"Ms. Cai, we are in business. You have said so much, but I don't see the benefits of it. If there is nothing else, I will leave first!"


Cai Yinong shouted hurriedly, hesitated for a moment and said: "If Director Jiang feels that Tangren has development, he can buy some shares!"

Jiang Heng smiled and did not answer immediately.

He glanced at the night view outside and said with a smile: "I'll think about it and talk about it next time!" After that, he got up and walked out.

Cai Yinong sat there blankly, then stood up and chased after him and asked, "Director Jiang, will we meet again?"

"Will do!"

After Jiang Heng said that, he got into the car prepared for him by the hotel.

After thinking about it, he rolled down the window and said, "Would you like me to give you a section?"

After hearing this, Cai Yinong felt a sense of ecstasy, and hurriedly got into the car and sat next to Jiang Heng, "Director Jiang, we meet again!"

"It doesn't count this time, let's talk about it next time!"

Seeing Jiang Heng's face with a smile on his face, Cai Yinong knew that it was not a complete rejection and that there was still room for negotiation, and his mood gradually calmed down.

At the same time, I know that I am too impatient. If I want to win the project, I am afraid that I will have to make a lot of profits.

However, when I think about the rumors surrounding Jiang Heng's debut, I feel relieved that he was able to keep his composure and repeatedly negotiated with major Hollywood studios to ensure split distribution.

If it had been another Hong Kong or Mainland director, he would have sold the copyright directly.

After sending Cai Yinong away, Jiang Heng returned to the hotel.

He had not been to Shanghai much before and usually stayed in hotels.

Although I bought several properties this time, the decorations were either old or rough, so I still stayed in hotels.

After washing up, Jiang Heng lay on the small sofa in front of the window, thinking about today's matter.

He really didn't think about doing the drama "Sword" before, but after meeting Cai Yinong today, he felt like he could work with it.

After all, a director has a different aesthetic. If he had a different beard, the same actors would probably turn Fairy Sword into a work with blowers blowing wildly, slow motion, and spinning around.

Thinking about the action scene, I can't help but shake my head.

The fight scenes in the Tang Dynasty version of Immortal Sword are quite hot-blooded, especially the scene with the Wine Sword Immortal, which is downright handsome.

Jiang Hengruo went to take the photo himself, and he was able to reproduce the original image.

If it had been anyone else, it wouldn't have been possible.

Why not let Tang Ren film it and let him do the post-production to make the special effects of the film better.

But don't think about copyrights or anything like that. This is absolutely unacceptable.

At most, it's a joint production. You can also consider investing in it.

In addition, the role of Li Xiaoyao naturally belongs to Hu Chan, and Hu Chan signed a contract with Tangren in 2002.

Of course, Cai Yinong didn't realize at this moment that Hu Jian was Li Xiaoyao's best candidate.

According to the original history, when preparing to film Fairy Sword, the director was hesitant between Zhou Yumin and Lin Zhiying, feeling that both their ancient costumes suited Li Xiaoyao's image.

The noble person who let Hu Jian get this role was the aunt Deng Jiajia in "Love Apartment".

When she saw Hu Chan in ancient costume, she went over and asked, "Are you Li Xiaoyao?"

The director happened to be passing by and naturally looked at Hu Ge, then walked away without saying a word.

Later, the chief planner of the original game saw Hu Jian and felt that he looked like the prototype of the character, so he told the director.

After final discussion, Hu Chan was allowed to wear Li Xiaoyao's clothes. After trying it on, everyone was shocked.

Nowadays, Aiyouteng Pictures wants to produce "Sword of Immortality" and reproduce the classic, so cooperating with Tang Dynasty is a good choice.

Just stretch it out to get more benefits.

Suddenly, Cai Yinong called and wanted to have an interview.

Jiang Heng thought for a while, "Well, you can drive, right?"


"Just in time, come pick me up!"

Cai Yinong didn't think much and drove a BMW 5 series to Jiang Heng's hotel.

"Director Jiang...!"

"Don't worry, take me to the Porsche Center first!"

Although Cai Yinong was puzzled, he drove Jiang Heng to the Porsche Center in Shanghai and watched him choose a 911 and choose the configuration carefully.

I couldn't help but have random thoughts in my mind, and secretly said: "What kind of drama is this today, is it a domineering president?"

But I can't believe it. There are so many beautiful actresses around Director Jiang, so he probably doesn't have any thoughts about himself!

But after buying the car, Cai Yinong realized that he had thought too much and was so angry that his teeth itched.

I am also a beautiful boss after all, but you really treat me as your driver!

I had the intention to drive away directly, but thinking about the drama "Sword of Immortal", I still endured it.

In the afternoon, I sent Jiang Heng to Pudong again. I saw him chatting with the leaders in a leisurely manner, and I realized that this guy is really good at keeping prices down.

I couldn't help but secretly sigh, the richer I am, the stingier I become, and the domineering CEOs are all fake.

In the next few days, Cai Yinong was able to make an appointment with Jiang Heng as soon as he asked her out. Instead, she drove around with Jiang Heng in her car and watched him buy various things. She was really envious and depressed.

Fortunately, with the successful signing of the Pudong Animation Industrial Park project, the cooperation on "Sword and Fairy" can finally be discussed.

Jiang Heng’s condition is that Aiyouteng Pictures will take 40% of the shares if it buys shares in Tangren.

The TV series "Sword and Sword" are jointly produced by the two companies, with each receiving half of the investment. Tangren is responsible for filming, and Aiyouteng is responsible for post-production. They cannot interfere with each other.

The income distribution is 30% to 70%, and the Tang people have 30%.

When Cai Yinong heard this condition, his lungs almost exploded with anger.

This is too dark. If she agrees to this, what kind of boss will she be? She will just work for Jiang Heng!

"Director Jiang, the revenue from this play may not be as much as what you have spent in the past few days. Do you think you are bullying our small company?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Hey, Mr. Cai, you can't say that. Cooperation is about voluntariness, equality, and mutual benefit. You can't use the word bully!"

Cai Yinong was almost crying, "At most 15% of the shares, the revenue must be split in half!"

"Thirty, at most 40%!"

Cai Yinong naturally disagreed and tried to talk a few times. Seeing Jiang Heng's firm attitude, he could only call Li Guoli and finally agreed to Jiang Heng's request.

After that, Du Huan was responsible for a series of signings.

Jiang Heng flew to the United States and set up a film and television production company in Hollywood to prepare for the filming of "Inception".

After finishing these, he returned to China and dealt with some trivial matters, and then began to prepare for the promotion of "The Matrix 3".

As expected, Chen Kaige really got into a fight with him.

The Matrix 3 is scheduled for July 19, and "The Promise" is scheduled for July 26.

It is said that after a week, the impact of each other's ticket sales will be greatly reduced.

Chen Kaige insisted on telling the media that after "The Promise" was released, the box office legend of the "Matrix" series would also end.

Jiang Heng was really speechless after hearing this. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out where he got the confidence to say this.

After the film was finished, he should have seen the effect of the film!

It happened that Han Sanping called to say goodbye, so Jiang Heng asked him if he had seen "The Promise".

As a result, Han Sanping said that he had seen it, and said that the film was good and had the potential to impact the Oscars, so Jiang Heng remained silent.

It seems that although this person has been leading the Beijing Film Academy and China Film Academy to invest in commercial films, he still yearns for art in his heart and wants to make money without doing anything!

The problem is that Jiang Wen was only super successful with "Let the Bullets Fly", but "One Step Away" was a failure!

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