China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 163 Preparing for the filming of

Canada at night.

After finishing a day's shooting, Jiang Heng was lying in the hotel bathtub taking a bath when he suddenly heard the cell phone ringing next to him.

Jiang Heng picked it up and took a look. Not surprisingly, it was Han Sanping.

"Hey, brother, are you so free-minded that you call me from across the ocean?"

Han Sanping sighed, "Brother, we are really in trouble!"

Then he talked about the various performances of "The Promise" after its release, including word-of-mouth and box office.

Not to mention the public opinion controversy surrounding the film, just looking at the box office, as Jiang Heng expected, it was only 139 million, and the global box office was only 28 million US dollars.

Such results really caused the producer China Film Group to suffer heavy losses.

As the chairman and general manager of China Film Group and the producer of the film, Han Sanping has a lot of responsibility this time. He cannot absolve himself of the blame and is under great pressure.

I wanted to ask Jiang Heng to collaborate on another film to make some profit and reverse the decline.

"No problem. After filming "Inception", we can start a new film and try to release it during the 2004 Lunar New Year period."

When Han Sanping heard this, he was extremely moved. It had to be this little brother at the critical moment!

"Don't say too much, brother, write it down, and you can see how I will repay you in the future!"

Jiang Heng said hurriedly: "Hey, I'm out of town, don't mention that, don't mention that!"

After a few polite words, the two chatted about the subject of the new film.

Han Sanping initially only thought about whether Jiang Heng would agree to it, but he didn't expect it to go so smoothly. He also didn't have a clear idea of ​​what he wanted to film.

I first talked about "Pacific Rim 2", but Jiang Heng rejected it because he had no idea.

Han Sanping said: "What about Journey to the West? How about filming Journey to the West?"

Jiang Heng hesitated, "Which paragraph do you think is better?"

"How about making a havoc in Heaven?"

Jiang Heng shook his head subconsciously, "This part is too classic. If you shoot it directly, there is nothing new. If you change it, it will easily be criticized by the audience. It is very difficult!"

Han Sanping thought about it and realized that this was the case.

Before, Chen Kaigan also clamored to film Journey to the West and bought the copyright of "The Legend of Wukong". Why not use a free copyright like "Journey to the West"? I just find it difficult to adapt!

"Then do you think "Journey to the West" can be filmed?"

Jiang Heng said: "It's definitely possible to shoot, but it's too troublesome to decide which section to shoot and how to change it. You can fix this as a backup!"

Han Sanping nodded, recalling the many works Jiang Heng had made since his debut, covering subjects such as science fiction, monsters, myths, and mechas.

The mecha was rejected, and the monster quality was too low. Science fiction is now in the spotlight, and the only one that is suitable is mythology.

Besides "Journey to the West", the biggest IP is Fengshen.

Nezha may be able to be filmed, but suitable young actors are difficult to find.

There are really too few young actors who are as handsome and very capable as young Shi Xiaolong.

Han Sanping was thinking wildly and suddenly remembered Jiang Heng's novel "Zhu Xian".

Surprised: "By the way, we can film "Zhu Xian"!"

Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard this. He really didn't expect this.

Mainly because of the movie version of "Zhu Xian" from the previous life, which was really not very good.

When Douban opened the score, it was 6.7, but later it dropped to 4.5.

When he first came out with this book, it was natural that he wanted to make a film and television series, but it was a little more difficult to adapt it, and he didn't think about how to change it for a while.

When Han Sanping mentioned it, Jiang Heng only said: "It is also listed as an alternative. Let's see how the script is adapted!"

Han Sanping said: "You are so busy over there, how about I collect some scripts for you to choose from?"

Jiang Heng said: "Okay, let's just use mythology and fairy tale themes. If you think you have something suitable, bring it to me!"

To be honest, he was having a bit of a headache right now. "The Three-Body Problem" has not yet been published, and the starting point is still new. Many fairy tale and fantasy works that will be popular in the future have not yet been born!

He would like to make works such as "The Story of a Mortal Cultivating Immortality", "Covering the Sky", "Buddha Is the Tao", "The Watcher of Da Feng", etc. The problem is that there are none at the moment!

Especially the book "Dafeng" was only born in 2020, so it will have to wait sixteen years!

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng really wanted to get this book out, instead of publishing the original novel, and go straight to a fairy tale drama, airing it season after season.

With the novel's interlocking and progressive storyline, the characters with outstanding personalities, and the right fighting special effects, Jiang Heng believes that once it is released, it will definitely be a hit.

No more waiting, let’s film "Da Bong the Watcher"!

Looking back on the joy I felt when I was chasing the book, I felt a little excited.

"Brother, brother, can you hear me?"

Han Sanping on the other side of the phone saw that Jiang Heng suddenly became silent, so he thought he was across an ocean and the signal was not good.

"Oh, oh, you can hear it, you can hear it!"

Han Sanping smiled and said, "Did you miss your girlfriend and get distracted?"

"No, I thought of a good idea, suitable for filming a fairy tale drama!"

"Xianxia drama?"

Han Sanping murmured, naturally he had no interest in TV series, and subconsciously said, do you need help?

Jiang Heng wanted to refuse, so he quickly said: "I'm really a little busy. The scale of the movie I want to shoot is a bit big!"

"How big is it?"

"Do you know "Xun Qin Ji"?"

"You mean Furuta Raku's version?"


Han Sanping was silent for a while, and then said: "I usually shoot movies with little water, and there are not many kissing scenes. Wouldn't it be better to do a TV series on such a large scale?"

Jiang Heng also felt that the scale was a bit too big, and said with a smile: "Well, just think that the male protagonist is Wei Xiaobao, who is talented in martial arts, has a good talk, and has many wives, so that's the scale!"

Han Sanping smiled bitterly, "This is the scale? If it weren't for the influence of Mr. Jin Yong's original work, this scale wouldn't work!"

He sighed and said, "However, with your status and influence, the scale of The Deer and the Cauldron is not a big problem."

"Thank you very much, brother, I'll treat you to a drink when I return to China!"

"It's a deal!"

After hanging up the phone, Han Sanping was stunned, and then frowned, "Oh, that's not right, I called him to ask for help, how come I helped him!"

Fortunately, after a little thought, he remembered that Jiang Heng agreed to film the next movie together, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

I immediately called the deputy general manager and asked him to spread the news in the circle that director Jiang Heng was going to shoot "Journey to the West", "Investiture of the Gods" and Chinese mythology stories. If there are suitable scripts, they can be submitted to China Film Corporation. Once selected, they can get a huge bonus and get the opportunity to cooperate with Jiang Heng.

The news instantly attracted the attention of a group of screenwriters, who went back to look up Journey to the West, Investiture of the Gods and traditional stories and began to write scripts.

Jiang Heng also did what he said.

First, he found "Dafeng Night Watchman" in the novel text stored in the "super microcomputer", and then wrote the script episode by episode based on the content, and did not go to bed until two o'clock in the middle of the night.

For a period of time afterwards, Jiang Heng filmed "Inception" during the day and the script of "Dafeng Night Watchman" at night. When the film was finished, the script of the first season of "Dafeng" was also completed.

Investment, special effects, costumes and props are all easy to deal with. The only difficulty is who to play the characters in the play.

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