In the mainland market, the box office performance of "The Matrix 2" has been soaring, and several small and medium-cost films released in the same period have all become cannon fodder.

Even Feng Xiaogang, a relatively successful Lunar New Year film director, was terrified and warned Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei brothers not to think about releasing their films in the same period as Jiang Heng's films, otherwise they would suffer losses.

If he chooses the Lunar New Year period, we will go to the Spring Festival period.

If he wants to go to the Spring Festival period, we will choose the Lunar New Year period. In short, we will never confront each other head-on.

The Wang brothers naturally nodded in agreement, but said that Huayi has made a lot of money in the past two years because of Feng Xiaogang's participation.

But compared with Jiang Heng, the profit is much less.

If a movie loses money, it will be a big blow to the vitality. How dare we confront it head-on!

Moreover, when Jiang Heng first came to Beijing, he met with the Wang brothers and the chat was not very pleasant.

Although the relationship has eased in recent years, who knows whether Jiang Heng still remembers the grudge? I am really afraid of being tricked suddenly.

Zhang Weiping of New Birch Films was in a state of relief and excitement.

Fortunately, the film was not released during the Lunar New Year, otherwise, with the box office performance of "The Matrix 2", "Hero" would definitely be affected.

What made him excited was that the box office of a single film in the mainland market has exceeded 700 million yuan, and "Hero" might make 500 million or 600 million yuan. If that happens, he will make a lot of money.

Because of this, he is willing to spend money on the publicity of "Hero".

And he learned from Jiang Heng's approach, not only inviting celebrities to walk the red carpet at the premiere, but also organizing advance screenings.

After that, he will go to major ticket-settling cities for advance screenings. In short, he wants to stir up the publicity.

On January 18, the global premiere of the movie "Hero" was held at the Great Hall of the People. More than 600 media from home and abroad participated, and Phoenix TV's leading actress Chen Luyu served as the premiere emcee.

Zhang Weiping is still very good at making a fuss in publicity. The press conference site adhered to the color style of the film, and was mainly red, blue, white, green and black.

There were also 200 Qin army soldiers standing on both sides of the stage, which made the reporters and audience attending the premiere feel very novel.

These people were not the extras who played the Qin army soldiers in the movie, but were carefully selected from the students of Beijing Sport University for this press conference. They were all 1.8 meters tall, the standard of the honor guard.

As a "special starring actor", Jiang Heng naturally had to attend the event and sat in the guest seats with Jet Li, Zhen Zidan, Zhang Manyu, Zhang Ziyi and others.

Xinhuamian played the movie in full this time.

The embarrassing thing was that after the film ended, the audience's reaction was flat, and many people even left directly after watching the film.

Some reporters randomly interviewed several audiences on the spot. Most of these people were amazed by the film's picture and color impact, and they were very skeptical about the film's story.

Some viewers directly said that after watching the film, they could be described as "distraught" and had no idea what Zhang Yimou wanted to say!

Some viewers also said that watching movies is just for fun, and there is no need to care so much.

Some said that the color and aesthetic composition of the film are great, but the story is not as good as Jiang Heng's work.

A female audience asked back, do you think this film has a story?

The audience left if they wanted to, but Jiang Heng, Jet Li and others had to accept media interviews.

As a special starring actor, Jiang Heng was also given special attention when asking questions, which really embarrassed him.

How to say it, the quality of "Hero" can't be said to be too good, nor can it be said to be bad.

The use of some "nonsense literature" is slightly different from his usual performance in front of the media.

Who can actually make it in the entertainment industry without some nonsense literature!

The reporter asked Jet Li, if this movie is shown abroad, will they understand it, and can it win an Oscar?

Jet Li must be thinking, how can foreigners understand the concept of "world" and "unification", their history is the main theme of division!

As for the Oscar, it doesn't look like he can win it.

But he can't tell the truth, so he said that I am not a Feng Shui forecaster, so it is difficult for me to answer your question. My point of view is that there is such an opportunity, so many good friends participate in this movie together, and work hard to devote all their energy. What will happen in the future, whether people all over the world accept it, whether Americans and Westerners accept it, is actually not important.

With Jet Li's experience in the film industry, he can naturally see that the reputation of this film will not be too good, and he dare not praise how popular this film will be. He only said that it is worth it for everyone to work hard together, and box office and awards are not important. He has already expressed his attitude.

In fact, Zhang Yimou was not sure when he saw the effect of the film.

When facing the reporter's question whether he was confident of winning the Oscar, he said that he didn't feel any expectations, nor any extravagant hopes.

Zhang Weiping, who was present, looked very unhappy, and said discouraged words one by one!

When the reporter asked him questions, he directly said that "Hero" is expected to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, and it is very likely to win awards for costumes, photography, art, and music.

He didn't know whether the media believed it or not, but at this moment, he was full of confidence.

After the premiere, Xinhua Noodle Company also arranged a dinner to entertain the guests.

In addition to the cast and crew of the film, CCTV Director Zhao Huayong and Deputy Director Hu Rong also went as guests.

Zhao Huayong expressed his "admiration" to Jiang Heng and immediately said: "I heard that Director Jiang bought the copyrights of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Sword". I wonder if he is interested in cooperating with CCTV?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "CCTV's olive branch is something that many people want, of course I am willing to do it!"

In 2003, when Mango Channel had not yet emerged, CCTV was still a well-deserved dominance.

For ordinary producers, directors, and actors, it seems quite aloof.

But in front of Jiang Heng, he couldn't make that statement.

There are two reasons, one is fame and influence, and the other is income and profit.

In the past year of 2002, CCTV's annual GG revenue was 7.04 billion. Excluding expenses, it was profit.

Jiang Heng released a total of two films in 2002. "Splitting the Mountain to Save My Mother" grossed US$575 million globally, and "The Matrix 2" should gross US$700-800 million according to media predictions.

Converted into RMB, the annual box office total exceeds 10 billion.

People like Zhao Huayong feel admiration in their hearts when they hear such achievements. They always work with the idea of ​​equality and mutual benefit in everything they do.

Seeing Jiang Heng readily agreed, he felt brighter on his face and said with a smile: "Okay, with Director Jiang's words, CCTV will definitely not let you suffer!"

Zhang Weiping was envious as he listened, but he couldn't bear to rush forward. After inviting everyone to take their seats, he asked CCTV to help with more publicity.

After hearing this, Zhao Huayong hesitated for a moment and said: "CCTV definitely supports Chinese-language movies. There are more and more blockbuster movies coming out. I will definitely help, huh!"

A brief sentence and that's it.

The conversation during the meal did not revolve around "Hero". After all, everyone present was considered a professional, and they could all guess the box office and reputation of a movie after watching it.

Especially when compared with Jiang Heng's films, the reputation of this "Hero" may collapse.

Sure enough, after it was officially released a few days later, a large number of netizens on Douban flooded in and gave "Hero" a low score.

Most people say that the plot of this movie is slow and repetitive, the pictures are flashy, and the spirit is empty and flattering.

It’s also that Jiang Heng has watched too many fast-paced special effects blockbusters, and he is really not used to watching Zhang Yimou’s blockbuster that combines literature and art with business.

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