China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 142 A female supporting role is also OK

After the banquet, the guests left the venue and spread the news that Jiang Heng was going to Hollywood to shoot a blockbuster and prepare to compete for the "Oscar Award".

It can be said that it spread throughout the Chinese entertainment industry overnight.

And the first reaction of most people was that this was too productive and too fast.

Even the big companies in Hollywood have a limited number of blockbusters produced each year.

And before the project is established, it must be discussed repeatedly and there must be a screenwriter team. In short, it is the result of the joint efforts of countless people.

On the surface, Jiang Heng also has a company and a team to serve him, but almost all decisions are made by him alone.

Jiang Heng wrote the script himself.

There are the "Matrix" series with advanced settings, the simple "100 Million Years BC", and the smooth and super-burning "Lion Camel Ridge".

What is even more shocking is that the film's costumes, makeup, props, music, storyboard footsteps and everything related to design are all decided by Jiang Heng himself.

The employees in the company just present the content he wants according to Jiang Heng's requirements.

Zhou Xingxing, who is known as the "tyrant on the set", is just a small witch compared to Jiang Heng.

Because Jiang Heng's film investment, at least half of it is his own money.

Like "The Matrix 2", which is obviously going to make a lot of money, it is an exclusive production.

Therefore, Jiang Heng's choice of actors is almost not interfered with by anything.

He uses whoever he likes.

Once the actors are selected, they will soar to the sky, it's really impossible not to be moved!

In Pudong, in the Hilton Hotel suite, Liu Xiaoli stood in front of the window and called Chen Jinfei, telling him the news she heard tonight.

She said excitedly: "Old Chen, you must help Xixi, this opportunity is too rare!"

Chen Jinfei said in his heart, of course I know that opportunities are rare, but if someone wants to hit the Oscars, he will not choose a vase heroine like "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", and must have outstanding acting skills.

Although my baby daughter has excellent looks and temperament, she is still a little immature in acting, I'm afraid it will be difficult to compete for it.

Although I think so in my heart, I must say it more beautifully.

"Don't worry, I'll make an appointment with him and see what conditions he has! As long as he proposes, I'll try my best to find a way!"

"Old Chen, I'll leave it to you. This time, Xixi will rely on you!"

"I'm not her godfather!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Xiaoli went to her daughter's room again, "Xixi, how is your chat with Director Jiang recently?"

"Not bad, he's so busy every day, and the chat is also random!"

"Xixi, you have to seize this opportunity, okay? Although your godfather will help, he only has some money and connections, which Director Jiang has no shortage of. If you want to be a heroine, you have to fight for it yourself, you can only rely on yourself!"

Liu Xiaoli pressed Liu Yifei's shoulder with a serious expression.

Liu Tianxian frowned slightly, looking a little reluctant.

"If he wants to give it, I will agree. If he doesn't give it, I won't take the initiative to ask for it!"

"You, why are you still confused?" Liu Xiaoli looked surprised.

"Mom, you don't need to say anything. I'm a little tired and want to go to bed. You should go to bed early too!"

"You, you kid, do you want to piss me off to death?" Liu Xiaoli looked like she was let down.

Liu Tianxian said softly, "No, mom, don't worry. What belongs to me will be mine even if I don't ask for it. What doesn't belong to me is useless even if I ask for it!"

Liu Xiaoli was so angry that she laughed, "Where did you learn these words from, kid?"

"I thought of it myself!"


Tang Yan also wanted to fight for it, but she was an artist under iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Video, so she didn't have to work so hard.

She asked her agent directly, does Director Jiang plan to use an artist from his own company as the heroine this time?

The agent made a few calls on the spot and told Tang Yan, "Director Jiang said that you should study hard first, and there are a lot of popular dramas waiting for you to shoot later!"

"Oh, okay!"

Although Tang Yan was a little disappointed, she quickly adjusted her mood.

She knew her own strengths. She was lucky enough to play the role of the Third Holy Mother Yang Chan in "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother". One should not be too greedy.

In Beijing, Li Shaohong learned the news and hurriedly called Han Sanping to inquire about Jiang Heng's new film and see if he could help Yang Mi find a role.

She and the gold medal producer Li Xiaowan co-founded Rongxinda Film and Television Company. As the boss, she became relatively pragmatic.

She did not think that Yang Mi at this moment had the ability to be the heroine of a blockbuster.

Her idea was to find a small supporting role, which could also be regarded as adding some qualifications for Yang Mi and better development.

Han Sanping and Li Shaohong were also old colleagues and old acquaintances. The former went to Beijing Film Academy as deputy director in 1994, and the latter worked in Beijing Film Academy after graduating in 1982.

At first, he was an assistant director, helping director Xie Tieli. The first one was the famous "Bao's Father and Son".

By 1988, the director of Beijing Film Studio specially selected several young directors to try to shoot commercial films suitable for the market, and Li Shaohong was one of them.

At that time, the term "commercial film" had just been proposed, and no one knew what to do.

The film assigned to Li Shaohong was "Silver Snake Murder Case". Her first reaction was that she felt very unlucky and cried bitterly.

Her classmates were all shooting art films such as "One and Eight", "Yellow Earth" and "Horse Thief", but she was asked to shoot a commercial film without any style, which was simply bullying.

Because in that era, those who graduated from film academies all had a master complex, and not compromising with the secular world and box office was their pursuit.

But because times have changed, there are only so many opportunities for directing, so commercial films have also been accepted.

As a result, that year, the most profitable film at Beijing Film Studio was "Silver Snake Murder", with more than 200 copies sold.

The "Popular Film" magazine of that year also listed 18 brutal and bloody scenes in "Silver Snake Murder", which shows that Director Li is indeed a ruthless person and a relatively realistic person.

When Han Sanping said that Jiang Heng's new movie was going to be shot in Hollywood.

Li Shaoxuan said: "It's okay. As long as you can participate in it, these are not problems. At worst, I will accompany her there myself!"

At this point, Han Sanping didn't want to refute his old colleague's face, so he said, "Okay, I'll ask for you, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

After hanging up, he dialed Jiang Heng's phone number.

As a result, Jiang Heng's cell phone was turned off and he could only wait until the next day.

After turning around, he finally got through and told Li Shaoxuan's request.

"Just to get a supporting role, why go to the United States to film?" Jiang Heng asked.

Han Sanping smiled bitterly, "That's what I said. I'm an old colleague. Please ask her a question. Have you ever seen the girl who signed her contract? She's quite smart!"

Jiang Hengxin said, I have not only seen her, but I also know that she will become famous in the future!

The problem is that she is not even eighteen yet. Will it be very troublesome to take her to Hollywood?

"There is a supporting role, and it's not impossible to give it to her, but at least one of her parents must accompany her there. If that can be done, it will be no problem!"

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