Ge You and Feng Xiaogang were just talking nonsense, but they didn't expect Jiang Heng to say that there is such a technology.

They were all shocked. They didn't expect that technology has developed to this extent.

Liu Zhenyun was relatively calm and asked for advice, "Then, how did you shoot it?"

Jiang Heng briefly explained the principle, and they all had expressions of "I see" and "greatly shocked".

But in fact, the film and television industry already has "head replacement" now. "Gladiator" released in 2000 had such a shot, and it cost 3.2 million US dollars for only two minutes.

Feng Xiaogang, Liu Zhenyun and others don't care about technology, and it's normal that they don't understand it.

Of course, letting Ge You play Zhu Bajie and using special effects to "replace his head" is definitely nonsense. Even if you have money, you can't do that!

Everyone came here today, first to welcome Jiang Heng, and more importantly, they wanted Jiang Heng to decide on the script as soon as possible.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, Jiang Heng's strength is here, and he can make a lot of money just by taking a script and adding special effects!

Jiang Heng thought about these suggestions carefully and felt that none of them were good enough.

It’s not that there are no good scripts. The Return of the Great Sage is good. The problem is that the plot structure and emotions have been borrowed from Lion Camel Ridge. If they shoot it again, wouldn’t it be like copying themselves?

Jiang Heng didn’t choose it after all. He just said he would discuss it later. After eating and drinking until the middle of the night, they dispersed. His assistant, driver, and bodyguard sent him home.

It was noon when he woke up the next day. He picked up his phone and saw a bunch of missed calls.

Jiang Heng replied to a few in his address book, and ignored all unfamiliar numbers.

Unexpectedly, the phone rang again in less than an hour.

"Hello, is this Director Jiang Heng?"

"Who are you?"

"Hello, I'm from Xing Han Canlan Film and Television Company. My last name is Zheng. I have great respect for Director Jiang. I heard that you have returned from filming in Hollywood and wanted to welcome you. I hope Director Jiang will do me the honor."

"Xing Han Canlan?"

"Yes, it's just a newly established small company. It's nothing to you."

Jiang Heng smiled and thought, why do I feel a little Versailles!

Why don't you say it's an ordinary small company!

I asked, "Oh, what business does your company do and what artists do you have?"

The other party said, "At present, my company has only one female artist who is interested in her. Because she is young and has not debuted yet, she has not signed a contract yet. But Director Jiang, don't worry, her appearance and temperament are among the best in the entire Chinese entertainment industry."

Jiang Heng thought, if you keep talking like this, I will know who it is.

It must be a rich and beautiful woman, Da Tiantian!

But the Da Tiantian in my memory was born in 1988, well, she is 16 now.

Perhaps it was inspired by hearing about Yang Mi's cooperation with him that the rich and noble flower on earth was released (debuted) in advance!

Jiang Heng naturally agreed. Da Tiantian's acting skills were another matter. Her appearance was indeed outstanding, especially her performance in "Si Teng", which was really impressive.

"Well, if she plays Princess Lin'an, it should be very suitable, right?"

In Jiang Heng's mind, Da Tiantian's appearance emerged, and he thought about the description of Princess Lin'an in the book, which felt quite suitable.

The two parties agreed to hang up the phone before the time. Jiang Heng did not go out in the afternoon. He stayed at home, occasionally answering a few calls. The rest of the time he was either leaning on the sofa to read a book or looking at the scenery in front of the French window.

In the evening, accompanied by his assistant, bodyguard, and driver, he came to the hotel that had been arranged in advance.

When he entered the private room, he saw that there was only an elderly man and a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old in it. It was Da Tiantian, who was known as the "rich and noble flower on earth" in the future.

"Hello, Director Jiang. I'm the vice president of Star Han Canlan Pictures. My name is Zheng Tong. This is our company's intended artist, Jing Tian!"

Da Tiantian stood up and bowed obediently, "Hello, Director Jiang!"

"Yes, hello, President Zheng, hello, Miss Jing Tian!"

After greeting each other, they sat down.

Zheng Tong is quite talkative. He knows a little bit about the strange things in the city and some relatively secret news in various circles.

He also talked about Jiang Heng's land in Wudaokou, saying that if Jiang Heng lacks funds, he can help find a bank loan, absolutely at the lowest interest rate, and can also help find a reliable builder, with a very powerful posture.

Jiang Heng smiled, "As for money, I don't really need it. I'm mainly busy filming and don't have time. You know the construction industry, once something goes wrong, it's a life-threatening matter. If I don't personally ask about it, I'm really a little worried.

Let's find time this year to settle the building. It's definitely not okay to keep dragging it out!"

Zheng Tong smiled when he heard this, and didn't continue the topic.

Jiang Heng's fame and wealth at the moment are among the best in the entire Chinese entertainment industry, and these things really don't bother him.

Zheng Tong said this just to express his sincerity.

If you want such a famous international director to bring your own female artist, put aside the conditions first, and your attitude must be correct!

"I heard that Director Jiang is going to make a new film again?"

"Yes, he does have this intention, and he is going to make it with China Film Corporation!"

Zheng Tong laughed, "Old Chen has really screwed Director Han over. With an investment of 300 million yuan, the box office is only so low. They only know how good Director Jiang is now!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "Making a blockbuster always involves risks!"

Zheng Tong sneered, "The problem is that the failure of The Promise was entirely self-inflicted. With Old Chen's level, if he hadn't shown off his skills and just told a good story, would the box office have been worth it with the special effects and composition of the film?

The problem is that he is a 'master', so he naturally doesn't want to use the same narrative structure as other directors! "

Jiang Heng laughed, and remembered Xu Jiang's words in "Kuang Bi", what level is it to use the same TV as me!

This time, Chen Kaige really made that mistake.

But he waved his hand and said: "Hey, don't mention him, don't mention him!"

Turning to look at the still immature Da Tiantian, he smiled and said: "Are you interested in acting in a TV series?"

Jing Tian had a pair of beautiful big eyes, and he kept looking at Jiang Heng. When he suddenly saw him looking at him, he was a little embarrassed.

He lowered his head and smiled, then raised his head, "Is it fun to shoot a TV series? I can't act, can I also shoot a TV series? "

Jiang Heng thought, if you remove the word "ma", you can still make movies when you don't have acting skills, right?

According to Jing Tian's acting skills, Jiang Heng would definitely not dare to use her to make movies, at least not within ten years.

TV series don't require such high acting skills.

Besides, with her identity as a "rich and beautiful woman", playing a willful and lovely princess has a bit of a sense of acting in her true colors.

If the director is careful, it shouldn't be difficult.

"Of course you can, you just can't act, but you are beautiful and fit the role."

What the second half of the sentence didn't say is that twenty years later, some actors not only have no acting skills, but also have no good looks. It's outrageous that they can actually play in costume idol dramas.

Jing Tian was overjoyed by the praise, and said happily to Zheng Tong beside him: "Grandpa Zheng, Director Jiang said I look good!"

Zheng Tong smiled in shock, feeling that his back was not straight, and said hurriedly: "Don't dare to call me that, just call me Old Zheng!"

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