Megan Fox was born in 1986. She participated in the American Model Contest in 1999 and won the grand prize.

In 2001, he participated in his first movie and officially entered the entertainment industry.

In the original history, she participated in the filming of "Transformers" in 2006, and one shot became popular all over the world.

In this world, because Jiang Heng was filming "Pacific Rim", Paramount and DreamWorks filmed "Transformers" ahead of schedule. The heroine was chosen by someone else, which cut off Megan Fox's chance to become popular.

At this moment, she is just a little transparency in Hollywood. She has no resources and no background, and can only get some small roles.

Whenever I get a chance, I go to auditions everywhere, hoping to become popular one day.

When she read in the newspaper that Jiang Heng, the director of the "Matrix" series, was looking for a heroine in Hollywood, she thought it was an opportunity and hurriedly called Jiang Heng's new company in Hollywood.

After learning about the location of the audition, I put on some light makeup and clothes that showed off my sexy figure, and took a taxi there.

When I arrived at the place, I realized that there were so many people. Looking around, they were all young and beautiful girls.

Some were wearing short skirts and holding makeup mirrors in their hands to touch up their makeup.

Some shared the news with their best friends who came with them, "I heard that the director from China doesn't have a girlfriend yet!"

"No, are you still so conservative? Doesn't it mean that the entertainment industry over there is also very open?"

"Who knows, maybe it's because I haven't fixed a girlfriend yet!"

"Don't worry, if I take action, I will definitely win. No girl over there can be as sexy and hot as me!"

"There are so many actors in this drama, and the others have all decided their roles early. Why do we have to keep the female lead? He must have that in mind!"

"If you can date and marry him, you will be prosperous. He will have a lot of money!"

"After getting married and divorced, you can eat him for the rest of your life. The alimony will not be very pleasant to spend!"

At the end, the voices of the two people in front were already very low. Megan Fox only heard a rough idea, but she was not surprised.

In the United States, too many men become bankrupt after divorce and become homeless on the streets.

And someone like Jiang Heng, who is extremely rich and can continue to make a lot of money, is simply Tang Monk meat.

Although girls here rarely find Chinese people, if they are too rich, it’s a different story.

Moreover, Jiang Heng is a famous director, and this status alone is enough to drive these girls crazy.

As a result, when Jiang Heng auditioned, he needed multiple staff members to accompany him, otherwise he would be really afraid of being accused!

And he auditioned several actresses in succession, and found out that many of them were not well paid and had beautiful looks.

The main reason is that girls in Europe and the United States develop relatively early. They often enter the entertainment industry in their teens, work as part-timers to find connections, and become popular in their twenties by choosing the right movie.

But who to choose made Jiang Heng somewhat confused.

When I was struggling, I saw another girl with beautiful appearance and hot body walking in.

Jiang Heng felt that she looked familiar. When the other party introduced her, she said her name was Megan Fox, and he immediately thought of her appearance in "Transformers".

At the same time, the staff followed the established procedures to assess Meghan's acting skills.

Jiang Heng just watched without saying a word, making a rough judgment in his mind, and used a "super microcomputer" to deduce and generate relevant plot scenes about Meghan.

How can I put it, it feels pretty good.

Elliot Page's acting in the original version is indeed great, especially the panic of being killed by the male protagonist's ex-wife in his dream and suddenly waking up, which is particularly real.

But I have to say that her feminine charm is somewhat lacking.

Another female character, the male protagonist’s ex-wife Mel, was like a lunatic, and all the scenes were unpleasant, so Jiang Heng came up with the idea of ​​using Megan to play the female protagonist.

Another point is that Megan missed "Transformers" because of his appearance.

Since you have come to audition with him, give it a chance!

But until the end, Jiang Heng didn't say a word.

The staff just followed the procedure and said please go back first, and news will be notified within three days.

Megan Fox said hello and goodbye with a smile, but once she walked out of the room, her expression turned into one of frustration.

She comes from an ordinary family, her parents are divorced, and she went to work in a cold drink shop to support herself early on.

Although she has entered the entertainment industry, she does not have good resources at all. Jiang Heng is the most famous director she has ever seen.

I was full of joy when I came here, and I was extremely sad when I left.

I returned to my rented apartment and waited for a whole day without receiving a call.

By the afternoon of the next day, there was still no call.

Megan is completely disappointed because she has to go to the "Prom Queen" crew to film again tomorrow.

She played the third female lead in this small- to medium-budget film. Perhaps to enhance the female lead's appearance, the stylist made her look earthy and ugly.

And this is already the best role she has received since she started acting.

In the last movie "Bad Boys 2", she was just a walk-on, the kind who couldn't be noticed if she wasn't paying attention.

The roommate saw that her expression was wrong and asked her what was wrong.

Megan talked about going to audition, and her roommate advised: "For a big production like that, the important roles must have been chosen in advance, and they must be artists signed by big companies. Auditions are just gimmicks. Let me tell you, You'd better stop acting and just be a model like me and make a lot of money!"

Megan said: "I just want a chance, what if I get selected, what if it becomes popular!"

The roommate sneered, "Daydreaming, oh, no, it's already dark. You can also dream about a great director falling in love with me later!" After that, he went to the bathroom.

Megan sighed, went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of drink, and suddenly heard the phone ring.

I almost threw myself on the sofa, picked up my phone and saw that it was indeed the number I called during the day.

"Hello, is this Miss Megan Fox?"

"Yes, I am, I am!"

"Congratulations, Miss Megan, for passing the audition. Please come to our company at nine o'clock tomorrow morning to sign a contract!"

"Is this, really? The heroine of the new film signed by director Jiang Heng?"

"It's true, please arrive on time!"

"Don't worry, I'll be there on time. I can go tonight!" After saying this, I realized that the other party had already hung up.

Megan was so excited that she leaned on the sofa and smiled from ear to ear.

The roommate came out and asked, "What's wrong?"

Megan stepped forward and hugged her roommate, "I have chosen, chosen, I want to participate in the new film directed by the Chinese director, Jiang Heng. Do you know him? "The Matrix 3", "Devil's Land" (Lion) Tuoling) were all taken by him."

The roommate looked shocked, "Chosen? Is it true? You can't be a liar, right?"

Megan recalled Jiang Heng's expressionless and silent performance during yesterday's audition, and felt a little unsure.

He said in a trembling voice: "Probably, no, it's impossible to make such a joke!"

Seeing Megan worrying about gains and losses, the roommate knew that his joke was too big. He smiled and said: "It's probably not a joke. No film and television company would make fun of this kind of thing. Maybe the director is shy and doesn't say anything when watching your performance." , I might already be thinking about falling in love with you!"

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