The box office performance of "The Matrix" in the original history in the mainland market can only be said to be good, far from being a hit.

The first part was released in 2000, with a box office of 17 million, ranking ninth in the year.

The second and third parts were both released in 2003, also with a box office of about 43 million, ranking third and fourth in the year.

It ranked behind "Cell Phone" and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets".

The box office performance did not explode like "Titanic" for various reasons.

First of all, the original version is an authentic Hollywood movie after all, and some viewers subconsciously don't want to watch it.

For example, the "Transformers" series, "Lord of the Rings" series, and "The Hobbit", you can tell from the trailer that the special effects scenes are definitely not bad, but because the characters and actors are all foreigners, some viewers will subconsciously not want to watch it because of the lack of sense of substitution.

If it is replaced with "Havoc in Heaven", many Chinese people will buy tickets without much thought.

For example, the film "Havoc in Heaven" shot by Zheng Baorui in 2014, the plot is extremely bad, with a Douban score of 4.4, but it can earn 1.045 billion.

The huge success of the film at the box office proves that "Journey to the West" is indeed the largest IP in Chinese-language films.

In this world, this IP temporarily belongs to "The Matrix".

In fact, many viewers still don't quite understand the setting of the film, but they are proud of its huge success in the global market and like it.

Just like "The Three-Body Problem" won the "Hugo Award", after being sought after by the Western world, more and more people like this work.

Even if you feel that you can't watch it for the first time, you won't think it's a problem with the work.

It's similar to Jiang Heng's version of the "Matrix" series. Most of the audience in the venue are excited and waiting to watch the movie.

At the beginning of the film, the plot continues from the previous part. Neo and Bane (the person possessed by Smith) lie head to head. This picture feels a bit like an allegory.

At the beginning of the story, Neo and Smith were mortal enemies, and in the end they still had to fight it out.

Neo is trapped in the train station, which is the passage between the Matrix and the real world. He is controlled by a program called Trainman, and the boss of Trainman is Merovenga, the villain in the second part, who offers a huge reward for the capture of Morpheus and others.

Neo cannot use all his skills in the train station and has been trapped.

Morpheus and Trinity go to see the prophet, and then go to see Merovenga with the prophet's bodyguard Seraph.

As the "underground emperor" in the Matrix world, Merovenga is very strong and even wants Morpheus and others to kill the prophet in exchange for Neo.

Morpheus and others naturally cannot agree to such conditions. After a fight, Trinity's gun is pointed at Merovenga's head, and the bodyguard's gun is pointed at Morpheus and others.

Trinity is simple and rough. Either hand over Neo or everyone will die together.

Merovenga naturally does not want to die, and soon compromises.

Trinity takes the train to the station and picks up Neo.

Neo is unwilling to leave the Matrix and wants to see the prophet.

He wanted to know why the prophet didn't tell him about other saviors, and why he could kill the robot octopus with his mind in the real world.

The prophet's answer was that he didn't tell you about other saviors, but the time was not right.

As for killing the robot octopus with his mind, it was because the power of the savior did not only come from the matrix, but from the source.

The prophet also told Neo that Smith was his opposite, he wanted to destroy everything, and only Neo could stop him.

After Neo left, Smith found the prophet and assimilated him. Smith became more powerful and laughed arrogantly.

Seeing this in the plot, the audience was a little confused. Could it be that Zion, the real world that humans thought of, was actually a matrix?

If this is the setting, the idea is too grand.

At the same time that Neo came back from the matrix, Bane (the person possessed by Smith) also woke up.

After that, there was a long scene of the human army preparing to deal with the battlefield, including the launch of the spacecraft, which was still quite shocking in 2003.

Bane tampered with the spacecraft, making it unable to take off.

Trinity went to check alone and was held hostage by Bane. Neo came to rescue him, only to find that his teammate was possessed by Smith.

In the end, although he killed Bane, his eyes were burned.

The robot army finally arrived, and a large number of mecha troops gathered at the human base.

In terms of appearance, it is similar to the mecha in "Pacific Rim", but it is much smaller, only more than three meters high.

When thousands of mechas were dispatched together and fired at the octopus robots pouring in from the newly drilled channel, the audience in the venue were all excited. After all, this was a shocking scene that Chinese-language movies had never had.

Even Chen Kaige thought that this scene was well shot. If you shoot some war movies in the future, you can learn from it.

There are so many octopus robots, and the overwhelming scalp of people watching is numb, and the destroyed robots and mechas are piled up like mountains.

This plot fully demonstrates the cruelty of the war between humans and robots, which is an effective counterattack against the claim that "The Matrix" is "pseudo-science fiction".

Before this, some media, both in China and abroad, said that "The Matrix" is actually a "pseudo-science fiction" movie, but it is just a "science fiction" movie, with the main action scenes still fists and guns, and it can only be regarded as an upgraded version of Hong Kong movies.

The appearance of this plot has dispelled the rumor.

In Zion, Morpheus drove the spaceship back and killed a large number of octopus robots with electromagnetic pulse cannons, allowing humans to gain a brief peace. However, it didn't take long before another overwhelming octopus robots came to kill them.

The male protagonist Neo drove the spaceship with the female protagonist to the machine city and saw a large-scale human power station with countless humans still sleeping inside. The scene was both shocking and sad.

Soon, a group of machine monsters flew towards the spaceship. Neo used his mind to repel the octopus robots again, proving that the so-called real world is likely to be another matrix.

In order to get rid of more and more octopus robots, the spaceship broke through the lightning layer, and the male and female protagonists saw the real sky for the first time. The scene was similar to the scene in "A Chinese Ghost Story 3 Dao Dao Dao" where the female ghost Xiao Zhuo carried the little monk Shifang to break through the black clouds and the Buddha's light shone everywhere.

After the spaceship fell, the female protagonist Trinity was seriously injured and died.

Neo met the Lord of the Machine and told him about Smith's problem.

Smith was no longer controlled by the matrix and began to threaten the safety of the matrix. If he is not eliminated, the matrix will soon collapse and everything will be destroyed.

Neo proposed that he enter the matrix to eliminate Smith, and then the machine city would give up the attack on Zion and everyone would live in peace. The machine master agreed to Neo's proposal and connected Neo to the matrix.

Neo, who entered the matrix, soon met Smith, but found that all the people in the matrix were assimilated by him, and there was only Smith in the matrix, just like a super virus infecting all files.

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