China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 141: Fighting for the female lead in the new film

"What did you say?" Jiang Heng smiled warmly.

"After the trilogy is finished, will there be any blockbusters suitable for me in the future?" Li Meiqi said directly.

She is Asian, her father is of mixed descent from four countries, and her mother is Vietnamese. She is not as reserved in her behavior and speech as Chinese people.

Jiang Heng didn't hide anything from her, and admitted that there were only one or two special effects blockbusters every year, and the heroine of each film had to be considered from the perspective of the film, and would not be tailor-made for anyone.

Then he smiled and asked: "Is there a suitable company?"

"We were just in contact, and they said they could tailor-make a drama for me!" Li Meiqi didn't hide it either.

The original contract was for six years, but now it is expiring in a few months. Li Meiqi has been struggling, and even imagined that Jiang Heng would call her over and say that the company is ready to renew the contract and will arrange for you to be the heroine of several blockbusters in the future. Unfortunately, I never could wait until that day.

In addition, I suddenly heard that Wu Yanzu had a new film contract with Jiang Heng, and I became even more frustrated.

Taking advantage of Jiang Heng's happiness today, he asked what he had been holding in his heart for a long time, not wanting to hear an answer that would make him sad.

Jiang Heng said: "Do you know why the contract originally signed was for six years?"

"Because you originally wanted to complete the trilogy within six years?"

When Li Meiqi said this, she felt shocked.

"Well, that's one of the reasons! The main reason is that I'm afraid that it will take too long and make you think it's a 'sell-out contract'!"

For actors, time is very precious. Especially for actresses, once they don't have good resources during their most precious flowering period, it's a death sentence for their career.

A typical example is Li Hui, the banana-peeling actress in "Shaolin Soccer". She signed an eight-year contract with Zhou Xingxing, but received little resources and eventually disappeared from everyone.

Li Meiqi signed a six-year contract with Jiang Heng and won the heroine of four blockbusters including "The Matrix" trilogy and "100 Million Years Before History". She is already the top film resource in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Li Meiqi naturally wanted to sign the contract under Jiang Heng's name, but seeing Director Jiang's attitude of "loving the new and hating the old" made her full of worries about the future.

"Don't you know how many people want to sign the 'Deed of Sale' you gave me? I've been waiting for a long time!"

When Li Meiqi said this, her tone was sad and her eyes were filled with resentment.

Jiang Heng said calmly, "Actually, I also hope to renew my contract with you, mainly because I'm afraid of delaying your development, because there may not be so many leading roles for you in blockbusters in the future! Of course, there are still opportunities, and there are suitable ones. , I will definitely give you priority. In addition, the company will expand its scale after the year and recruit some directors. It is initially expected to produce about ten small and medium-cost films each year, plus a few TV series.”

An ordinary actress would be dizzy hearing this.

But for Li Meiqi, it was bad news.

Jiang Heng's words are undoubtedly saying that in the future, there will be almost no role for you as a heroine in blockbusters. If you want to stay, there are enough female supervisors for small and medium-budget films.

Thinking about other film companies, it is quite difficult to make a film with a budget of 20 to 30 million yuan. Li Meiqi decisively chose to renew her contract!

What's more important is that the director who agreed to help her tailor the film was named Wang Jing.

I heard from friends that the scripts written by Fatty Wang are quite large.

If it's not popular, just go take pictures.

She is now the female star with the highest cumulative film box office in China, so she went crazy to film Wang Jing's film.

Li Meiqi quickly renewed her contract, and while she was drunk, she begged Jiang Heng to think of herself from now on, and not to let her, the "first sister," lose any face.

Jiang Heng said cheerfully: "Don't worry, I will not forget your contribution!"

After that, he strode back to the banquet hall.

Li Meiqi looked at Jiang Heng's back with resentment in her eyes.

The reason why I said that just now is actually because I want to win the heroine of a new film!

Because I heard that Jiang Heng has great expectations for the new film and is planning to go to Hollywood to register for a company to shoot and compete for the Oscar award.

If she can participate in it and get a Best Actress nomination, it will be of great benefit to her subsequent development!

Unfortunately, judging from Jiang Heng's attitude, she has no chance this time.

"Dear, why have you walked for so long? You are not lost!"

Monica Bellucci is the most beautiful woman in the world, with a charming smile and a tone of voice that sounds more like jealousy.

She came here this time, firstly to fulfill the publicity clause in the contract, and secondly because she wanted to compete for the female lead in the new film.

After all, audiences all over the world know that Jiang Heng has produced one special effects blockbuster after another and is very prolific.

In Bellucci's mind, even if the next one doesn't have a chance, the next one will!

Therefore, sitting next to Jiang Heng at the banquet gave others a very intimate feeling.

"Has it been a long time? It seems like you really drank too much!"

Hong Jinbao glanced at Bellucci and said teasingly: "It's not that you've been there for a long time, but that Miss Bellucci has been waiting so anxiously!"

The other men at the table all laughed knowingly. Bellucci didn't quite understand what Hong Jinbao said because of his Chinese proficiency.

Said: "Honey, what are they laughing at?"

Jiang Heng said in English that they are happy for your beauty and charm.

Bellucci said in surprise: "Really? What do you think?"

“Infinitely charming!”

"I don't believe that other directors will invite me to star in their next film after working with me. You seem to have never considered it!"

"Yes, I have!"

"Really? Oh, honey, I'm so happy. This is the best news I've heard tonight!"

Monica hugged Jiang Heng excitedly, leaving everyone around stunned.

Tang Yan and Liu Tianxian in the other building looked at the scene in front of them blankly, their expressions were at a loss.

Someone asked, "What's going on? Why are you so excited all of a sudden?"

Liu Tianxian is very good at English and has heard what happened. She is very envious, but she won't explain it to others.

Someone said, "It seems that Director Jiang has agreed to play the leading role in her new film!"

"Leading role?"

When this was said, almost all the women present were shocked.

Wu Jing asked the ancestor next to him, "The new film is still you?"

Wu ancestor nodded, looking a little shy and a little proud.

"Okay, okay!"

Wu Jing was envious. Although he had starred in "Lion Camel Ridge", his makeup skills were too good, which did not improve his fame that much, and his status was naturally far less than Wu ancestor.

But because they both studied martial arts at Shichahai Martial Arts School, they were very compatible and had a very good relationship.

Wu Jing whispered, "What's the next movie?"

Wu Yizu shook his head, "I don't know, Director Jiang didn't say!"

Han Sanping was more direct, "Everyone is very concerned, so let's reveal the new movie!"

Jiang Heng was embarrassed by the sudden hug and hurriedly stood up and said, "The new movie is of course a special effects blockbuster, and the story background is contemporary. I plan to shoot this movie in Hollywood...!"

"What, go to Hollywood?"

"Director Jiang is also going to Hollywood?"

"Director Jiang should be going to dominate Hollywood!"

"He should be competing for the Oscars!"

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