesthetics, so naturally not everyone thinks Wu Aizu is the most handsome.

As long as the view that "Hong Kong's No. 1 Handsome Man Wu Aizu, overwhelms the Four Heavenly Kings and overshadows Brother Haonan" is thrown out, it will inevitably cause heated discussions among movie fans. Then, Wu Aizu's posters will be posted on bus stops and outdoor GG screens in major ticket-suppressing cities, which will inevitably attract a large number of boys and girls to watch the movie.

Although Li Meiqi's appearance cannot be called "Hong Kong's No. 1 Beauty", she has a mixed-race look.

Coupled with her beautiful and cool image in the movie, her posters will definitely sell out after the release.

There is a saying that appearance is justice. Before the premiere ceremony, Wu Aizu and Li Meiqi had no reputation in the mainland, but they were photographed and asked questions by a group of reporters at the event.

Yuen Wah and Yuan De are also well-known figures in the Hong Kong film circle, but after going on stage, they became invisible and almost no one asked questions.

If Yu Dong hadn't arranged a few reporters in advance, no one would have paid attention to these two people, which would have been too embarrassing.

After answering the questions, another video clip was played.

It was Neo, played by Wu Yizu, who reached out to touch the mirror and was immediately covered with mercury. Then a bald, naked man with tubes inserted into his body appeared in the petri dish.

"Fuck, this, this!"

Everyone present found it hard to believe that the monster-like guy in the petri dish was the handsome and cool Wu Yizu.

But as the male protagonist's eyes rotated, people saw more petri dishes, each of which contained a human with tubes inserted.

The male protagonist looked around and saw countless petri dishes densely covering the circular building like a skyscraper.

There were constant arcs of electricity, as if they were generating electricity.

"Fuck, wouldn't humans be used to generate electricity?"

"This is too much of a brain hole!"

When the guests and reporters present were curious and wanted to know the subsequent plot, the lights in the venue came on and the second preview ended.

Then the host came on stage to express gratitude to the guests and reporters on behalf of the "Matrix" crew, and the premiere celebration officially ended.

"Fuck, this is not deliberately seducing people!"

Jiang Wen cursed and decided to ask later.

To express his gratitude, Jiang Heng booked a large box in a nearby star-rated hotel to entertain the guests.

Although the reporters who came could not go, they all had "travel expenses".

It's not that I don't want to spend a little money on the banquet, but it's really not easy to take reporters to the occasions where celebrities eat.

In the private room, there were about twenty celebrities and artists who came to eat, mainly from Xiangjiang. Most of the guests from the mainland left directly.

Jiang Wen, on the other hand, sat down next to Jiang Heng and asked about the plot of "The Matrix".

Jiang Heng gave a brief summary of the plot of the first film. Jiang Wen couldn't help but give a thumbs up after hearing this, "Brother, you are like this. Our idea of ​​​​making the film is still based on the feelings of family and country, love and hatred, you are directly doubting the world. , and the photo seems to be very reasonable!”

Jiang Heng chuckled, "I'm just young and dare to think and take pictures!"

Xu Ke said quietly: "It's not that simple. When I saw the gun battle scene with Yan Zu, the visuals, sound effects, and soundtrack were all classics. It's not an exaggeration to say that it surpassed Lao Wu (John Woo) in every aspect!"

Liu Weiqiang also said: "That part of the filming really showed your skills. Have you really never learned to direct before?"

Jiang Heng looked a little shy, "No, I just studied the director carefully to arrange the scenes when I was playing a small role."

“This is not something you can learn by stealing!”

Liu Weiqiang shook his head slightly, but it was difficult to delve into the details.

Judging from the two test screening clips, the final effect of "The Matrix" is probably very amazing. It is not something that a novice who has never been a director can produce.

Even Yuande, the martial arts instructor, doesn't have that kind of skill.

Even if he could shoot it, he still wouldn't be able to understand the special effects. Jiang Heng might have a team behind him to help him.

Could it be some big company in Hollywood? Why didn't any news come out?

Everyone enjoyed the meal, and then everyone dispersed with doubts.

The China Film Group was facing a formidable enemy. In addition to Ge You who spontaneously disguised himself as a reporter and went to the premiere ceremony to join in the fun, Han Sanping also sent people from the Beijing Film Studio to enter the CPPCC auditorium in a grand manner.

After attending the entire ceremony, the Beijing Film Studio employee was sweating profusely.

"Director, they are so strong. Their publicity concept is too strong! Although I have never done any publicity, after a premiere, I felt that there was so much to report, and it was very eye-catching! "

Han Sanping frowned slightly. The person who went to the premiere was named Zhang Xiang. He was considered an old man from Beijing Film Studio. If he dared to say such words that "increase others' ambitions and destroy his own prestige", it could only mean one thing, and that was " "The Matrix" is far beyond my imagination, both in terms of the quality of the film (clips) and the means of publicity and distribution.

He must have felt that "Party A and Party B" had no chance of winning, so he would say this to lay the groundwork for finding reasons for future box office failures, so as not to blame him for not reporting what he knew!

"Oh, is there anything worthy of media coverage?"

"Although the male protagonist in the film is a new actor, he has very good appearance, tough and handsome. He is expected to become a new idol among teenagers after the film is released!"

"Is he more handsome than Zheng Yijian, who has been very popular in the past two years?"

"Well, mainly because of his performance in the movie. He is much more handsome than Chen Haonan in fighting!"

Han Sanping thought about the image of teenagers worshiping and imitating Chen Haonan, "It would be a good thing if he could replace that young and Dangerous boy and become the idol of teenagers!"

Zhang Xiang was a little confused after hearing this and didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Han Sanping continued: "What else is special?"

"Two clips were screened live, and the gun battle scene can be said to surpass John Woo in all aspects!"

Han Sanping stared at Zhang Xiang with his eyes wide open, as if to say, you think this before you say it!

Surpass John Woo?

Are you kidding me? Among the current directors in China, how many of them dare to pat their chests and say that they can surpass John Woo in handling gun battle scenes?

Even Chen Kaizhen and Zhang Yimou would not dare to say this!

How could Jiang Heng, a new director, shoot a better gunfight scene than John Woo? I wouldn't believe it even if I beat him to death!

Zhang Xiang considered himself to be the factory director's confidant, so he didn't know what Han Sanping was thinking.

The problem is that he really feels that the shootout in the preview of "The Matrix" has surpassed John Woo's previous works.

Just the special effect of bullets streaking through the air is completely epoch-making!

After hurriedly explaining his point of view, Han Sanping was simply stunned.

"anything else?"

Zhang Xiang talked about how shocked he was by the second test screening, and finally added: "Director, I think the final effect of this film may not be inferior to a pure Hollywood blockbuster, and the box office results will be very high. No?"

Han Sanping said nothing, slowly smoked a cigarette, glanced at Zhang Xiang and said: "You want to say, change the schedule of "Party A and Party B"?"

Zhang Xiang smiled but said nothing, thinking in his heart: "I didn't say it out loud anyway!"

Han Sanping said: "I have thought about it carefully. Although the two films are released in the same schedule, they are in a competitive relationship, but in terms of film types, they are not completely competitive. One is science fiction and the other is comedy. If both films are good, In this case, many people will choose to watch it!”

Zhang Xiang said in his heart, "Having said that, if you think movie tickets are too expensive, you will still choose one of the two!"

Of course, he would not dare to say this even to death.

Not only did he not dare to say it, but he also echoed Han Sanping's words, supplemented them, and interpreted them.

"Well, that's really the case. I think we can use their fame to bundle them with publicity!"

Before the premiere, "Party A and Party B" was far more famous than "The Matrix", but I believe it will soon be reversed.

For "Party A and Party B", we can take advantage of the fact that the two films are competing in the same schedule to promote them in a bundle.

Han Sanping quite agrees with this statement, and said in surprise: "Yes, that's what I mean! We should take advantage of Hong Kong's favorable conditions to achieve our box office success!"

"Director, this idea is too brilliant!"


The two knew that the publicity campaign for "The Matrix" would be fierce, but they did not expect to what extent it would reach.

The promotional posters of "The Matrix" were posted on bus stops everywhere in Beijing, and some outdoor GG screens were no exception.

Of course, these are relatively easy as long as you are willing to organize manpower and spend money.

But it is more shocking that all entertainment media in the country have reported on "The Matrix". When has there been such a scene?

Take it and flip through it, the focus of the report is different. Some praise the handsome male lead and will become a new teenage idol.

Some praise the action scenes in the film and think it will be a visual feast.

Some say that the special effects are extremely shocking, and it is the pioneering work of Chinese science fiction movies, and it may also be the pinnacle.

The most exaggerated thing is that even a non-entertainment media such as "China Science and Technology News" followed the trend and reported the premiere ceremony of "The Matrix".

What's even more terrible is that the "Six Princesses of CCTV" with their own personalities reported "The Matrix" on a large scale, and the audience was too wide.

It can be said that in just a few days, too many people went from having never heard of it to knowing that a film known as the "first Chinese science fiction film" would be released during the Lunar New Year.

Han Sanping's bundling promotion strategy has not yet been implemented, and "The Matrix" has been promoted in full swing.

This is a bit embarrassing!

Even more embarrassing is the Wang brothers of Huayi. They talked once when Jiang Heng came to Beijing to seek film distribution, but they didn't expect that the two sides didn't agree and the talks broke down on the spot.

Wang Zhonglei also mocked it. Now, looking at this situation, even if "The Matrix" can't make a box office of 100 million like "True Lies" released in 1995, it will probably take 60 to 70 million.

The box office of 60 to 70 million, the income from the agency share is definitely not small, just thinking about it makes me feel heartbroken!

The Wang brothers were half annoyed and half jealous, and they kept staring at the promotion of "The Matrix".

On the night of December 18, a large number of people began to pour into several theaters in the main urban area of ​​Beijing that participated in the screening of "The Matrix".

A reporter came to interview and learned that these people were all here to watch "The Matrix" at midnight.

The "gimmick" of the first day's midnight show was more than the actual scheduling method, which was really surprising. The reporter walked around and asked a few questions and found that almost all the people who came to watch the movie were students on vacation or white-collar workers who had just started working.

The question was that I heard that this movie has handsome men and beautiful women, and the scenes are cool!

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