Jiang Heng likes "Heroes Company" very much.

The reason why he didn't shoot it now is that many of the actresses he likes have not made their debut yet.

Because there are more than ten stunning beauties in the animation series, Jiang Heng can't do the thing of using ordinary actresses to pretend to be peerless beauties.

Even if the director, producer, and extras are blind, the audience is not blind. Can't they see the beauty?

Of course, it can't be shot too late, otherwise the production cost will be too high in the era of skyrocketing film pay.

According to Jiang Heng's estimate, it should be around 2008.

The only problem is that these actresses he likes are beautiful, but their performance on the big screen is not very outstanding.

In terms of acting skills, it is somewhat criticized.

Of course, there is a solution.

He has a "super microcomputer" that can calculate and deduce the costumes, makeup, props, composition, color, and even the performance of the actors in advance, so as to get a more perfect picture composition.

Then shoot according to the pre-drawn storyboard script.

Ab can be filmed well by Xu Laoguai and Wu Ershan, so there is no reason why he can't film well.

After chatting for a while, Liu Tianxian wanted to leave for fear of disturbing Jiang Heng's work.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "It's okay. In fact, I just come here occasionally to check the company's accounts. They are responsible for daily work. As long as there is no problem with the money, the rest is trivial."

Liu Tianxian looked surprised, "Uncle can also check the accounts?"

Jiang Heng smiled. Not only can he check, but in the eyes of all employees, he is super proficient.

With the help of the "super microcomputer", no matter how complicated the accounts are, they are extremely simple in his eyes.

After finding some loopholes and catching a few borers, the company's middle and senior management dared not tamper with the accounts.

As for whether to take kickbacks, it is not something he can control.

If the water is too clear, there will be no fish. He is not doing it himself, so he can't control it too strictly.

He drove out at noon, took Liu Tianxian shopping and had a big meal, and then sent him back.

In the following days, iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures promoted the start of filming of The Return of the Condor Heroes and held a media conference.

To the surprise of the reporters, Jiang Heng did not attend the event, but went to Shanghai with the company's president Du Huan.

Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio, Director Jin Guoping, director of the animation "The Lotus Lantern" Chang Guangxi and others received Jiang Heng and his party.

In the conference room, everyone greeted each other for a while before getting to the point.

Jin Guoping said: "Director Jiang has always been shooting special effects blockbusters, and he is interested in animated films. We really didn't expect it!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "I think animated films are also a very important form of artistic expression. The influence caused by a good film is not worse than that of live-action films. In neighboring Japan, animated films often occupy the top of the annual box office list."

Jin Guoping and others nodded. They knew about these phenomena.

And they lamented that the strength of the Japanese animation industry has had a strong impact on the domestic animation industry.

Although there are factors such as themes, lack of funds and lack of attention are also very important reasons.

Now, Director Jiang Heng, who has the highest box office in China, came to visit and seek cooperation, which they never expected.

At the same time, they were very excited. With Jiang Heng's funds, technology, creativity, and the talents of the art factory, they believed that they would be able to do a good job in the domestic animation industry.

What these people don't know is how bad the domestic animation industry will be in the near future.

The reason is also very simple, just three words, "cheating subsidies"!

The country also knows the huge influence of the animation industry. After all, children love to watch it, and the content a person sees when he is a teenager will greatly affect their three views.

So the country really attaches great importance to the animation industry and spends a lot of real money to subsidize it.

But it was targeted by some people with means and connections, because the subsidy details only look at the length and platform.

For example, the amount of subsidies given for broadcasting on provincial and municipal media is different.

These people frantically produced cartoons with extremely poor content quality, and tried to sell them to the platform to get subsidies.

The domestic animation industry is getting worse and worse.

To be honest, it is difficult for Jiang Heng to change anything on his own. He just tries his best to do what he can.

This time, I came here to discuss cooperation with Shanghai Animation Film Studio and prepare to jointly establish an animation company.

Secondly, they are preparing to build an animation industrial park in Pudong, and they can bring out works like "Under One Person", "The Legend of Qin", "Painting Rivers and Lakes: The Bad Guys", etc.

Moreover, when the online literature market rises, there will be more themes that can be used for animation.

And when the animation industry grows, there will be content for theme parks.

This time, Jiang Heng wants to make "Kung Fu Panda". It doesn't make sense for Americans to make money from Chinese people with China's national treasures, right?

"I also want to make an animated film, but I have never done it before, and there is a lack of talent around me. I know that our art studio is the number one animation film studio in China, so I came here specifically to ask for cooperation!"

Jin Guoping smiled and said, "Director Jiang is too polite. It is our honor to cooperate with you!"

In the era of market economy, Jin Guoping will not really think that Jiang Heng is begging him just because he has a good attitude.

Judging from the composition of several previous blockbusters, Jiang Heng's attainments in art are very high. If he directs it himself, it is not difficult to recruit people to make an animated film.

I think it is because of the lack of creative and management personnel that they want to cooperate with them.

"I wonder what kind of animation Director Jiang wants to make!" Chang Guangxi asked.

"Kung Fu!"

"Kung Fu?" The people in the art studio were puzzled. Their first reaction was that Jiang Heng was going to make a movie similar to "Kung Fu" directed by Stephen Chow.

But Jiang Heng continued: "Panda! I think it's more creative to combine the national treasure panda with Kung Fu!"

"Kung Fu, panda?" Jin Guoping, Chang Guangxi and others looked at each other and then discussed in a low voice.

To be honest, they really didn't think about it, and couldn't think of any good theme for a while.

However, since Jiang Heng came to discuss cooperation with great fanfare and proposed it solemnly, it should be very promising.

"Director Jiang, we agree in principle. I wonder how Director Jiang plans to cooperate?"

"I plan to invest 80 million..."

Jiang Heng was halfway through his words, and the people in the art studio couldn't help but exclaimed.

This investment is really too big.

The animated version of "The Lotus Lantern" only invested 12 million, and 80 million is enough to shoot six episodes.

Moreover, the amount of 80 million is a big deal even if it is a live-action movie!

Jiang Heng is willing to spend money on an animated film with a not-so-good prospect. It seems that he really wants to do this!

The two sides then discussed the details of the cooperation. They were able to reach an agreement in general, but there were still some areas that could not be discussed.

The next day, Jiang Heng took Du Huan to Pudong to discuss the animation industrial park.

Pudong attached great importance to Jiang Heng's arrival, and the reception standards were very high. The news report was also sent out early.

When the entertainment industry heard the news, their first reaction was confusion.

Director Jiang didn't shoot a blockbuster, but went to make animation. Did I read a fake news?

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