How much does Chen Kaizhen value "The Promise"?

Many years later, in the variety show "Actors Please Take Your Place", guest Li Chengru said that he had not watched "The Promise" due to the comments.

At the same time, he emphasized that good works must be read more. For example, he has watched Director Chen's "Farewell My Concubine" many times and likes it very much, and thinks it is a great work.

Chen Kaijian responded on the spot, "Teacher Li Chengru is relatively conservative. He comes from a Liyuan family and a closed world. He doesn't care much about the progress of the world! He lives and is immersed in the past era and feels the sunset of the past era. An old artist."

The words are quite sharp!

And before the movie was released, a few words frightened Liu Yan, who had just debuted.

At the movie press conference the next day, he publicly accused Liu Yan of being disrespectful. Liu Yan was so frightened that he had nightmares for a month, fearing that he would be fired from the company for offending the great director.

Not only could the host not ask random questions, but Lu Wei, an old friend of many years and the screenwriter of "Farewell My Concubine" and "Alive", felt very angry after watching "The Promise" and felt that the movie's theme was unreal, the plot was scattered and messy, and it was a failure.

After Lu Wei told Chen Kaizhen these opinions, Chen Kaizhen had no further contact with him.

Director Chen's attitude is that he cannot say that his "The Promise" is not good.

If you think the film is not good, that's your problem, you didn't understand it.

But later he said that no one would be able to understand "The Promise" within ten years, which was simply a paradox.

At the premiere dinner venue, seeing what Jiang Heng said was so ruthless, Chen Kaicheng was furious and sneered: "Director Jiang is a commercial director in Hong Kong. He always pays attention to the box office. He never considers artistry when making a film, let alone whether he wins an award. Look, It’s normal not to understand.”

Jiang Heng laughed, "Well, it was true in the past, but this time I go to Hollywood, I want to win the Oscar award!"

When Chen Kaizhen heard this, he really wanted to say, can the Oscar Business Award be compared with the "Palme d'Or" in Cannes?

However, he has always praised himself as a master, and there were so many guests and celebrities at the scene, so he did not want to lose his grace.

Of course, the main reason is that Jiang Heng's status and reputation are not inferior to his, and Chen Hong, Han Sanping and others intervened to smooth things over. Finally, they said angrily: "Then I wish Director Jiang that he will win the award soon?"

"I also wish Director Chen a great box office success and a huge reputation!"

After Jiang Heng said that, he stood up and left the table.

Seeing this, the other guests also made excuses to leave.

In particular, the main creators did not want to offend Chen Kaizhen, let alone Jiang Heng.

Han Sanping comforted Chen Kai with a few words, then went to chase Jiang Heng and caught up with him in the lobby.

Sighing: "Let's go, find a place to chat!"

The two of them changed teahouses and asked for a private room. After drinking tea, Han Sanping sighed, "Why did this matter get to this point?"

"Does Director Han think I am deliberately causing trouble?"

"No, no, definitely not!"

Han Sanping could naturally tell that Jiang Heng was already giving him face. When Chen Kaitian asked for the first time, Jiang Heng had already expressed his attitude in a roundabout way.

But Chen Kaigan insisted on asking if it was good or bad, because he couldn't get down the stairs and insisted on jumping down!

Moreover, after the film was released today, several old colleagues from China Film Group, not afraid of offending others, quietly told him that they felt the film was not good.

Han Sanping felt uncertain for a moment and wanted to hear an objective point of view.

"Do you really want to listen?" Jiang Heng asked with a smile.

When Han Sanping heard this, his expression became even more ugly. He felt that what Jiang Heng said would be very sharp.

But as the head of China Film Group and one of the producers of "The Promise", he really wants to know the box office performance of this film.

"Probably, it can't exceed 150 million!"


Han Sanping took a deep breath after hearing this and wanted a quick-acting Jiuxin Pill.

With a mainland box office of RMB 150 million, the divisible revenue is only around RMB 50 million.

The investment in this movie was less than RMB 300 million, and it was announced to the outside world that it was RMB 350 million. If it only made more than RMB 50 million at the mainland box office, it would be a big loss.

I made so much money by cooperating with Jiang Heng in the past, but now I lost so much money all at once.

"Is the box office really so low?" Han Sanping refused to give up.

Jiang Heng sighed, "It should be just a little less!"

In my previous life, the first domestic blockbuster watched by mainland audiences was "Hero", and the second was "The Promise".

Just because of this, coupled with the gorgeous special effects shots, it won a box office of 175 million in the mainland.

In this life, with Jiang Heng's several special effects blockbusters as the background, the shock of "The Promise" to the audience will inevitably be greatly reduced.

If the reputation collapses again, the box office performance will probably be even worse.

Han Sanping really didn't want to believe it, so he said, "Will there be a miracle?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said lightly, "Maybe!"

Immediately he hailed the driver and took him to the hotel.

Then I took a flight early in the morning and headed to London to continue filming.

Jiang Heng waved his sleeves, not taking away a single cloud.

But what happened at the premiere dinner of "The Promise" has long been spread in the entertainment industry.

Some guests who attended the premiere were afraid of offending Chen Kaizhan and did not dare to make random comments.

At this moment, Jiang Heng was proofing in front of him, so he didn't care much anymore. When he told his friends around him, the reputation of this film collapsed in the entertainment industry.

Chen Kaijian naturally heard about it, but he was furious but could do nothing. He only hoped that the audience could understand him and support him.

Unexpectedly, after the movie was released, word-of-mouth avalanche, and the film's entries on Douban Movies were overwhelmingly negative.

Reviews of the movie in various forums are mostly negative.

What’s even worse is the box office. On the first day, it was 22 million yuan, but on the second day, it dropped to 18 million yuan, on the third day, it was 15 million yuan, and on the fourth day, it was only 10 million yuan.

Looking at this trend, it’s difficult for the box office to break 100 million yuan.

At this moment, the conversation between Chen Kaige and Jiang Heng at the dinner was posted online in full, which instantly caused an uproar.

Some people said that although Director Jiang has never won a big award, his vision is really amazing, and what’s more rare is that he didn’t talk nonsense and fool the audience into going to the theater.

Some people said that we are all famous directors, who is afraid of who!

No matter how glorious your award is, is it as good as my global box office of tens of billions of dollars?

Some people also said that Director Jiang went to Hollywood this time to make a movie that can win a big award, and it must be good.

"If we talk about blockbusters, it has to be Director Jiang!"

"Don't mention Director Chen, Director Zhang is not even close!"

"Hero" is really not that good, I look forward to Director Jiang's new film!"

"Director Jiang, don't shoot any sci-fi, come to mythology, I like mythology!"

"Mecha is also OK, shoot Pacific Rim 2!"

Jiang Heng, who is hotly discussed on the Chinese Internet, is currently shooting the most complicated "weightless fight" in the movie in a converted hangar in northern London.

The crew specially built a hotel corridor that can rotate 360 ​​degrees in all directions to complete the shooting of related shots.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who plays Arthur, spent several weeks training and personally completed the various actions required by the script.

After completing these and shooting at the University of London, the crew hurried to Paris to shoot the more shocking street explosion scene and the classic shot of the folding city.

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