The film "The Matrix 2" can be said to be extremely informative, especially the lines of important characters in the film.

For example, the "Frenchman" Merowenga said something meaningful when facing Morpheus, Neo, and Trinity.

He asked the three of them, do you know why you are here?

Morpheus said he was looking for a "lockpicker"!

Merowengar said that this was not the reason, because it made no sense, and the "lockpicker" was just a means, not the result.

And said that Neo thought he knew, but actually didn't know that he was sent here. Someone asked him to come here, so he came...

Melo Wenjia was like a talkative man, speaking a lot of words that the audience in the venue could not understand.

However, the general plot can still be understood. He refused to hand over the "lockpicker" and told everyone that he had added something to the pastry given to the woman in the distance.

When the woman went to the bathroom after eating the pastries, he followed her.

"Damn it, what's going on!"

"Looking at the data flow of the "humanoid" made up of numbers, this is drugged!"

"Who is his wife? She is so beautiful!"

"So much prettier than Trinity!"

"This is a beautiful actress from Italy, she seems to be known as a ball girl!"

"What are those two twin-like guys with white dreadlocks?"

While everyone was talking, the three of Morpheus had been "gifted" out.

The three people were wondering in the elevator. There must be a reason why the prophet asked them to come. Why did they not succeed?

Fortunately, when the elevator opened, Melo Wenga's wife, played by Monica, appeared and offered to help them.

On the IMAX screen, the character played by Monica has exquisite makeup, long hair shawl, high heels, and a white tight dress, showing off her proud figure, which made the male audience in the venue feel restless.

And when she walked into the bathroom, her words made countless people envious of the male protagonist's affair. This was so direct.

"I'm tired of his nonsense day after day. He's a pretentious guy. A long time ago, when we first came here, he was so extraordinary. He was just like you at that time. I thought I Give me what you want, and you want to give me something.”


"a kiss!"

On the big screen, Monica's character actually asked the male protagonist for a kiss.

Trinity naturally disagreed, but in order to find a "lockpicker", she definitely agreed in the end.

After the kiss, Monica led the three of them through the kitchen, through the beautiful European-style lobby, and came to a room full of books, where two men were lying on the sofa watching the "Vampire" movie.

Monica calmed the panicked two people and introduced the two people to the Neo trio, saying that they came from an early version of the "Matrix", but like many of the original versions, they caused more problems than they solved. His husband saved them because they were very difficult to terminate.

But suddenly he took out a pistol loaded with silver bullets, shot and killed one werewolf, and asked the other to go to the women's room to find her husband.

Seeing this moment, the audience somewhat understood this woman's motives. This was pure revenge for her husband's indiscretion!

Monica opened the mechanism and led the three people into the secret room. After passing through the long corridor, they finally met the lockpicker, played by veteran actor Liu Xun, in a room full of keys.

When several people walked out, they met Merowenga who came angrily in the lobby.

He was absolutely furious and couldn't understand why his wife had "betrayed" him.

Monica mocked him for eating and walked away.

Merowen ordered the "Ghost Twins" to catch the lockpicker. After hearing the order, two twins wearing white clothes and white dreadlocks appeared.

Suddenly, the body became invisible, as if seen through X-rays, and the shadow slowly disappeared on the ground.

The next second, a famous scene was born.

Mero Wenjia's men raised their guns and shot at the male protagonist.

Neo just raised his hand, and there seemed to be a transparent barrier in front of him. All the bullets stopped in mid-air and could not penetrate.

Neo put his hand down, all the bullets fell to the ground, and looked at the audience and exclaimed softly.

"This scene is so awesome!"

“I was shocked when I watched Bullet Time a few years ago, but this time it’s even more exciting!”

"I think the scene with the twins is great!"

"I'm also looking forward to the future!"

On the big screen, Melo Wenjia was also surprised, saying that he didn't expect the male protagonist to have a few more moments, and immediately ordered his men to kill the male protagonist.

This fighting scene is still exciting. Neo, played by Wu Xianzu, also uses weapons such as "forks", long swords, sticks, maces, etc. to fight with the villains.

The scene was exciting and lively.

After knocking down all the thugs, Merowenga was a little angry, said harsh words, closed the door and left.

Neo hurriedly chased after him and opened the door, only to find that what was outside the door just now was clearly indoors.

When he opened the door again, it turned into a mountain, as if he had been transported to another place.

On Trinity's side, they chase the "lockpicker" who escapes.

But the "Ghost Twins" rushed ahead and emerged from the ground. The way they appeared was really like ghosts.

Morpheus and Trinity passed through the virtual "quantum ghost", caught up with the "lock picker", opened the door and came to a parking lot.

At this time, a quantum ghost body turned into reality and was caught by Morpheus's door. Trinity drew her gun and shot.

The guy who was caught didn't seem to feel much pain. He said to the other one, "Can't you go faster?"

Another quantum ghost turned into a virtual body and passed through the wooden door. After landing, the body became real again. The switch was very smooth.

The audience was quite shocked. They didn't expect Jiang Heng to come up with such a distinctive character.

Because when Trinity shot him, the quantum ghost turned into a virtual body and could not cause any damage at all.

When Trinity's bullets were exhausted, he turned into a real body and launched an attack. After scratching Trinity with a knife, he also captured her.

The one who was just caught by the door and shot and injured came out, his body turned into a virtual body, and the wound began to recover rapidly.

Then he turned into a real body and was as good as before.

The audience was more and more surprised by this operation. Some exclaimed: "These two things are invincible. They are not afraid of damage at all!"

"It's really awesome. I haven't seen any weaknesses at the moment!"

Morpheus is very good at fighting. He just shot the quantum ghost that kidnapped Trinity and let her escape.

Because the quantum ghost had to become virtual to dodge bullets, and virtualization was like air, unable to cause harm or restraint, the three of them escaped immediately.

On Neo's side, he returned to the interior of the building, and when he met up with Trinity and others, he saw the quantum ghost in the distance.

The latter just closed the wooden door between them, and when Neo opened it again, he saw the mountains again.

After asking the spacecraft communicator, he learned that he was teleported to the top of a distant mountain, and Trinity and others were being chased by the "Ghost Twins"!

In order to save his teammates, he had to play "Superman" again, soaring into the sky and heading straight to the city.

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