China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 144 A great scholar will argue for me

In the North American film market in 2002, the top five annual box office movies should all be special effects blockbusters.

Currently, the first place is "Spider-Man" produced by Columbia Pictures, with a North American box office of 403 million.

The second place is "Star Wars: Episode 2" produced by Fox, with 310 million.

The third place is "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" produced by Warner Bros., with 261 million.

According to media predictions, no one can break the position of "Spider-Man" in the annual box office.

It's just that it's hard to say where "The Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers" and "The Matrix Reloaded" will rank.

However, judging from the fastest time to exceed 100 million in box office, "The Matrix 2" actually has a slight advantage.

There are two reasons. One is that Jiang Heng made the special effects more exquisite and shocking during post-production.

The second is that when the original "The Matrix 2" was released, although the Wojciech brothers had a lot of fame, the number of works was not enough, and the most well-known to the audience was "The Matrix 1".

Jiang Heng is different. Since the release of "The Matrix 1" in North America in 1998, he has released special effects blockbusters at a frequency of almost one per year. This year, he has released "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" and "The Matrix 2".

Compared with famous directors such as James Cameron and Spielberg, Jiang Heng is extremely prolific in special effects blockbusters, and naturally has a large number of fans.

The so-called "After entering the customs, there will be great scholars to debate for me", this principle is actually universal.

When the mainland economy was backward, some digests and newspapers, on the surface, were the white moonlight in the magazines, but in fact they were poisonous chicken soup for worshipping foreigners.

When the domestic economy rose and people's horizons broadened, these digests and magazines "collapsed" one after another.

What the Americans, who are good at "public opinion wars", did not expect was that the situation would change. Twenty years later, an APP from a developing country actually had users of more than half of the population in the United States in just a few years, crushing a number of old streaming media, forcing them to use the state machinery to suppress it.

Jiang Heng naturally couldn't reach that level, but his popularity in North America was comparable to that of first-tier stars, and he had a large number of fans, who posted articles in various forums to support "The Matrix 2" and help expand its influence.

Coupled with a large number of fans who didn't have much feeling for Jiang Heng but were fanatical about the "Matrix" setting, the box office performance of "The Matrix 2" soared all the way and soon exceeded 100 million US dollars.

After hearing the assistant report on the latest box office performance of "The Matrix 2", Amy Paschal, president of Columbia Pictures, just said expressionlessly, "I know," and ordered the people to leave.

As the distributor of the film, she naturally hoped that "The Matrix 2" would sell well at the box office because there were agency distribution fees.

But as Jiang Heng's former partner, she didn't want the box office performance to be too good.

It felt like she was afraid of her brother's suffering, but also afraid of her brother driving a Land Rover.

Because since "Pacific Rim", the two companies have not started new production cooperation.

She hoped to produce "Pacific Rim 2" as soon as possible, but Jiang Heng was slow to respond.

Recently, I heard from Zhou Lixian, the president of China, that Jiang Heng is going to register a company in North America to make a new film to compete for the Oscar.

If that's the case, Columbia's help is even more unnecessary. If things go wrong, he may not even be able to participate in Pacific Rim 2 because the full copyright of the film is in Jiang Heng's hands.

After thinking it over, Pascal decided to call and ask in person.

"Hello, dear Director Jiang Heng, I hope I didn't disturb your rest!"

Due to the time difference, Jiang Heng is currently in a large flat-floor mansion in Beijing, lying on the sofa and watching TV boredly.

"Fortunately, President Amy called me at this time. He must have good news to tell me, right?"

"There is indeed good news to tell you. The box office of "The Matrix 2" has exceeded 100 million US dollars last night. Congratulations. The total box office of this film in North America should be over 300 million."

"Oh, that's really exciting good news. Thank you. You also contributed to it."

Pascal said: "I should do it. In fact, I can do more, but you don't give me a chance!"

Jiang Heng hurriedly laughed and said: "Don't say that. You are the president of a big company, and I am just a director!"

Pascal laughed, "If you say that, there is no richer director on the earth than you. In comparison, I am just a poor worker."

Jiang Heng laughed: "Poor may not be true, but I believe your wealth must be true."

"Okay, okay, I can't argue with you, Director Jiang Heng. I guess you haven't found a girlfriend yet, right? Otherwise, why would you chat with me, an old woman, for so long in the middle of the night?"

Jiang Heng was speechless when he heard it. He didn't expect that this man was quite insightful. He was indeed a little bored.

"If you say so, I have other things to do!"

"I want to talk about work. I heard that you are going to Hollywood to develop?"

Jiang Heng said hurriedly: "Not really, I just want to produce a Hollywood movie and see if I can win any awards!"

"Do you need my help?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but I think I can handle everything."

"Okay, the last question is, how are you thinking about Pacific Rim 2? I might retire in a few years!"

Jiang Heng thought to himself that the original script was a pit, and the original work was also a pit. If he wanted to make Pacific Rim 2, he had to rethink it, and he didn't have any good ideas for the time being.

As for the new film after "Inception", he currently has only two ideas. One is "Oppenheimer", the nuclear explosion scene in the original work is very shocking.

The second is to make a film similar to "Heroes Company", taking the science fiction military route.

In an era when domestic military weapons are still under development, it should be more exciting to create a super shocking picture of an aircraft carrier formation sailing in the South China Sea on the big screen!

And these are just some of Jiang Heng's ideas. He has not decided which one to shoot first for the time being, let alone tell Pascal.

He only said: "I really don't have any ideas for the sequel to "Pacific Rim" now, and I haven't even written the script!"

Pascal said: "You can find a screenwriter team. You know that Hollywood uses a screenwriter team. There is no need to work so hard yourself. You have so much money, you can enjoy it!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "Let's talk about these later. Just like this for now?"

Pascal knew that this lobbying failed again, and he was a little discouraged.

Although business cooperation is not easy, many cooperations are finally reached after protracted negotiations.

But Jiang Heng doesn't really need Columbia, such as the film agency distribution, if she doesn't do it.

Except for Warner, the other companies will rush to grab it.

Sighed: "Okay, then see you in Hollywood later!"

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