China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 153 Confrontation at the premiere

In a mansion in Beijing, Chen Hong lazily leaned on the sofa and advised: "Why go there to get angry and look at their glory? It's only two months, and it will be here in a blink of an eye!"

Chen Kaiqi was still angry and snorted: "The two companies originally agreed to compete in the summer, but it was postponed quietly. People who don't know would think I was afraid of him! The movie is absent from the summer, but I can't be absent!"

In fact, what he was really angry about was not "two big movies squeezed in the summer time is not good", but he actually had to give way to Jiang Heng, which made him feel uneasy and unacceptable.

Doesn't that mean that in the minds of industry leaders, his status is not as good as Jiang Heng?

He has always regarded himself as a film master and the first director in China.

What Zhang Yimou, in his eyes, is just a barely educated person. What the hell is "Hero"? It's just embarrassing.

The directors in Hong Kong can only make eye-catching commercial films without style. Who can compare with him?

Even Jiang Heng, who is known as the No. 1 domestic box office, is just an "enhanced" Xu Ke in his eyes.

Now that his "The Promise" has been filmed, it is both artistic and has super beautiful special effects. When word-of-mouth and box office are expected to be a double harvest, it was postponed. This is really intolerable!

What is more infuriating is the decision of the producer China Film, which he can't stop at all.

If I don't go to Jiang Heng to say a few words, it will be suffocating.

On July 12, Chen Kaige and Chen Hong took the extended version of Cadillac to Gongti, and the driver with white gloves parked the car directly in front of the red carpet.

After the two got off the car, Chen Hong took Chen Kaige's arm, glanced at the noisy crowd, and snorted: "There are so many people!"

Chen Kaige felt more and more that this grand scene should belong to him.

After all, if The Matrix 3 gave way to The Promise and let him dominate the summer, maybe he could get 700 or 800 million!

"When we do it, we will definitely get more than this person!"

Chen Kaiqiao then said, and took Chen Hong to the red carpet, came to the huge poster, and signed their names.

The host on the red carpet was still the beautiful reporter Tu Jingwei from the movie channel.

After looking at the expressions of the two people, he said cautiously: "Director Chen, Ms. Chen Hong, let's face the media and take a few photos first!"

Chen Kaiqiao and his wife turned around and faced the reporters generously, and even made a victory gesture.

Tu Jingwei immediately said: "Then Director Chen, as a well-known domestic director, I wonder what you think of the "Matrix" series of movies?"

Chen Kaiqiao smiled, he was waiting for this sentence.

"There is a saying that goes, China's is the world's. In fact, I think this series of movies is too Westernized, and the content preference is a bit flattering to the West. Of course, from a commercial perspective, it can't be said to be wrong. After all, it has achieved such a high global box office, and now it is expected to sprint to 2 billion US dollars in the global box office.

But as filmmakers, we can't just look at the box office, we must also promote Chinese culture and resist the invasion of Hollywood culture. Jiang Heng directly..."

"Okay, because of time constraints, thank Director Chen for your comments, let's move to the venue first, and there will be media interviews later!"

Tu Jingwei didn't dare to listen and interrupted hurriedly.

Chen Kaiqiao's face was normal, and he was not angry, because he had expected it when he came.

Don't say that he didn't say the latter words. Even if he said that Jiang Heng was a "fake army" in the film industry, using a completely Westernized Hollywood-style blockbuster to attack domestic films, it is estimated that it would not be broadcast.

The mainstream media will not report it. After all, no matter how reluctant he is to admit it, Jiang Heng is already the face of Chinese-language films.

As for the tabloid media, because the story is too outrageous, no one believes it at all.

After entering the venue and walking to the guest seats, I saw many old acquaintances.

Han Sanping, Zhao Huayong, Chen Daoming, Jiang Wen, Feng Xiaogang, hey, the surname Feng also sneaked in.

Chen Kaige greeted everyone one by one, and when it came to Feng Xiaogang, he directly put his arm around his shoulder, "Why are you here too?"

Chen Kaige is tall and Feng Xiaogang is thin, and the picture is a bit funny.

Feng Xiaogang smiled and said, "I have nothing to do, so I came to take a look!"

Feng Xiaogang was not really free, but had the idea of ​​shooting a blockbuster.

After all, seeing that Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou and others have shot blockbusters, he was anxious!

If he didn't make a blockbuster work, his position in the industry would continue to decline.

According to his current understanding, he felt that after the mainland directors Jiang Heng, Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, it would be his turn.

But if he didn't make a blockbuster, there would be a risk of being surpassed in the ranking!

When he was humble, he was still able to put down his posture.

This time, I also got a script, the Chinese version of "Hamlet". I want to take advantage of this premiere dinner to mention it to Jiang Heng and ask him to help check it.

In history, when he was filming "A World Without Thieves", the script was rejected during the review.

First, the protagonists in the script are all bad guys, which does not conform to the creative rules.

Second, there is no reason for a pair of male and female thieves to sacrifice for a stranger, which is illogical at all.

The screenwriters revised the script several times, but it was not passed.

In desperation, Feng Xiaogang invited Wang Shuo. The latter added a policeman, let the female thief get pregnant, and go to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha, and it was approved immediately.

Feng Xiaogang still respects people with ability. The big brother put his shoulder, and he was also calm, and whispered to Chen Kaige that Jiang Heng is now highly valued by the higher-ups, and if things really go wrong, it will also affect him.

Chen Kaiqiao was of course sensible, but he had an indifferent expression, "What am I afraid of? I'm not afraid of anything!"

Chen Hong pinched him hurriedly, and Chen Kaiqiao stopped talking and sat down in his seat.

Not long after, Jiang Heng came over and greeted everyone in the guest seats.

When it came to Chen Kaiqiao, he shook hands and said, "Director Chen, thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come and support me!"

Chen Kaiqiao smiled, "It's not that I support you too much, I just want to attend the premiere in the summer!"

Chen Hong added, "Old Chen is a person who likes to joke!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Laughing, ten years younger, I also like to joke. To be honest, I can't see my opponent even with a lantern, I'm lonely as snow, hahaha!"

When these words came out, Chen Kaiqiao's face was about to turn green with anger.

He wanted to "debate" with Jiang Heng, but Chen Hong held him tightly.

Feng Xiaogang also kept pulling his arm, motioning him to sit down.

Han Sanping took over the conversation and talked about something else, so Chen Kaige lost the opportunity to lose his temper.

After all, intellectuals argue with each other in a way that is “introduction, development, transition and conclusion” and “hidden meaning”.

Soon, the guests, reporters and audiences arrived, and the host came on stage to announce the official start of the global premiere of “The Matrix 3” and invited Jiang Heng to the stage.

After a speech, the feature film began to play.

The complete plot of the “Matrix” trilogy finally appeared.

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