China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 152: The smoke of summer vacation

The box office of The Matrix 2 in China finally settled at 735 million, and did not break the 800 million mark as previously predicted by the media.

However, in the global market, it achieved a good result of 810 million US dollars in total box office, far exceeding the 742 million of the original version.

In the 2002 global box office rankings, it ranked fourth in the year, only behind The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers with 926 million, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with 878 million, and Spider-Man with 821 million.

Together with the 575 million US dollars of Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother, Jiang Heng's personal annual box office total in 2002 reached an astonishing 1.385 billion US dollars, becoming the champion with an absolute advantage.

When the news was just confirmed, CCTV News reported it repeatedly, which really caused a sensation for a while.

When The Matrix 3 was announced, Bonanza Pictures used the total box office of the series as a marketing selling point.

The first part made 460 million US dollars, the second part made 810 million, and the total global box office of the two parts added up to 1.27 billion US dollars.

If the third part can make 730 million US dollars in the world, the "Matrix" trilogy will be able to break 2 billion US dollars.

Such a result, not to mention the shock of mainland filmmakers, even some leaders feel that it will greatly boost the morale of the people.

So, just as the promotion of "The Matrix 3" was launched, there was news that some leaders thought that it was not good to arrange two blockbusters at the same time in the summer vacation, and it was reported that "The Promise" would be postponed.

Jiang Heng was really shocked when he heard it.

He called Han Sanping twice, but no one answered.

Other friends were able to find out, but after thinking about it, they gave up.

There are many things in the entertainment industry that can only be done but not said.

For example, people are curious about the star ban order, whether there is a document.

Li Chengru once shared his experience, saying that after the release of "Serious Case Group 6", criminal investigation dramas became very popular and all TV stations began to broadcast them.

But it is said that a senior leader said that this was not good, as it would be bad if criminals knew the police's means of solving cases.

Then there was news that a document was issued, prohibiting all major TV stations from broadcasting criminal investigation dramas in prime time within ten years, so no one filmed them, and the popularity was gone.

But after 10 years, everyone said whether the ban could be lifted, and looked for the document to see the specific time, but it turned out that there was no such document at all.

It was just a rumor, but everyone took it seriously and implemented it for ten years.

A more typical example is the "Domestic Film Protection Month". It is said that since 2004, the Film Bureau has verbally notified that major domestic theaters should not promote the introduction of overseas blockbusters during July and August (or June to July) every year, and support and promote domestic films.

There is no document for this matter, and the "Domestic Film Protection Month" is not an official statement, but it has been implemented seriously for many years.

Jiang Heng thought that this was not groundless, so he didn't need to ask too much. He just waited for the news.

A few days later, the producer of the movie "The Promise", China Film Group, announced that due to technical reasons, the film was postponed to October 1.

The news shocked the entire Chinese entertainment industry.

Many people called him, and Jiang Heng instantly understood why Han Sanping didn't answer his calls at the beginning, and turned off his mobile phone.

He just drove to iQiyi, Youku, and Bonanza every day to ask about the implementation of publicity and promotion.

"Director Jiang, don't worry. This time, the time, the place, and the people are right. I think this "The Matrix 3" will definitely break 800 million!" Yu Dong looked excited.

Jiang Heng's mentality was very peaceful. The 2 billion US dollars for the trilogy was just a slogan for publicity and promotion, and it didn't count.

Whether it succeeded or not, he made a lot of money this time. It would take him a long time to retire and transform into Wang Duoyu.

However, for Bonanza, encouragement was the main thing.

He asked about the placement of promotional posters and the layout of the premiere.

"The Matrix 3" will still be held at the Workers' Stadium, and the date is set for Saturday, July 12.

In addition to the film's main creators, there will also be many celebrities.

They all think that "The Matrix 3" is dominating the summer this time, and there must be some inside story, so they come to join in the fun. Even Chen Daoming, who has a calm personality, called Yu Dong and asked for a guest invitation.

Jiang Heng happened to be there, and the two chatted for a while.

"I really like this movie, and I'm eager to know what story you told in the length of three movies!" Chen Daoming said lightly.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "I can only say that it will definitely surprise people and make everyone feel that their time is not wasted after reading it!"

"That's good, that's good! In fact, I like this setting too much. Life is like Zhuang Zhou dreaming of becoming a butterfly. How can we tell whether Zhuang Zhou dreamed of becoming a butterfly or the butterfly dreamed of becoming Zhuang Zhou!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Then scientists have to study it!"


Chen Daoming sighed, "Nowadays, many scientists are not thinking about how to do research, but how to make money. How many years has there been no major breakthrough in global science and technology? Today's human society is all living off the old foundation."

Jiang Heng thought to himself, "Don't you know that the Three-Body Civilization can lock down the technology of the earth?"

Thinking again, oh, the first part of "The Three-Body Problem" will not be serialized in "Science Fiction World" magazine until May 2006, and Liu Cixin probably hasn't written it yet.

Think about it, Liu Cixin sold the copyright of "The Three-Body Problem" for only 100,000 yuan, which is already miserable enough, so don't steal other people's works.

It’s better to wait for another two years. He sold the copyright in 2009 anyway.

Jiang Heng did not mention the theory in "The Three-Body Problem", but only talked about the virtual world, why light has a speed limit, etc., and chatted for a long time before hanging up.

In the next few days, Bonanza Films sent out invitations one after another, but what was unexpected was that Chen Kaige actually wanted to attend.

Yu Dong was embarrassed. In fact, as an old man from the Beijing Film Studio, he was somewhat inclined to Chen Kaige.

But now that he is in charge of Bonanza and is also a shareholder, it is difficult to talk about any feelings.

He smiled and advised: "Director Chen, why do you still want to come to the premiere?"

"My son wants to watch a movie, I want to accompany my son to watch a movie!"

Yu Dong thought to himself: "Hey, is there anyone who talks like you?"

He knew that Chen Kaige had two sons, the older one was born in 1997 and the younger one was born in 2000. What would he watch!

"Director Chen, I know you are angry, but in public...!"

"Don't worry, I am a man of quality. I will not make trouble in front of so many media reporters and audiences. I just want to chat with Director Jiang and take a look at his film!"

Seeing Yu Dong silent, he couldn't help laughing: "You can't make a decision on such a small matter!"

Hey, this excited Yu Dong, and he almost agreed on the spot.

After thinking about it, he said, "Okay, I will ask someone to send you an invitation later!"

After the call, he called Jiang Heng again to tell him about it.

"This old Chen seems to be very angry with me!" Jiang Heng laughed and said, "Let him come if he wants to. We are at home, and no big trouble will happen!"

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