China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 158 Word of Mouth and Box Office

With the selection of the heroine confirmed, the preparations for Inception are basically completed.

The Matrix 3, which is currently being released, has received many negative reviews.

The reason is simple. In the final analysis, it is still not exciting enough.

For some viewers, what they subconsciously want to see is that the Zion rebels destroy the rule of robots, restore human rule over the earth, and return to the good old days when machines will not wake up.

The result is that Neo, the savior who seemed to be omnipotent in the first two movies, sacrificed himself to eliminate the virus Smith in order to save the "Matrix" and Zion.

Then, the matrix continued to control all humans except the Zion rebels, which felt a bit anticlimactic.

Of course, the action scenes and audio-visual effects of the film are still super shocking, but the plot did not meet and exceed the audience's expectations.

If Neo can lead humans and the machine city to a thrilling man-machine war like Caesar in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", perhaps this series can continue.

It's just that the style is very different from the first two films, and Jiang Heng dare not say that it will definitely succeed.

When filming the film, he was also entangled for a long time before deciding to stick to the original version.

After all, although "The Matrix 3" was a bit of a bad ending, the entire series was very complete, and the original history also had a global box office of 427 million US dollars.

In this life, with the bonus of the mainland market, I think there is still a great hope of 500 million US dollars, as long as there is some profit.

In addition, the original history of "The Matrix 3" was released on November 5, 2003. On the 7th, the annual ranking of "Elf" produced by New Line Company was released, which greatly compressed the box office space of "Matrix 3".

The situation this time is not much better. The film was released simultaneously around the world on July 18.

In front of it, there was "Pirates of the Caribbean" released on July 9. Because it was the opening work of the entire series, the box office trend was very general, with only 46 million US dollars in the first weekend, which was completely incomparable with the first weekend box office results of 135 million US dollars in the second part and 114 million US dollars in the third part.

And July 25 was Columbia Pictures' "Bad Boys 2", which was originally ranked 11th in the year.

Fortunately, there was a one-week interval, so the impact was not as great as that of "Elf".

"The Matrix 3" was surrounded by big movies and fought hard in the North American market.

Fortunately, in the mainland, it was completely swept and crushed. More than 70% of the screenings were given to "The Matrix 3", and a large number of units reserved theaters to watch, which made the box office of this film explode.

100 million, 200 million, 300 million, 500 million, these barriers were easily broken through as if they were made of paper.

In terms of the media, it was still mainly praised, especially some TV media, which reported repeatedly.

Jiang Heng thought again and again, and finally announced that he would donate all the revenue from the box office of "The Matrix 3" in the mainland to the medical and educational cause in poor areas.

The money will be divided into two parts, half for the purchase of ambulances for poor areas, and half for the construction of primary schools.

Once the news was released, it instantly caused a sensation in public opinion.

The box office trend of "The Matrix 3" has been somewhat weak at the moment. According to media estimates, the final box office results will be more than 600 million, barely 700 million.

As soon as the news of Jiang Heng's decision to donate the mainland revenue of "The Matrix 3" was reported, it triggered a wave of movie watching again. Many viewers went to the theater to watch the movie twice or three times, which made the box office soar again, crossing the 600 million and 700 million mark in succession, and heading straight for 800 million.

A group of media began to calculate in the newspapers that the amount of Jiang Heng's donation this time was definitely more than 250 million.

In the mainland in 2003, it was really a lot of money.

On the Internet, it has even triggered widespread discussion. Most netizens have an admiring attitude towards Jiang Heng's behavior.

However, some people posted that Jiang Heng was fake.

If he really wants to donate, he should donate all the global revenue of "The Matrix 3" to help more people in need. The box office in the mainland market is nothing, less than 100 million US dollars.

Jiang Heng's fans naturally cannot tolerate such remarks, and they posted to argue, and the more they argue, the more lively it becomes.

In addition, many netizens posted to ask for help, some claiming that their parents are seriously ill, and some claiming that they or their children are sick, hoping that Jiang Heng can give some money to help him through the difficulties.

Some extreme people even found the address of iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Video and went there to hang banners for help.

What they waited for was not Jiang Heng's feedback, but the urban management staff.

In the office, Han Sanping leaned on the sofa and laughed, "You, you are kind-hearted, but you don't know that there are too many greedy people in this world. I just like people like you who are rich and kind-hearted!"

Jiang Heng smiled helplessly, "I just do what I can do. I really don't think so much!"

This time it was Han Sanping's turn to smile bitterly, "You call more than 200 million and nearly 300 million what you can do? Do you know how jealous everyone is?"

Jiang Heng thought, "I just know that some people are jealous, so I want to expand my popularity and influence!"

Since he decided to list iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Video, many "capable people" have come to him. Some want to buy Jiang Heng's shares, and some guarantee that the company will be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange within a year.

Jiang Heng thought, the market index has been falling all the time, and he must be stupid to do it now. If he wants to go public, he has to wait for the big bull market in 2006 and 2007!

Jiang Heng had to work hard to fool these people.

After finishing the filming of Inception in Hollywood, he will have to see the situation and consider when to return to China to film.

"The mainland film market is so good at the moment. In a few years, people will no longer take 200 to 300 million in their eyes. This amount of money is not even enough to make a weight loss movie!"

Han Sanping wondered, "Why are weight loss tablets so expensive? Do superheroes lose weight?"

After chatting more with Jiang Heng, Han Sanping also had many advanced concepts in his mind.

Jiang Heng said vaguely: "Well, I had that idea, but after thinking about it I decided to forget it!"

Han Sanping felt it was unreliable, so he didn't mention it again. Instead, he asked what he planned to film after "Inception" was finished.

Recently, China Film has indeed received many blockbuster-type scripts, and Chen Kaizhen has even finished revising the script of "The Legend of Wukong".

It's just that Han Sanping has always been a little unsure. Let's first look at the box office of "The Promise".

Secondly, I am still willing to cooperate with Jiang Heng.

In terms of making money, it is really very stable.

"Well, I really didn't think much about it. This time I went to Hollywood, firstly to shoot a movie, and also to take a break. I have been too busy with work in the past few years, so I am a bit tired!"

When Han Sanping heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Then he thought of a possibility, "You won't always stay in Hollywood, right?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "Definitely not. The mainland is the place I value most. With the rise of Chinese-language films, why am I missing?"

Han Sanping thought about it and thought so. He raised the teacup in his hand and said, "Then I wish you smooth sailing this time!"

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