China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 150 The Tang people want the Immortal Sword

The entertainment industry is watching the excitement, but in some places, what they see are real political achievements.

Animation Industrial Park sounds very high-end.

After asking each other, they learned that Mr. Jiang Heng’s intended investment was as high as one billion, and they became even more excited.

Teams were sent to Shanghai one after another with the intention of leveraging this investment.

Jiang Heng naturally likes Shanghai, but when it comes to negotiations, he naturally has to strive for his own best interests.

With pressure from teams from all over the country to facilitate counter-offers, Jiang Heng was naturally in no rush to sign the contract.

There is no rush to leave, and I can leisurely wander around the city every day.

When I see a suitable house, I buy two.

It's a pity that Tomson Yipin will have to wait two years for pre-sale, otherwise we will definitely have to buy several sets.

It is said that the boss of Tomson Group is Tang Junnian, and Tang Junnian's wife is Xu Feng. Xu Feng was an actress in Baodao in her early years and starred in Hu Jinquan's "The Heroine".

Later, he transitioned to working behind the scenes and supervised the production of a movie, "Farewell My Concubine", which is known as the number one Chinese-language film.

Xu Feng knew Chen Kaizhen, and Tang Junnian also knew Jiang Heng.

Although when Jiang Heng became successful, Tang Junnian had already shifted his career focus to the mainland.

But as a rich man who had worked hard in Hong Kong, he saw that Jiang Heng also had the feeling of being a famous rich man, and felt like meeting an old friend in a foreign land, so he extended an invitation to have dinner together.

In addition to Tang Junnian, there were also invitations from other business leaders. Jiang Heng attended the appointments one by one, which was a rare moment of relaxation.

During this period, while drinking with a group of cultural people, I met a beautiful woman with outstanding appearance.

"Hello, Director Jiang, I am Cai Yinong, the owner of a small company!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "I know you, Tangren Pictures, right?"

Cai Yinong said in surprise: "Director Jiang still knows about Tangren Pictures?"

Her surprised expression was not fake, it was really unexpected.

There is a chain of contempt in the film and television industry. Making TV series is not as good as making movies. Since she started her business, she has only participated in the production of a few TV series and is not well-known. Unexpectedly, a great director like Jiang Heng actually knows her.

"Of course I know, that one is called "Legend of Heaven and Earth: The Fish Beauty", it was very well shot!"

"Director Jiang also likes to watch?" Cai Yinong became more and more surprised.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Yeah!"

He actually watched a few episodes and thought it was pretty good, but he forgot about it because he was busy with other things and didn't watch the whole movie.

Cai Yinong saw that Jiang Heng's words were not sincere and was still very happy.

After all, the person's identity and status are there, so being willing to deal with it can be regarded as a sign of respect.

If you were someone who was unruly, he wouldn't pay attention to you at all.

This situation is particularly common in the entertainment industry.

Tsai Yinong has served as a current affairs reporter, feature reporter, film promoter, and production coordinator of the Hong Kong Film Awards... Don’t know too much about industry insiders.

"Thank you, Director Jiang, for the compliment!"

Someone nearby shouted, "Boss Cai, you can't just say thank you with your mouth, toast, toast!"

Cai Yinong was also unequivocal and raised his glass in toast.

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "Hey, everyone is here to have fun. You can drink as much as you like!"

Cai Yinong said, "It's the happiest thing to meet Director Jiang today!" After saying that, he raised his glass and drank.

Jiang Heng laughed and didn't stop him.

In reality, he is over forty years old and has looked away from many things.

The first key to being a good person is not to sympathize with others easily.

If your father bets on your mother and your sick brother is studying, you can't believe even a word of it coming from the mouth of a beautiful woman.

I'm not forcing you to drink it. It has nothing to do with me if you want to drink it yourself.

He immediately turned his head and started chatting with others.

Cai Yinong drank a few glasses of wine and felt a little embarrassed when Jiang Heng ignored her.

Fortunately, the atmosphere at the wine table was so lively that no one paid attention to her expression.

After a while, I found another opportunity to strike up a conversation, and Cai Yinong directly asked for her contact information.

Several greasy middle-aged men at the table were making noises, saying that Jiang Heng and Cai Yinong looked like a couple.

After all, Cai Yinong is not yet thirty at the moment, and is at the age when she is in her prime and at the peak of her beauty.

Jiang Heng smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew the intentions of this beautiful boss very well. If he was interested in him, the most he could do was to hug the grass and hunt the rabbits, and help him along the way.

The real purpose must still be "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

After the establishment of Tangren Pictures, although it has participated in the production of many TV series, the one that really broke out in the industry is "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

At the moment, the copyright is in Jiang Heng's hands, so she should be talking about cooperation.

Sure enough, after the banquet, Cai Yinong proposed to go have a cup of coffee together.

Jiang Heng didn't refuse, he wanted to hear what she had to say.

In a cafe near the Bund, the two sat opposite each other and looked outside from time to time.

"Director Jiang, I heard that you bought the copyright of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", can you transfer it to us?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "That's straightforward enough. What's the reason? Don't tell me about extra money, there's really no shortage!"

Cai Yinong was silent. She thought a lot before coming here, and she thought she would be able to persuade Jiang Heng.

But looking at the nonchalant look on the other side, I lost all confidence.

But he had already made an appointment, so he definitely couldn't just go back without success. Cai Yinong thought for a few dozen seconds and said: "Director Jiang, I know that you have a good vision and your directing ability is also the best in the country. But I want to , you won’t be filming this movie yourself, right?”

Jiang Heng nodded, acknowledging her compliment.

Cai Yinong continued: "Vice President Li Xiaoping of your company does have management skills, but she is actually a newcomer in terms of film and television production. You will not hand over the three dramas "The Condor", "Yitian" and "The Fairy Sword". Should you take responsibility for her?"

Jiang Heng was silent after hearing this. In fact, he was a little worried, but he didn't have many suitable people to use.

Someone like Xu Ke would definitely not come to film a TV series for him!

Cai Yinong saw Jiang Heng in deep thought and instantly felt that there was a play, so she hurriedly said: "You know my company's director Mr. Li Guoli, he has very rich directing experience."

Jiang Heng smiled, "Of course I know!"

Li Guoli is from Hong Kong. He first went to Singapore TV Station. He returned to Hong Kong in 1989 and became a producer at TVB.

Jiang Heng had met him when he was a supporting actor!

In 1997, Li Guoli briefly served as the production director of China Film. A year later, he and Cai Yinong started a company together.

So although it was the first time that Jiang Heng met Cai Yinong, he had met Li Guoli several times, but they were just nodding acquaintances.

Cai Yinong also felt that Li Guoli's relationship was of little use in persuading Jiang Heng, and he was out of town, so he came here by himself.

He continued, "I have to say that Director Jiang has a good eye. I only noticed it after I heard that you bought the film and television adaptation rights for the game. After learning about it, I found that it is really suitable for TV dramas. If it is well made, it will definitely be a big hit.

If Director Jiang shoots it himself, we certainly don't dare to hope. If you want someone else to shoot it, please give us a chance!"

Jiang Heng smiled. Of course, he knew the value of "Chinese Paladin". It can be said that one drama supports half of the entertainment industry in the next ten years!

Hu Jian, Liu Tianxian, and Peng Yuyan are in "Chinese Paladin 1", and Hu Jian, Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Liu Shishi, and Huo Jianhua are in "Chinese Paladin 3".

Most of the top 85 flowers have benefited from these two dramas.

Copyright transfer, that's a no-brainer!

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