Jiang Heng struggled for a while about whether to make the company a stock company.

Because he didn't want to expand it at first, he just wanted to make some money to live happily in his old age.

YouTeng in Hong Kong and iQiyi in Beijing were both grass-roots teams at first.

But as the films they produced sold out at the box office one after another, and the company's annual revenue was more than the annual box office of the mainland film market, the two companies became a good place for filmmakers in both places.

For example, after the brothers Yuan De and Yuan Hua made several movies with Jiang Heng, they acted like they were the boss and said they wanted to come to Jiang Heng's company. Could you refuse?

You couldn't refuse!

And after the development focus shifted to the mainland and the fame soared, more talents from the mainland film industry came to join.

Even if most of them were rejected, there were still many that could not be rejected.

For example, some were particularly outstanding, and some were relatives of the "leader".

In this small piece of land, Jiang Heng often had to toast people, and he certainly couldn't refuse the face.

In this way, the two film and television companies developed at a very fast speed and quietly grew into giants.

Jiang Heng also had more rest time recently, and suddenly realized that the iYouTeng Films under his name had become a large company, and was named "the first private film and television company in the mainland" by the media.

Since the scale has grown "quickly", it must be done well.

If you want to develop healthily, shareholding reform and listing are necessary, otherwise the capable people will definitely flee.

Just like Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty, who was willing to spend money and confer titles, he could win over a large group of capable people.

Xiang Yu was petty, and he was reluctant to give his seal to his subordinates even though he had worn it flat, so naturally all the talents ran away.

At this moment, the company is developing rapidly, and the executives are thinking about the future listing and equity sharing, so they will do their best.

If Jiang Heng said clearly at this moment that iYouTeng Films would never go public, many people would definitely look for the next buyer immediately.

Just like in "Chinese Partners", even the best brothers have to go their separate ways.

Therefore, today's conversation is to make it clear and give them a reassurance.

Du Huan and Li Xiaoping were both very surprised and said: "Mr. Jiang's decision is really wise. Once the decision to go public is made, the whole company will definitely be united and work together to make the company the number one film and television company in China!"

"It may become the world's number one film and television company in the future!"

Jiang Heng smiled and nodded, and then said: "For future business, I want to set up departments such as film production, TV series production, animation production, variety shows, brokerage business, and peripheral development. First build the framework, and then recruit the best talents, don't be afraid to spend money. You two go back and discuss it, and write a report."

Li Xiaoping heard that it can no longer be described as surprise, it is simply ecstasy.

Since she joined the company, she first helped to handle the company's daily business, and then served as the production director of the sequel to "The Matrix". Although she was busy all day, it was equivalent to doing odd jobs.

She naturally has greater pursuits, thinking of making some achievements in the industry on this platform.

This pushed Jiang Heng to buy the copyright of Jin Yong's novels, and finally got the mainland copyright of the two novels "The Condor Heroes" and "The Heaven Sword and the Swordsman", and also got a "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

At this moment, she is busy preparing for "The Condor Heroes". It is just a temporary department, and there is always a sense of being unjustified, and the people below are not easy to use.

Once the company is reorganized, she can propose to be in charge of the "TV Drama Production Department", and she can match talents according to her own wishes and promote the project.

Du Heng has similar ideas and is full of praise.

Unlike Li Xiaoping who is keen on TV drama production, he is more optimistic about the development of peripherals, especially after the release of "Pacific Rim", the related mecha and monster toys are sold out.

Although 90% of the toys on the market are pirated, they have greatly enhanced the influence of the film.

In Du Heng's view, the development potential of the peripherals is not much weaker than that of movies.

If Jiang Heng is releasing so many blockbusters now, he can definitely build a theme park, which can include Jurassic Park, Lion Camel Ridge Park, Mecha Park, and some projects such as Ferris Wheel, which will definitely be popular.

It's a pity that Jiang Heng always put his proposal on hold on the grounds that the time is not right.

Now, there are two departments, animation production and peripheral development, so we can work in this direction!

He has already thought of poaching people from Shanghai Animation Studio. Anyway, the company has a lot of money. If they can make a few more animation blockbusters, the company's theme park will have more selling points.

These two people can absolutely support Jiang Heng's decision and they can't wait to give it a thumbs up.

After discussing for a while, they called a group of middle-level managers to the conference room for a meeting.

After the news was announced, everyone in the room was almost ecstatic and felt that they had unlimited prospects.

Li Xiaoping was the most active and was the first to determine the management candidates for the TV series production department. They were basically the people who helped her prepare for "The Return of the Condor Heroes".

During this period, they first discussed the script outline and finally finalized the script.

Then it was time to choose actors, and Liu Tianxian was the first to be confirmed.

Firstly, I knew that Jiang Heng was very fond of this person, and secondly, I really thought Liu Tianxian was suitable.

As for the male lead, it was a bit difficult to choose.

There were no suitable male artists under iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures.

At this moment, the more famous young actors are Li Yapeng, Chen Kun, Lu Yi, Hu Bin, Huang Xiaoming, Tong Dawei, Yin Xiaotian, and Nie Yuan.

After a round of screening, only two people entered the "finals", Huang Xiaoming and Nie Yuan.

After reporting the list to Jiang Heng, the latter wondered, "Chen Kun is not bad, too!"

"Well, he sent an invitation before. He said he would consider it, but then he suddenly rejected it without giving any reason."

"Okay, let's leave this alone, and you go do other things first!"

Li Xiaoping left after hearing this, and Jiang Heng sat on the sofa, somewhat puzzled.

In his previous life, he came to the mainland very late. He first played supporting roles in film and television dramas, and later joined the crew of a major online film company.

Plus, since I came from Xiangjiang, I don’t have many friends.

Not much is known about some rumors and anecdotes in the early years of the mainland entertainment industry.

He just felt that Chen Kun's performance in "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" was very good and he was quite suitable to play Yang Guo, so he asked about it.

If he really doesn't want to, Jiang Heng won't force him.

After all, the focus of his work has always been movies, and he doesn't care much about the success of TV series.

Feeling that there was no need to ask Han Sanping about such a trivial matter, he called Yu Dong to talk about it.

"Ah, you refused? You refuse to play a good role like Yang Guo?" Yu Dong actually asked.

Immediately he said: "Isn't it related to the heroine? Have you decided on one?"

Jiang Heng said: "Liu Yifei has been appointed and the contract has been signed!"

"Oh, that must be the case. It is said that the two of them were not very happy when they collaborated on "Golden Pink Family"!"

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