In front of the ticket hall of the China Plaza Cinema of the Pearl River Cinema Line in Yangcheng, the cinema manager felt a little regretful when he saw only a young couple buying tickets.

I thought that the publicity effect of "The Matrix" would attract a large number of viewers to queue up, but in the end, not a single theater was sold out.

"How much is left?"

"Let me take a look, there are more than 100 tickets left!" the person in charge of the ticket window replied after looking at the real-time data.

The manager raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. If you want to see this event, you should come over and buy a ticket!

I looked at the door and saw no audience coming in. I was so disappointed!

In recent years, the domestic film market has been a stagnant water. Except for a few Hollywood blockbusters and Cheng Long's films that can attract a lot of audiences, most of the theaters are empty, and I don't know how many theaters have closed down.

"If this continues, I'm afraid I'll lose my job!"

The middle-aged theater manager was secretly worried and said, "Call me if you need anything!" Then he went back to the office and closed his eyes to rest.

"The Matrix" lasts for more than two hours. It takes more than two-and-a-half to finish one scene and then simply wrap it up. People of his age can't afford it!

Not wanting to just squint for less than half an hour, the intercom rang.

"Manager, manager, the tickets are all sold out, and there are still more than ten people queuing up!"


The theater manager sat up immediately and walked quickly to the ticket office. Looking around, he saw not only a queue in front of the window, but also people coming in from the door.

"Hey! Hurry, add another cinema!"

As a result, by nine o'clock in the evening, two movie theaters had been added, and there were still a large number of audiences pouring in.

The theater manager was so excited that he added another movie theater.

By 23:30, four theaters had been added, and there were still more than 20 spectators who could not buy tickets and were unwilling to leave.

"One more, one more!"

The theater manager waved his hand excitedly, and together with the audience, the box office miracle skyrocketed from one to five shows in just a few hours.

Similar scenes were also staged in theaters in major cities across the country.

In Sichuan, all six theaters in the Wangfujing Cinema in Chengdu were open until midnight and were full. Due to the additional screenings in the theater, KFC in the mall was also open until midnight.

In Shanghai, all major theaters are full, adding screenings, and adding seats.

In Xi'an, movie fans braved the heavy snow and poured into the theater.

According to subsequent statistics, a total of 730,000 yuan was earned at the box office nationwide on the 19th.

Among them, theaters in Guangdong earned 170,000 yuan, and China Plaza Cinema, which had the highest single-theater box office performance, made 50,000 yuan. Shanghai's Xintiandi followed closely behind, "closing" at 45,000 yuan. Huaxing Cinema in Beijing ranked third with 37,000 yuan.

After these data were summarized and reported, they attracted widespread attention.

After all, this is the first time for a "zero o'clock" public screening event. If it can achieve such good results, the daytime box office will naturally not be bad.

On the morning of the 19th, Beijing.

After having breakfast, Jiang Wen said to his French wife: "Honey, I bought a ticket for the science fiction movie "The Matrix". Are you willing to go to a movie with me?"

"Oh, dear, ever since you attended the premiere, you always said that I wanted to see that movie!"

The two hit it off immediately and drove to China Star Cinema.

Looking at the long queue in front of her, Jiang Wen's wife sighed, "I can't believe that so many people will come to watch this movie. I believe it should be a good movie!"

Jiang Wendao: "I heard that many places were full at midnight this morning, and they were all people coming in to watch movies!"

"I can't believe that Chinese science fiction films can have such a large audience!"

Jiang Wen frowned slightly after hearing this, "Chinese people are not short of imagination and have strict logic. As long as the special effects are done well, it is not difficult to make a science fiction movie!"

"Then, when will you make one for me to see?"

"Waiting, waiting for my inspiration to come up with a piece!"

Jiang Wen said this, but he said in his heart, just wait. What I was thinking in my mind had never been science fiction!

While the two were chatting, they had already entered the cinema and found a seat to sit down.

Afraid that Jiang Wen would be recognized and disturbed from watching the movie, his wife bought drinks and popcorn.

The two chatted while eating, and soon waited until the movie started.

The first few lines of dialogue may be a bit confusing for first time viewers.

Fortunately, we soon entered a fighting scene. In a dark and complicated building, a group of policemen with guns seemed to be preparing to arrest someone.

They stopped in front of a dilapidated door and broke in.

But there were no large groups of armed men inside, only a woman sitting with her back turned.

"Hold still, policeman, put your hands up!"

The police shouted loudly, as if they were facing a vicious prisoner.

But when the camera turned, Li Meiqi's beautiful and cold face was revealed, making the audience in the theater exclaim in low voices.

Downstairs, there were not only a number of police cars, but also a group of men in black.

Are all these people armed just to capture a beautiful little girl?

The audience expected that Li Meiqi would play a very powerful character, but when the scene showed Li Meiqi leaping into the air, the camera spinning and kicking the police officer out, they all exclaimed in low voices.

"Oh my god! This is amazing!"

"How did this happen?"

"This young lady is so beautiful!"

"She is so cool, I like her so much!"

On the big screen, female characters who are beautiful, sassy and capable of playing roles are still very popular.

A typical example is the Black Widow in "Avengers", who has captured countless mainland movie fans.

And at this moment, in theaters across the country, countless audiences have been captured by the role played by Li Meiqi.

Seeing her cleanly and neatly deal with the people who came to arrest her, everyone felt refreshed.

Even a person like Jiang Wen felt that the actors selected by Jiang Heng were very compatible with the roles, and the action scenes were a precedent for Chinese-language movies.

"Oh, dear, if you are unhappy, is this really a movie made by Chinese people? It tastes like Hollywood!"

Jiang Wen nodded slightly, "To be honest, I can't believe it. After watching this movie and looking at other commercial movies in China, I always feel that they are not from the same era!"

"It feels higher than the movies in Hong Kong!"

Jiang Wen thought to himself that Hong Kong has begun to decline, how can it be compared with this.

No, this is also a movie in Hong Kong!

On the big screen, the plot continues.

Trinity rushed into the phone booth at the moment when the truck rushed towards it and answered the phone, which made the audience look confused.

Especially when the agent got out of the car and found that the crashed telephone booth was empty, he became more curious about the plot later.

"How did she escape?"

"Was she along the telephone line?"

"That's too much!"

"It will definitely be explained later!"

The plot of Neo, played by Wu Yizu, was a bit bland, and the audience discussed Trinity's escape from time to time.

But when Neo was caught by the agent, his mouth was made to grow together, and a bug-like locator was implanted in his body, which really stunned the audience. According to the logic of reality, it became more and more difficult to explain.

Fortunately, the various explanations after the appearance of Morpheus, played by Kaohsiung, let the audience roughly understand the world view of the film.

"Oh my God, the director's ideas are too wild!"

"How did he think of it?"

"It's nothing to think of it, the key is to be able to shoot it, which is awesome!"

The audience in the venue talked a lot, and many people felt that their world view was refreshed. There is actually such a theory, which seems to be quite true!

But if the world is really virtual, what's the point of living!

If the world is really virtual, then the trajectory of our life is a fixed number.

Depending on the choice, there will be different endings, but each one is destined!

At present, there is a gene that determines whether it can be imagined as a pre-set program. No matter how much you say or how well you think on weekdays, at the critical moment, it seems that your brain is not working, and you do things that you regret. It is also because of the setting!

The audience in the theater had their brains opened up. According to the theory given in the film, they can indeed explain some phenomena in life, and they think the film is more and more awesome.

And when Neo, played by Wu Yizu, appeared in the real world, countless audiences felt physically uncomfortable and extremely shocked.

Humans are actually raised by robots as biological batteries. This idea is too against the sky!

"Will this happen in the future world? It's too scary!" A girl whispered.

The boyfriend next to her said, "How is it possible? This is just the director's fantasy. Computers are not popular yet, and artificial intelligence robots have not been built yet!"

"Then don't build them!"

When the original "The Matrix" was filmed, computers and TVs in the real world were still very bulky, and mobile phones were all keypads.

It seems a bit inconsistent to use these things in the scenes of the future world to Jiang Heng.

So in this version he filmed, the matrix world was in 1997, and the electronic products that appeared were all of the styles of that year. The computers, TVs, and mobile phones that appeared in the spaceship in the film were all built according to the products around 2020.

For the audience in 1997, it was quite sci-fi.

As for the TV, computer, and mobile phone manufacturers inspired by the film to design more beautiful products, that's another story.

On the big screen, the content of the film continues.

Kaohsiung's Morpheus began to train Neo in fighting skills.

The former played Huo Yuanjia, Wu Yizu had a deep martial arts foundation, and with his handsome appearance, the whole fight was hearty, and the role of Neo began to become attractive.

At this time, the traitor played by Yuen Wah appeared.

It turned out that he regretted his original choice. He chose the real world, but could only live a life like a mouse hiding from place to place with Morpheus, and he ate porridge every day.

He felt that it was better to be a rich and powerful person in the virtual world than to live in such a cruel and miserable reality.

So he betrayed everyone. The scene where Trinity was arrested at the beginning was because of his leak.

Now, he sneaked into the matrix and met with Agent Smith played by Yuen Tak.

As long as the latter agreed to let him be a rich and powerful person in the matrix world, he would betray Morpheus and others.

Smith naturally agreed, and then the male protagonist and others encountered the biggest crisis.

After meeting the prophet played by Zheng Peipei, when Morpheus and his group left, Neo suddenly found that a black cat appeared at the door twice, and they all had almost the same shaking movements.

Morpheus guessed that the agent had discovered them and modified the settings of the building, and then there was a possibility of BUG in the matrix world.

Neo saw the same black cat passing the door twice, and it had the same shaking motion, which was a bug that occurred during the modification.

"Fuck, this setting is too awesome!"

"There must be a bug in our world too!"

"One of my classmates is missing, and no one remembers him. Is this a bug?"

"He has no sense of existence!"

"He really exists!"

The audience whispered. As the plot progressed, the dialogue between Neo, Trinity and others, and the dialogue when Smith interrogated Morpheus, made them understand the world view of the film more and more.

Then, when the scene of Neo and Trinity entering the Matrix world to rescue Morpheus appeared, it was really shocking.

Neo, who had been timid for an hour and a half, put on a windbreaker and sunglasses, holding two guns and killing people with Trinity, which was simply awesome.

At this moment, most of the audience in theaters across the country were attracted by Wu Yizu and Li Meiqi at the same time, especially the former. Many people felt that his performance in this scene surpassed the heroic image established by Chow Yun-fat.

There were not many factors of morality and friendship, just pure handsomeness!

Compared with the past, there seemed to be no more handsome action scenes than this.

Especially the famous scene of Neo dodging bullets, which made audiences across the country exclaim and sigh, how can this be made by a domestic film?

Even Hollywood films will shock them!

Immediately, a sense of pride rose again!

We Chinese can also make special effects blockbusters that are not inferior to Hollywood!

The film has already been halfway through the plot at this moment. Many domestic filmmakers who came to watch the film know that this film is stable and the box office will definitely be a big hit!

Because as long as the plot in the back is not dragged down, it will not affect the box office.

The problem is that according to the current logic and plot of the film, many filmmakers feel that they can write a similar ending to deal with it, and believe that Jiang Heng’s can’t be bad.

The most feared thing is that filmmakers don’t know what to do in the back. Director Wang Jing said in an interview that he knew that the film was not good when he watched "The Great Wall" halfway through, because even he didn’t know how to do it in the back. It is estimated that Zhang Yimou also shot it with a stiff upper lip.

But the ending of "The Matrix" shot by Jiang Heng is more exciting.

Smith, played by Yuan De, possessed a homeless man in the subway station. He was an agent, equivalent to the antivirus level of the Matrix world. He could call any "file" and easily blocked Neo who was trying to escape.

The two sides confronted each other for a moment and quickly started a war.

They drew their guns and shot, and they all jumped into the air. Bullet marks streaked across the air, which made countless viewers scream with excitement.

The subsequent fist and foot fights were even more exciting.

The fighting scenes in the original "The Matrix" were also very exciting under the design of Yuan Heping, but Keanu Reeves and Hugo Weaving did not have martial arts skills after all, and they were not as good as the version of Wu Qizu and Yuan De.

The difference is probably equivalent to upgrading from martial arts novels to fairy tales. In one word, cool!

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