Jiang Heng was curious and asked Yu Dong what was going on.

Yu Dong smiled and said: "I've also heard that Chen's family is not well off and he has always been poor. In 1996, he was admitted to Nortel with the first place in the professional class. The person you are interested in comes from a wealthy family and got into Nortel by cheating on his identity. Although it’s within the rules, you know...!”

When Jiang Heng heard what he said, he immediately understood what was going on, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Yu Dong added: "And I heard that Huang Xiaoming and he were classmates in the same dormitory. They had a very good relationship when they were in school, and they were with Yan Gege, the so-called 'Three Musketeers of Beijing Film Academy'. Now Huang Xiaoming is bent on pursuing the role of Yang Guo, and he doesn't want to Acting, maybe that’s the reason too!”

Jiang Heng heard this and said: "Okay, I know, I'm sorry to bother you, Lao Yu!"

"Hey, you are so polite to me. By the way, when you are free, I will report to you!"

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment and then understood.

Aiyouteng Pictures has many old employees from Beijing Film Studio, and they are quite familiar with Yu Dong.

Now that Aiyouteng has plans to go public, Yu Dong is definitely excited.

Historically, he was a self-employed boss, so how could he live in depression for so long?

However, during this time and space, after cooperating with Jiang Heng, Bona quickly became the number one private distribution company in the country, almost monopolizing the distribution of Hong Kong films in the mainland market.

If he steps out and goes it alone, I'm afraid he won't be able to win over many Hong Kong directors.

Furthermore, those who were willing to start a business with him in the first place felt very comfortable staying in Bona and no longer had the ambition to "start a second business".

In addition, Jiang Heng didn't care much about Bona Pictures' affairs, so Yu Dong gave up the idea of ​​starting a business.

However, due to the pursuit of wealth, just receiving salary and dividends is definitely not enough. He also hopes that Bo Na can be listed on the market so that he can have financial freedom.

Of course Jiang Heng understood this. He looked at the schedule and said, "Okay, then you can come over the day after tomorrow!"


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Heng ordered someone to call Li Xiaoping and said directly: "Just choose Huang Xiaoming!"


Li Xiaoping responded simply and directly, without asking any reason, and reported on the filming plan for "The Condor".

After Jiang Heng heard this, he took the full decision.

At this time, the secretary knocked on the door and said, "Director Jiang, Miss Liu is here!"

"Invite her in!"

Not long after, Liu Tianxian was wearing a light gray woolen coat, a white knitted hat, and long hair shawl, looking pretty and a little cute.



Jiang Heng was a little bit dumbfounded. Although he always called him this way in text messages and QQ, in reality, especially in front of outsiders, he always felt a little weird.

Fortunately, Li Xiaoping was not surprised. Instead, she held Liu Tianxian's hand enthusiastically and asked her if she wasn't cold in wearing so little.

Liu Tianxian said obediently: "It's okay. Just take a car when you go out and walk in the parking lot. It won't be cold!"

Li Xiaoping praised a few more words and left wisely.

In the large office, Jiang Heng stood up, poured her a cup of hot tea, and asked what she had been busy with these two days!

"I was reading the script for many days in a row. I felt dizzy, so I thought of coming to my uncle to get some fresh air!"

While talking, he took off his hat and coat and went to the huge floor-to-ceiling window to look at the scenery outside.

Jiang Heng also walked over, looked at the scenery outside, and said with a smile: "Then stay a little longer, Auntie is too strict with you!"

It's interesting to say that Liu Tianxian calls him uncle, he calls Liu Xiaoli aunt, and he calls Chen Jinfei brother. They really have different opinions.

"Well, it's okay. Mom has too much expectations for me. She's a bit like Mrs. Wang in "Dragon"!"

"Haha, if I tell her this, my aunt will probably be very angry!"

"Uncle will definitely not complain!"

After chatting for a while, when it came to the casting of "The Condor", Jiang Heng said that the male lead was Huang Xiaoming, and Liu Tianxian just nodded lightly.

Jiang Heng said: "Why, do you have other ideas?"

"No, uncle just decides!"

"Then why do I hear it, it seems like you are not in a good mood!"

Liu Tianxian was silent, and after more than ten seconds he finally said: "I thought it was my uncle playing Yang Guo!"

Jiang Heng heard this and couldn't laugh or cry.

With his status at the moment, it would be a detriment to be the lead actor in a blockbuster film, let alone the lead actor in a TV series.

"If it's a movie, I can still consider it!"

Liu Tianxian's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Fake!" He immediately said, "Do you really want to act in a movie?"

Liu Tianxian shook his head, "I don't really want to!"


"If my acting skills are not up to par, I will definitely be disliked by others, but I will definitely be willing to do my uncle's film!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "There may be a chance!"

Speaking of movies, Jiang Heng remembered some anecdotes about Liu Tianxian.

Although she has good resources in the TV industry, she is still not as good as Tiantian in the film industry.

The first time Liu Tianxian acted in a movie was "Love in May" in 2004, a low-cost love movie that reportedly had a box office of less than one million.

In the same year, there was also a movie called "Love Winner", which was similarly sluggish at the box office and didn't cause any splash.

In 2006, the famous Li Yu found Liang Chaowei and confirmed the male lead.

Later, when revising the script, the screenwriter was asked to write Wang Jiazhi in the image of Liu Yifei, because at that time, Li Yu always felt that only Liu Yifei was the best heroine in his mind.

Later, he sent three invitation letters to Liu Tianxian Fei, just to get her to agree to the role. Unexpectedly, he never got a response, so Ang Lee had to go for an interview.

Liu Yifei was very surprised at first. After all, if she could get in touch with Li An, it would be like having a connection with a big shot in the Hong Kong and Taiwan circles, which made her very excited.

But she was dumbfounded after seeing the script. After all, the image of "Sister Fairy" was deeply rooted in people's hearts at that time.

Li An's script was too explicit, so Liu Yifei finally declined.

Seeing that the actress he liked did not agree, Li An went to Han Yan and Shu Qi to discuss cooperation, but they were all rejected.

Zhang Ziyi wanted to act, but was rejected by Li An...

It is said that when Jiang Heng heard these rumors and anecdotes in his previous life, he just listened to them for fun because they had nothing to do with him.

But now thinking about it, he felt that Li An was a little unkind.

After thinking about it, he suddenly said: "In terms of movies, there will be big movies suitable for you in the future. If there is any art film director looking for you, you don't even need to meet!"

Liu Yifei was very surprised when she heard the first half of the sentence, because Jiang Heng's words were undoubtedly saying that he would prepare to use her as the heroine of a big movie in the future.

As for the second half of the sentence, she was a little confused.

Art film director?

Uncle, do you think too highly of her? She is criticized for her poor acting skills even when she plays in a TV series. Which art film director would want to use her?

"Thank you, uncle. You have already thought of what role I want to play, right?"

"Well, I just have a general idea. It will take at least three to five years to shoot!"

While saying this, the anime image of Angel Yan in "Heroes Company" appeared in my mind.

I thought to myself, it should be about right for her to play Angel Yan!

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