China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 159 New film starts shooting

At the end of August, the crew of "Inception" set off from Beijing and flew to Los Angeles.

The accompanying staff included action directors Yuan De and Yuan Hua, executives and financial personnel of iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures.

As for the actors, there were Wu Yizu who played Dom Cobb, Chiba Shinichi who played Saito, and Yang Mi who was just a supporting actor.

The latter went with her mother, and she didn't have any important roles at all, just to gain experience.

Yang Mi was very excited to go to the United States for the first time, and everything she saw was new.

But after a long ride, she was a little tired.

Fortunately, Jiang Heng ordered people to book first-class seats for all staff, and the service and riding experience were relatively good, so it was not so difficult.

After nearly a day's long journey, everyone arrived in Los Angeles in the evening.

People from their own company came to pick them up at the airport and sent the crew to the hotel.

Jiang Heng also went with everyone instead of returning to his mansion here.

The next day, the group went to the company and all the crew members met successfully.

Including Monica Bellucci who plays Mel, Megan Fox who plays Aliridan, and actor Tom Hardy.

Jiang Heng is now well-funded, and can save more than 70% of the cost of special effects compared to ordinary Hollywood blockbusters. There is no pressure to invite Hollywood first-line stars, not to mention Tom Hardy who is not yet popular.

Therefore, Jiang Heng tried to choose the original actors or those with bigger status for the other actors in the whole play, so the cast looks good.

As for the filming of the film, Jiang Heng decided to adopt a combination of real shooting and special effects this time, focusing on a scene that is not afraid of trouble and spending money.

For example, in the original film, Leo explained his dream to Peggy, and the warm and romantic Paris street bistro suddenly exploded, and the debris filled the screen, but the two were able to sit and watch the play calmly.

This scene was shot on site. The crew used a pneumatic gun to launch the simulation props to simulate the flying explosives, without any smoke or fire, which was in line with the setting of the dream explosion in the film.

There was also the fight scene of Joseph in the weightless hotel, which was completed by hanging on the wire.

The crew built the hotel corridor scene on a giant "Universal Ring" device.

Once the "Universal Ring" rotates, it creates a feeling of weightlessness.

The big train that appeared on the streets of Los Angeles was actually shot on the spot.

It's just that it's not a real train, but a truck covered with the train shell and then moved.

These scenes are very stunning and shocking after the film, but they are shot in real scenes. I have to say that Director Nolan is really good at it.

As for the castle in the snow, the curly Paris and the buildings of different styles on the seaside in the deepest dream, it was very simple for Jiang Heng.

After a few days of simple preparation, the crew of "Inception" officially held the opening ceremony on Saturday, August 30.

Many media reporters came to the scene, and Columbia, which has always had a good relationship with them, also sent representatives to come.

At the press conference, the reporters' questions were very sharp, because the global box office of "The Matrix 2" was as high as 810 million US dollars, and the North American market was also among the top three of the year.

The Matrix 3 only made 210 million in North America, a sharp drop from the previous film, and the global box office is expected to be more than 500 million US dollars.

From the perspective of the story, the Matrix trilogy is complete and successful.

But from the perspective of commercial box office, The Matrix 3 is somewhat of a failure.

"Director Jiang Heng, you Chinese have an old saying, Jiang Lang's talent is exhausted. Before watching the movie, I was very much looking forward to The Matrix 3, but after watching it, I felt that it was average. Do you think that the new film shot this time will surpass The Matrix 3?"

The female reporter who asked the question was a Chinese American with a very Westernized face, always giving people a feeling of smiling on the surface but not on the inside.

Jiang Heng said: "I think The Matrix 3 is a very good movie, and it is the work I am most satisfied with so far...!"

Jiang Heng is definitely not the one he is most satisfied with, but on this occasion, he naturally has to say that it is good.

And when talking about the new film, you must show strong confidence.

If you don't praise your own work, how can the audience believe that you have made a good work!

"The inspiration of Inception comes from The Matrix to a certain extent, but it is a brand new and very interesting story. I give it a very cool evaluation, and I believe the final film effect will be very good and will be liked by everyone.

In addition, this film will compete for the Oscars, and I believe it will have a good harvest."

The reporters were shocked instantly, and they did not expect Jiang Heng to have such strong confidence.

The Oscars are not easy to win. In addition to the high quality of the film itself, "public relations" are also required.

With Jiang Heng's current financial resources, the cost is not a big problem, but I don't know if he understands the rules, and the other thing is the final film effect.

"Director Jiang Heng, may I ask why you chose Miss Megan as the heroine? She doesn't look like she has any acting skills!"

After saying this, the reporters burst into laughter.

Jiang Heng said: "The reason why I chose her is because I think Miss Megan Fox fits the image of the heroine I originally envisioned. As for her acting skills, I don't think it's a problem at all, because I believe there are no bad actors, only bad directors. I'm a good director, what else do you worry about?"

After these words came out, the reporters were stunned for a few seconds, and actually cheered in unison.

The main reason was that these people were either holding cameras or carrying video cameras, so it was really inconvenient to applaud.

Megan Fox, standing on the stage, looked at Jiang Heng with gratitude. She didn't expect that Director Jiang not only believed in her, but also supported her so much. She was really moved.

After the press conference, everyone went to the set to shoot. The first scene was the indoor scene of the male lead, the dialogue between the vicissitudes of Cobb and the elderly Saito.

Because makeup was needed, the official shooting started at almost noon.

However, Wu Yizu and Chiba Shinichi's acting skills were very good, and they passed in one take, which was a good start for the crew.

After shooting another scene, the crew had lunch.

Hollywood crews also eat in the form of boxed lunches, but they contain meat and bread.

Jiang Heng followed the local customs and also had Coke, hamburgers and chicken wings.

Surrounded by girls, Monica Bellucci, Megan Fox and Yang Mi, etc.

"Director Jiang, I'm losing weight, can I give you this chicken wing?" Megan Fox asked while holding the lunch box.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Thank you, this is enough for me!"

Yang Mi poked her head out and said with a wry smile, "I'm not full, he shouldn't give me any!"

Megan Fox frowned slightly, feeling unhappy, but still agreed.

She knew that Yang Mi knew Jiang Heng, and although she didn't like him, she didn't dare to offend him.

After all, this person came all the way here just to play a small supporting role with few scenes, and it seemed like she was just here to have fun.

It made her very suspicious, could this person be Jiang Heng's girlfriend!

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