China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 156 North American Promotion

In the movie "Inception", the most talked-about thing among the audience is whether the hero finally returned to the real world or was still in a dream.

The trilogy of the "Matrix" series also has the same effect.

After all, Neo can actually destroy the octopus robot with his mind in the real world, which makes the audience suspect that the "real world" where the hero is located is actually a matrix.

Therefore, when Jiang Heng walked onto the stage and accepted interviews from reporters and the audience, this was the first question he was asked.

"Zion is of course the real world. Neo can use superpowers in the real world because he can contact the source code of the machine city." Jiang Heng said with a smile.

But the reporters and the audience still didn't understand it very well, so Jiang Heng stopped explaining.

After all, publicity always needs some controversy to spread better.

The questions after that were a bit routine. Jiang Heng answered them one by one, and called all the main creators to the stage to accept interviews from the media.

The event ended with a dinner, but it was finished quickly.

Because Jiang Heng and a group of main creators had to catch a flight to the United States in the evening to attend the premiere there.

After all, North America is the world's largest box office market. Whether the "Matrix" trilogy can eventually break through 2 billion US dollars depends largely on the performance of the North American and European markets.

After a long flight, Jiang Heng, Wu Yizu, Li Meiqi, Yuan De, Zou Zhaolong, Gao Xiong and others arrived in Los Angeles and rested at the hotel arranged by Columbia.

The next day, they went straight to the venue and attended the premiere ceremony here with Monica Bellucci and other foreign actors in the film.

As the director with the highest annual box office in the world in 2002, Jiang Heng is very famous in the United States, and more than half of the reporters came for Jiang Heng.

Because everyone knows that Jiang Heng has registered a film and television production company in Hollywood to produce the latest works, and there is news that Jiang Heng will compete for the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director.

The reporters naturally don't think Jiang Heng can win the award. After all, the series of films he directed have superb visual effects, but the core of the story is still a little worse.

Speaking of which, among all of Jiang Heng's films, the one with the best chance of winning an award is "The Matrix 1". When the film came out, the world view it presented was really refreshing.

It was nominated for an Oscar, but unfortunately lost to the Italian film "Life is Beautiful".

The subsequent films all had their own problems.

For example, "The Matrix 2", which grossed over 800 million US dollars worldwide, was a super success at the box office.

But as far as a single film is concerned, some media criticized the story for not being complete, believing that it was just paving the way for the world view of the third film.

It feels like the plot of this episode is: fight, find the prophet, fight, find the key maker, fight, find the architect, fight... Every time someone is found, there is a long conversation that most viewers can't understand.

I think this film is only successful at the box office, and in terms of overallness and artistry, it can't be compared with "The Matrix 1" at all.

As for Jiang Heng's other special effects blockbusters, such as "Lion Camel Ridge" and "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", American audiences just watch for fun.

At the premiere, a group of reporters first asked a question about "The Matrix 3", and then asked about the new film that Jiang Heng was going to shoot.

"Director Jiang Heng, I heard that you are going to shoot a blockbuster in Hollywood. Is that true?"

"Of course, the company, actors, props, and shooting locations, many things have been discussed!"

"Then I wonder who will be the leading actor this time. Will Director Jiang Heng cooperate with our Hollywood actors?"

"Of course, when you come here to shoot a film, you must cooperate with Hollywood actors. The heroine of this new film is going to be selected in Hollywood. As for the male lead, it is still the familiar Wu Yizu."

After saying this, Li Meiqi in the queue acted a little unnatural, and Wu Yizu greeted the reporters.

"Wow, God, it can't be true, Director Jiang is going to choose the heroine of the new film in Hollywood, isn't it Miss Bellucci?"

Monica Bellucci, who has a proud figure and hot clothes, pinched her waist with one hand, turned slightly at the right time, and looked at Jiang Heng with a look of resentment.

She naturally knew her role in the film, the second female role Mel, the male lead's ex-wife.

In fact, she had quite a lot of scenes, but she felt that the role of the dream builder was quite challenging.

It was just that Jiang Heng thought that she had a hot body and was very charming, and she really didn't look like a female student who was still studying.

As for the role of the dream builder, Jiang Heng felt that as long as her acting skills were about right, she could be selected in Hollywood and take the opportunity to promote it.

Things were just as he expected. After Jiang Heng threw out this "bait", a group of reporters were really excited and asked Jiang Heng about his requirements for this role.

"For the role of the female lead in the film, I want to find an actress with a student atmosphere and very beautiful. Of course, her acting skills must be good!"

After saying this, the reporters present all laughed, and they always felt that Jiang Heng's last words were insincere. It was probably that he just wanted to find a beautiful actress with a less hot body.

He asked some questions about "The Matrix 3" and officially entered the film viewing session.

There was naturally no problem with the film, whether it was the plot or the special effects.

And because of the "super microscopic computer", Jiang Heng upgraded some of the original special effects that were not detailed and shocking enough, bringing the film's audio-visual effects to the extreme.

Because the dialogue between the male and female protagonists is in English, the film is more and more popular with North American audiences.

Unlike mainland audiences, European and American audiences do not like subtitles when watching movies.

Many foreign films cannot be recognized in Hollywood, and subtitles and dubbing are also a big problem.

In comparison, mainland audiences care too much about these, of course, too much out of the play is not good.

For example, in the original history, Neo in "The Matrix 2" was dubbed by Li Yapeng.

Because Li Yapeng was very popular at the time, and his voice was particularly recognizable, as soon as he opened his mouth, the audience felt that "Brother Jing" was pretending to be Neo, which was very out of the play.

However, after the premiere of "The Matrix 3" in North America, Wu Yizu and Li Meiqi went home to visit their relatives, and Yuande and Gao Xiong flew back to China together.

Jiang Heng stayed here to prepare for the upcoming "Inception".

Because of the interview at the premiere, many Hollywood actresses and agencies called to audition for the heroine.

Jiang Heng naturally accepted all the offers. Who he would choose in the end was another matter. He still had to audition. The main reason was that he had not yet decided who to choose.

With the release of "The Matrix 3" and the box office of 63 million US dollars in the first three days of the weekend, more Hollywood actresses participated in the competition.

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