China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 139 Morpheus's famous scene

The fight with the "Ghost Twins" is one of the most important action scenes in "The Matrix 2".

The two guys are also very eye-catching, with silver dreadlocks and white windbreaker jackets. They are not controlled by the matrix and can be blurred and restored at will.

Unlike the invisible and substantial invisibility in general movies, they can be invisible and insubstantial, switching back and forth instantly, and thus giving birth to many classic scenes.

For example, a ghost holding a knife blocked the front, and it blurred at the moment when Trinity drove over it. The blurred blade still slashed towards Trinity's neck, but did not cause any damage.

I thought such a scene was already very exciting, but I didn't expect that after getting on the road, in addition to the "Ghost Twins", there were eight police cars chasing.

And the heads in the car shook and blurred for a while, and then they all became agents.

"Fuck, the scene behind is a bit big!"

"It's a mess, it's a mess, it's all messed up this time!"

An audience who likes the police and gangster chase scene said excitedly.

What's even more exciting is that one of the "Ghost Twins" turned into a "ghost" after running out of bullets and rushed towards the car of "Trinity" and others in the back.

When the phantom passed the back seat, it suddenly became real and held a knife to hijack the "lock opener".

When Morpheus was fighting with him, the agent also caught up.

First, he jumped onto the middle car and crushed it directly, causing a major car accident.

Then he jumped onto Trinity's car and reached out to flip over the hood.

This thrilling and exciting scene made the audience in the venue complain.

"Fuck, why do I feel that this agent is more powerful than Smith?"

"It should be that the virus library of the matrix world has been upgraded!"

"To be more accurate, this movie should be called Antivirus Software vs. Virus!"

On the screen, Morpheus fired several shots, but the agent, like the male protagonist, left a string of afterimages around his body and easily dodged the bullets.

After Trinity slammed on the brakes to get rid of the agent, Morpheus stabbed the back seat with a long knife.

The long blade penetrated the passenger seat and stabbed the real "ghost", which could only become virtual.

But at the moment of virtualization, he fell on the road because of the speeding car. Soon his companion drove to catch up, and he instantly became real and virtual again, sitting steadily on the passenger seat of his companion.

This series of fights was quite imaginative, and the visual effects were quite shocking, and the audience in the venue praised it again and again.

Yuan Hong couldn't help but say: "This movie is so well shot. At first glance, it doesn't look like a Chinese movie!"

Hu Jian said: "It really doesn't look like it. I feel that Chinese movies now can be divided into two types, one is Director Jiang's special effects blockbuster, and the other is other Chinese movies!"

Liu Tianxian, who was far away, just stared at the big screen blankly, and felt that Jiang Heng was more and more talented.

Although she was busy with her studies in the United States for two years, she also went to the movies a lot, and she had seen too many Hollywood blockbusters.

It can be said that in Hollywood, there are probably not many movies that can surpass Jiang Heng's works throughout the year.

And the subject matter and setting of this film are very popular in the West. It can be imagined that this film will definitely sell well in Europe and the United States.

And it should be able to surpass "Lion Camel Ridge" and "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", but I don't know if it will surpass "Pacific Rim".

I immediately thought that the global box office of "Pacific Rim" was 939 million US dollars. If it wants to surpass it, it may have to exceed 1 billion US dollars!

Even though she is young at the moment and has no intuitive concept of money, she still thinks that a single film box office of over 1 billion US dollars is a great thing.

Han Sanping, who was sitting in the front row, smiled bitterly, thinking: "No wonder they had to invest in the film alone. It turns out there are so many good things hidden. The box office of this film will definitely not be low, and it is not difficult to surpass "Pacific Rim". Jiang Heng made a fortune this time!"

Immediately thinking of the third film that was filmed continuously and is currently in post-production, a horrified thought came to his mind, "He won't make more than 2 billion US dollars with three films? That's too strong. If he were in Hollywood, he would be one of the top directors!

How much can he make with 2 billion US dollars? This guy's money is getting more and more!"

Because the scene was too exciting, it made several people distracted.

But most of the audience's energy was still on the big screen.

Because the car was almost smashed, the three people got off the car, and Trinity jumped off the viaduct with the "lock opener" and landed on a truck carrying a motorcycle.

Morpheus, played by Gao Xiong, stood in the middle of the road with a long knife in his hand.

"What is he going to do?" Some audience members wondered.

"Are you going to chop the car with a knife?"

"That's too exaggerated!"

"Neo is okay!"

While the audience was guessing, the "Ghost Twins" had already driven over.

"Hit him to death!" said the one in the passenger seat.

The other stepped on the accelerator and crashed into Morpheus.

When the car was about to hit him, Morpheus rolled to the left and slashed the car body with a long knife until the taillights were broken.

Because the road was blocked by Trinity's car in front, the "Ghost Twins" could only turn and brake suddenly, because it was a large SUV and the body tilted at a large angle.

Morpheus held a knife in one hand and took out a pistol in the other hand, firing several shots at the bottom of the car facing him.

The car first burst into golden flames, and then there was a violent explosion.

The "Ghost Twins" was rushed into the sky in the explosion, and survived because it was dematerialized in time.

The audience who saw this scene were only amazed.

I never expected that Morpheus could contribute to such a wonderful scene. I thought he was just a bystander!

One audience member said: "So cool, Morpheus!"

"This actor looks so familiar, but I can't remember his name!"

"He played Huo Yuanjia!"

"He looks like a master wherever he goes!"

However, it's not just Morpheus who can surprise the audience.

Even the seemingly inconspicuous "lock opener" is no ordinary person.

Trinity wanted to drive away on a motorcycle, so she asked the spacecraft operator to download data for her and prepared to force the motorcycle to start.

As a result, the "lock opener" handed over a key, and Trinity understood it in seconds and drove away from the truck.

"Fuck, this lock opener is too strong!"

"He should be the original program of the system, maybe he can open all the locks in this world!"

"If he hadn't been kidnapped by that Melo, he should have had a great time!"

On the big screen, the plot became more exciting.

Trinity drove a motorcycle, carrying the "lock opener" through the traffic.

Unexpectedly, a truck driver was possessed by an agent, and suddenly turned the steering wheel and crashed into the roadside, blocking the way.

Trinity turned the car around and drove against the current on the road.

During the period, there were a number of police cars chasing, and they had to avoid the agents' gunfire, which made the difficulty soar.

Some viewers' blood pressure soared, and they felt their hearts were about to rise to their throats.

An even cooler scene appeared, with Morpheus standing on the top of a truck with a knife.

Seeing Trinity driving over, he stabbed the long knife into the car, stepped on the handle of the knife and pulled the "lock opener" up with his hand.

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