The script content of the first season of "Dafeng Night Watchman" is basically adapted from the first volume of the novel "Beijing Inspection Storm".

Many characters are easy to find, such as Emperor Yuan Jing. Jiang Heng subconsciously thought of the image of Emperor Jiajing played by Chen Baoguo in "The Ming Dynasty 1566".

If he called to invite him, Chen Baoguo would not refuse.

As for Wei Yuan, it is naturally Wu Gang who played Chen Pingping in "Celebrating Yu Nian".

Wu Gang became famous for playing Secretary Dakang in "In the Name of the People". Jiang Heng invited him to play, and the other party must be willing.

What is really hard to find is the male protagonist Xu Qian'an and a group of beauties.

For example, Luo Yuheng, the national teacher of Dafeng and the head of the Taoist sect, is described in the book as having a beautiful appearance and a noble temperament. She has the white and tender skin of a young woman and the charm of a mature woman, and she has the elegance of a person who is out of the world. Wearing a Tai Chi robe, a lotus crown on her head, and a bright red cinnabar on her forehead, she is both elegant and charming.

According to the original work, it is too difficult to find a girl with both temperaments.

Liu Tianxian is indeed outstanding in appearance and temperament, but she is not charming or charming.

Just like some viewers wondered, Guan Xiaotong has fair skin, beautiful face and long legs, why is she not sexy!

Temperament is really a mysterious thing.

As for the popular "Princess Lin'an", Jiang Heng couldn't think of a suitable candidate for a while.

Speaking of Gao Wen, played by Dilireba in "Diamond Lover", she still has a "bitch" feeling.

Unfortunately, Dilireba is too young at the moment and can't wait!


After the filming of "Inception", Jiang Heng still subcontracted some special effects shots according to the established routine.

There are more than 600 special effects shots in the whole film, not too many or too few.

There were only more than 400 special effects shots in The Matrix 1, but the two sequels have more than 2,500 special effects shots.

The workload this time is relatively small.

Jiang Heng outsourced 100 special effects shots to Weta Digital.

He also subcontracted 200 to the Good Time Special Effects Company named after him and two small companies in the United States and Australia.

The remaining 300 special effects shots were naturally completed with his own "super microcomputer", saving half of the special effects cost.

After arranging his work in Hollywood, Jiang Heng flew back to Beijing on Christmas Eve.

Han Sanping heard the news and came to pick him up in person.

At the airport, Jiang Heng was also surprised when he saw Director Han, "Director Han, how can I trouble you?"

Han Sanping smiled: "I look forward to Director Jiang, just like Kong Ming looks forward to the east wind. Let's go and welcome you first!"

After that, he invited Jiang Heng to get in the car, and his assistant, driver, and bodyguard sat in other cars.

Soon, the motorcade drove out of the airport. Jiang Heng sat in the extended Lincoln car, looking at the scenery outside the window, and felt excited.

In terms of wealth, he has no shortage of it.

As for status, with Zhang Yimou's failure to hit the Oscars and commercial box office, Chen Kaige's "The Promise" collapsed in both reputation and box office. Until now, Jiang Heng has firmly sat on the throne of the first director in China.

Before this, whether it was ordinary audiences, or cultural circles, film critics, etc., they all looked at Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige with filters, thinking that the two masters were so successful in making art films, but they just disdained commercial films full of money.

When they want to make a film, they will definitely make it well.

As a result, both films had average box office and even more average reputation.

On Douban, the score of "Hero" is slightly lower than Jiang Heng's worst film "100 Million Years BC".

Because in the hearts of movie fans, "100 Million Years BC" has a weak plot, but it is the first successful monster movie in China.

The image and visual effects of dinosaurs in the film are far better than the famous "Jurassic Park" series.

"Hero" and "The Promise", one is hard to accept, and the other is completely incomprehensible!

Even Han Sanping stopped believing in masters and Chen Kaige at this moment.

Before, they were still discussing cooperation in "The Legend of Wukong", but this time it was completely terminated. Whoever wants to invest can invest, and China Film will definitely not invest.

If you want to invest in a big movie, you must invest in Jiang Heng.

For small and medium-cost films, there are other directors.

This time, Han Sanping also called a few big guys in the Beijing circle to accompany him. Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Guoli, Liu Zhenyun, and Ge You had already arrived in the box waiting.

It's not that he couldn't call more people, but mainly because he took into account that some people have bad tempers and were afraid of offending Jiang Heng, which would be bad.

For example, Wang Shuo has an extremely aggressive personality.

Jiang Wen has a good relationship with Jiang Heng, but sometimes he doesn't think about what he says.

Han Sanping called the more tactful people this time, Zhang Guoli and Ge You, who had worked with Jiang Heng before.

"Congratulations, Director Jiang, I heard that your new film has just finished shooting, and the next one is about to be prepared. You are worthy of being the pillar of Chinese-language films. The box office for the whole year really depends on you. If you stay in Hollywood and don't come back, the leaders of the Film Bureau will not be able to sleep, and they will have to ask Director Han to invite you overnight!"

Although Feng Xiaogang later had a bad temper, at this moment, he really put down his posture in front of Jiang Heng.

What's more exaggerated is that when he just met Wang Shuo, he raised his head and saw the Big Dipper with just one sentence, and praised Wang Shuo to the point of being submissive and accepting him as a brother.

Jiang Heng would naturally not be easily "slapped" by him, but since the other person's attitude was there, he must give face.

"Hey, Director Feng is exaggerating. I can only make some special effects movies. The box office is a bit higher, but the risk is also greater! If one movie loses money, all the years of work will be in vain. But you make movies with low cost, but the box office is good and the reputation is good. Sometimes, I envy you too!"

Feng Xiaogang looked very proud, and said with a smile: "Director Jiang, you are too kind, too kind!"

Han Sanping, who was standing by, was muttering in his heart, secretly thinking, he must be talking nonsense!

Everyone sat down, ordered wine and food, and started to chat about irrelevant things.

Except for Han Sanping and Jiang Heng, the people present were able to put down their status and talk about strange things in the entertainment industry, such as the couples in the crew, which actress was with which producer and director, and the rumors were vivid.

After three rounds of wine and five kinds of dishes, they finally talked about Jiang Heng's new film.

Han Sanping's meaning was that he still hoped to shoot "Journey to the West", the biggest point was safe.

Sun Wukong was the protagonist, a special effects blockbuster, with the reputation accumulated by "Lion Camel Ridge", the box office would definitely not be bad.

As for the scripts, they also collected a lot of them, and they were divided into various types.

Such as the "Kingdom of Women" who prefer love, the "King of the Golden Horn, King of the Silver Horn" and "Blue Bull Spirit" who prefer fighting, and the "Spider Spirit" who prefer beauty.

Ge You joked: "The Spider Spirit is good, seven beauties, if you want to shoot this, I don't need to be paid to play Zhu Bajie!"

Zhang Guoli laughed: "You play Zhu Bajie, how hungry are you, can you be as thin as you are?"

Feng Xiaogang laughed, "Director Jiang knows special effects, is there that kind of technology, let him take off his upper body, look like he has a big belly, very real, very fat, and then the face is his, the audience will be stunned when they see it!"

Jiang Heng listened and was also very happy, "It really exists, it's called 'head replacement technique', the special effects are very realistic!"

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