The film "The Matrix 2" is more than two hours long, with super shocking visuals and amazing plot twists.

When Neo took the unlocker's key and opened the door of light, he finally saw the white-haired Matrix designer in a room where Neo was playing on the TVs all over the wall.

The designer bluntly said that he has been waiting for Neo for a long time!

The current matrix is ​​actually the sixth version. The two earliest versions were both designed to be perfect matrices.

But because humans have emotions, the system was unstable, and eventually the first two versions collapsed.

No matter how perfect the design is, there will always be a small number of people who doubt the authenticity of the world, and then awaken to escape from the matrix and build human cities.

In order to make the system stable, designers allow the system to have defects or anomalies. When the anomalies accumulate to a large enough level, they upgrade to eliminate these accumulated anomalies.

Neo himself is actually an aggregation of system abnormalities. When the accumulation of abnormalities may cause the system to collapse, the savior will be summoned here and let him choose to save mankind.

The human city was destroyed, and Neo led a few survivors to rebuild the human city.

During the predetermined selection process, Neo can either choose the door on the right, return to the original code, restart the system, and rebuild Zion.

Either choose the door on the left and return to the matrix, where the system will crash and humanity will perish.

But at this moment, Trinity went to the Matrix alone in order to save Neo. Unfortunately, she was shot and was about to fall to her death.

Neo resolutely chose the door on the left, transformed into Superman and rushed out of the exploding building, saving Trinity who was shot and fell from the building at a terrifying speed.

Neo is like a god in the matrix world. He removed the bullet from Trinity's body and performed a heart pacing operation on her with his bare hands to save her...

When the film ended, the audience was still shocked by the film's grand setting and shocking images.

This reversal is really unexpected. I originally thought it would end with Neo entering the core of the matrix, destroying the designer, saving Zion and saving humanity.

Who knows that the purpose of "Savior" is just to "patch" the system.

Before walking into the cinema, I never imagined it!

The guests and audience were shocked for only a few seconds before they burst into warm applause.

The beautiful host came on stage and invited Jiang Heng to talk to the audience.

"Congratulations, Director Jiang, for making another great film. To be honest, before I came here, I thought that this film might not be as good as the first one. But I really didn't expect that whether it was the plot or the visual scenes, it turned out to be Fully upgraded.

In a series of movies, it is actually a low-probability event that the second one surpasses the first. Can you tell the audience how you did it? "

Jiang Heng smiled and said to the beautiful host: "Don't read the rumors in the tabloids in the future!" The audience burst into laughter.

Jiang Heng sighed, "I know when you laugh like this, I've seen it a lot!" The guests and the audience laughed again.

"There is indeed a rule in the film industry, that is, bad sequels are produced. The reason is simple, because when the first film was made, the sequel was not considered. Only after the film was released and became a hit at the box office did the sequel occur. .

As a result, when I wanted to set up the plot, I realized that it was limited by the setting of the first part, and it was not easy to make a sequel that could compare with the previous one.

This is not the case for "The Matrix". In fact, the scripts for the trilogy were written as early as five years ago. How many settings are shown and how many stories are told in each film are all calculated in advance.

This trilogy is three movies. But from the overall perspective of the story, it is actually one.

The first part is the beginning, and the second part is the development, so in terms of story setting and visual effects, the second part is far superior to the previous one. In terms of box office, I believe the same is true! "

After he finished speaking, the venue was silent for a few seconds, and then erupted into even more enthusiastic applause.

The first reaction of the guests was that Jiang Heng was too successful in pretending this time.

The audience's impression was that Director Jiang is awesome!

Treating the trilogy as a movie when writing and shooting it, there are not many directors around the world who can do it!

It would be fine if it was a low-cost drama film, but it is still a blockbuster with huge investment in special effects.

The final box office performance of this trilogy is probably going to hit US$2 billion at the box office. How much money will it make?

Thinking of this moment, when men look at Jiang Heng, most of them are filled with envy, and some girls feel admiration for him.

During the question and answer session, a girl said directly: "Director Jiang Heng, I heard that you have a girlfriend now. Is it true?"

"not at all!"

"Then choose me, okay? Director Jiang, I really like you...!"

The girl was already very excited when she said this.

Jiang Heng could only give an official reply, "Thank you for your love and support. Please ask the staff to pass the microphone to the next audience member!"

"Hello Director Jiang, now that this movie is about to be released globally, I would like to ask what your box office expectations are for it?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Well, it's really hard to say. My original expectation was only 7 to 8 billion US dollars, but seeing everyone's love and support, I think it is expected to exceed 1 billion US dollars. I hope everyone will support it!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience in the venue exclaimed again and shouted, "Director Jiang, we support you!"

"Shock a Billion!"

"Let there be a film in China with a global box office of over 1 billion!"

“Long live Chinese-language movies!”

"Director Jiang, I love you!"

Because there were too many people at the venue and no staff were arranged to organize the shouting, everyone in the venue had whatever they wanted to say.

In the end, it was basically the male audience members shouting "Strike One Billion" and the female audience members shouting "Director Jiang, I love you."

Even girls like Tang Yan and Li Meiqi followed suit.

When reporters and photographers from CCTV Movie Channel and Dragon TV saw this scene, they all laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths and took photos non-stop.

The interactive promotion lasted for an hour before the audience reluctantly left.

The guests were naturally arranged to the banquet hall of a nearby star-rated hotel.

"Congratulations, Director Jiang, this trilogy is now secure!"

During the meal, Jiang Heng went to the bathroom and met Li Meiqi waiting for him outside when he came out.

She was signed to Hong Kong Youteng Film Company. At first, the treatment was average. When Jiang Heng's company became bigger and had more staff, he arranged a special agent, assistant, and driver for her, which was also a special team.

With the super high fame achieved by "The Matrix", Li Meiqi has been doing well in recent years, and has filmed movies in Hong Kong and the mainland.

Although most of them are small-budget, fortunately, they are basically female protagonists.

She has also filmed two movies in Hollywood.

Although her ranking is slightly lower, she wins in terms of higher pay.

With the end of the "Matrix" trilogy, she felt that her career under Jiang Heng had basically come to an end.

Seeing that Jiang Heng had signed younger and prettier girls, and that he was taking good care of Liu Tianxian, she felt that her position as the "number one sister" was no longer secure.

After a few pleasantries, Li Meiqi asked, "Am I going to be abandoned?"

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