In the heavy rain, both sides of the street were full of Smiths.

They were arranged in a neat row, and anyone who saw them would feel uneasy, but Neo walked very calmly.

Looking up, I found that Smiths were standing in front of the windows of each floor of the buildings on both sides.

Some viewers couldn't help but comment, "It's too exaggerated, this imagination is really amazing!"

"Well, there has never been such a scene in Chinese action movies!"

"Brother Cheng Long is at most chased around by a group of people, and I don't know how many Yuan Des will beat him!"

"A Zu, surrender, there are Smiths everywhere!"

Yuan De said: "Welcome back, Mr. Anderson, we miss you very much!"

The Smith he played was very arrogant, saying that he could beat Neo alone, so the others were just spectators.

When it came to the real fight, Neo was still slightly better, and he beat Smith into a big hole in the first round.

The two then jumped into the air and fought in the heavy rain.

Neo was thrown into a building, and Smith followed him in.

The fight between the two escalated gradually, and finally surpassed the height of the building and fought in the real air.

Smith flew in an arc and collided with Neo in mid-air, directly producing a huge spherical water mist.

Neo fell from the air, and Smith first showed an arrogant and complacent expression.

Then he dived down suddenly, and immediately hugged Neo and crashed into the ground together.

The huge impact force produced a "water ball explosion" and spread to the surroundings.

Countless Smiths slowly walked to the center of the explosion and saw a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters wide and more than ten meters deep.

Neo lay in the muddy water, and Smith stood aside unharmed.

Watching this moment, the audience felt that the action scene was super shocking, and felt that Smith here was too strong. I wondered how the male protagonist could turn defeat into victory.

Fortunately, the villain spoke.

This is somewhat in line with the law that villains die because of talking too much.

Smith asked Neo, why are you so tenacious, why do you want to get up? Why do you keep fighting? Do you think there is any meaning in this? Besides living a miserable life, what is the meaning of human life in this world?

Maybe it is easy for him to defeat the hero, but it is also very difficult to kill him.

At this moment, Smith's expression is very angry. He looks at the hero who is crawling forward in the mud and asks, are you for freedom, truth, peace, or fucking love? All of this is a false illusion! Humans use various methods to deceive themselves and others to cover up their meaningless existence...!

In the original version, Hugo Weaving, who played Smith, had a really strong line foundation and his voice was really contagious. In 2007, he also dubbed the leader of the "Deceptive Faction" Megatron in the blockbuster "Transformers".

Jiang Heng did not want to use Hugo Weaving, but when he was shooting the first part, he did not have much money, so he used Yuan De instead.

By the second and third parts, it was not easy to change people.

Fortunately, TVB has many very capable voice actors. Jiang Heng asked someone to re-dub for Smith, so it was not too bad.

Neo got up with difficulty, and Smith stepped forward angrily.

This fight was won by Neo, and Smith was hit by several punches and flew out.

Unfortunately, when he looked up, he saw a dense crowd of Smiths standing on the edge of the pit.

Some viewers were desperate, and some were happy.

"Fuck, this scene is amazing!"

"It's so suffocating, it's so hard to beat one person, and they all jumped into the pit and buried the hero alive!"

Fortunately, the one who fought with Neo was still the first one.

After a long time, he flew out of the mud on the wall of the pit, shouting that he was the master of the world, and fought with Neo again.

Neo was obviously not his opponent, and was beaten out and thrown into the mud.

Smith took a few steps forward and suddenly said: "Wait, I have foreseen this scene, this is the ending, you just lie there, just like now. I, I stand here, what should I say?"

The audience was a little confused when they saw this scene, and then someone understood it.

It was the prophet, and these words should have been said by the prophet.

Because in the whole film, only the prophet showed a strong ability to predict.

In addition, Smith's long words before also felt like what the prophet said.

An audience member said: "Smith must have swallowed too much and was about to burst!"

"The prophet is his mother!"

"Well, I guess so. The prophet is a program that created Smith's antivirus program!"

When the audience was discussing, Smith was like a schizophrenic, saying what the prophet had said, "Everything has a beginning and an end."

Then he seemed to have come back to his soul, "I, what did I say just now?"

The audience exclaimed, "It was really the prophet just now!"

"This time we will definitely win!"

Smith on the big screen retreated in fear and asked Neo to stay away from him, saying that this was a trap.

Neo said that this was inevitable.

Smith didn't believe it, and stepped forward and inserted his hand into Neo's chest, and the black "venom"-like substance covered Neo.

When those things dissipated, Neo became another Smith.

"Is it over?" Smith's original owner asked, still a little horrified, and Neo nodded.

Then, Neo's real body in the machine city moved, and the various tubes inserted into his body seemed to be charging it.

Then, in the matrix world, Neo, who was assimilated into Smith's appearance, suddenly had white light in his eyes and mouth.

Smith felt something was wrong and shouted angrily, this is not fair.

Then, the two Smiths in the puddle exploded, and all the people assimilated by Smith also exploded and recovered.

And in the puddle, lying was the prophet.

"This doesn't make sense?" Looking at the retreat of the octopus robot army, a person in the Zion base said.

There were also audience members in the venue who were puzzled.


"The prophet said that everything has a beginning and an end. Neo and Smith are the front and back of a person. Neo's assimilation is the end of the two. After the original Smith exploded, the others disappeared!" An audience member explained to the people around him.

At the end of the film, the prophet saw the structural engineer coming on a bench in a lawn.

The latter said that this time it was too dangerous. How long do you think peace can last?

The prophet said, I hope it will last forever.

The architect smiled and turned to leave.

The prophet asked about the others, and the architect said, what others.

"People who want to leave the Matrix!"

"They will be free!"

"You keep your word?"

"Do you think I have no credibility like humans?"

Then, Serov and his daughter came over and said something about missing Neo and hoping he would come back, and the movie ended.

After the lights came on, there was thunderous applause.

Reporters and audiences were amazed by the film's shocking action scenes.

Some filmmakers present were shocked by the completeness of the story and setting of the trilogy.

It should be noted that many great directors in China are not good at telling stories.

Many directors have never made a series of movies, and even if they have, they often make it into a dog's tail.

A series of movies like the "Matrix" trilogy, with a complete story setting, constantly upgraded action special effects, and almost consistent standards, is rare in the entire film history.

Don't you see the "Jurassic Park" series created by Spielberg? After the first film had a great reputation and box office, the second film had a very poor reputation, and the director was changed directly in the third film.

Looking at the overall level of The Matrix 3 at the moment, even if it doesn't achieve the box office results of the second part, it won't be too far behind.

In this way, it is very likely to achieve a global box office result of 2 billion US dollars!

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