Jiang Heng has really met a lot of beautiful girls recently.

After instructing Yu Yang to find Zhao Liying, he called Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Gao Yuanyuan and Huang Xiaoming together the next day and had a hot pot meal.

Several beautiful girls gathered together, and they seemed harmonious.

As for Huang Xiaoming, he didn't pay too much compliments. He praised Jiang Heng in different ways without caring about his image in the eyes of several beauties.

After all, opportunities are rare. Not to mention the special effects blockbusters that Jiang Heng shoots every year, the TV series produced by Aiyouteng Pictures are the top resources in the industry.

What's more, the news that Jiang Heng is going to produce a fairy tale TV series has already spread throughout the entertainment industry.

It would be foolish not to seize this opportunity today.

The topic naturally led to the Xianxia drama that was being prepared. Huang Xiaoming asked: "Director Jiang, is this a new and original plot?"

Jiang Heng took a bite of the shabu-shabu, put down his chopsticks and said, "Yes, it's brand new. It's content that no one has seen before. The special feature is that there are many beautiful female characters!"

Huang Xiaoming said: "When it comes to beautiful girls, Zhao...!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to say anything, "For those female characters, I already have rough candidates in mind, so I don't need you to recommend them!"

When Huang Xiaoming heard this, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He also heard rumors from others that Director Jiang didn't have a good impression of "Returning the Pearl of Three Beauties".

I had always thought it was a rumor. After all, Jiang Heng had never been in contact with those people, so how could he be biased?

Now that I have a look, it’s really possible that it’s true!

It would be too tragic if I missed the role because of recommending Zhao.

Huang Xiaoming's face changed, and he looked at Liu Yifei for help.

The two have just collaborated on "The Condor" and are considered good friends.

Besides, Liu Yifei didn't understand why Jiang Heng didn't like "Return the Pearl with Three Beauties", "Uncle is so imposing, it scares Brother Xiao Ming!"

Huang Xiaoming took advantage of the situation and made a pitiful and confused expression.

Jiang Heng smiled and reassured, "Don't think too much. Over the years of filming, I have become accustomed to being in charge of everything. Do you know the basic premise of my cooperation with Columbia and China Film?"

Several people at the table looked over with curious faces, waiting for the answer.

"Everything related to the filming of the film is decided by me. If you can't accept it, you can quit!"

After listening to this, the girls had "little stars" in their eyes. They had never seen such a domineering person in real life.

Liu Yifei felt that her godfather Chen Jinfei was quite domineering, but he really had no temper at all in front of Jiang Heng.

As for Huang Xiaoming, he looked at Jiang Heng with the eyes of an idol and felt that his domineering and revealing style was really handsome.

He will also take this route in the future. If he doesn't have that kind of strength in reality, he can enjoy it in the movie!

In an instant, Huang Xiaoming strengthened his determination to play the role of "boss boss" often in the future, and complimented Jiang Heng a few words.

Jiang Heng put down his chopsticks, glanced at Huang Xiaoming and said, "By the way, you are not interested in participating in my new play. The role has not yet been decided!"

"Yes, Director Jiang, I wish I could have asked for it!"

Huang Xiaoming was excited. Although he was one of the most popular niche actors in China at the moment, he was not supposed to play supporting roles in TV series.

But if it’s Jiang Heng’s work, that’s another story.

Even if you can't get the protagonist, with this cooperation opportunity, it will be easier to obtain other resources in the future.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng smiled and nodded, just saying a good word!

After raising his glass, Huang Xiaoming also raised his glass and drank a glass of wine together.

Speaking of Huang Xiaoming, he still has some acting skills.

Especially his performance in "Partners in China" was really amazing. He also won the Best Actor (Outstanding Actor) award at the Golden Rooster, Huabiao and Hundred Flowers Awards for his role as Dongqing.

It's just that this person has a special preference for "overlord". After acting in a good movie, he will reward himself with a "overlord" drama.

Of course, this is a person's personal preference, and Jiang Heng can't say anything, as long as he can perform well in "Dafeng Watcher".

As for the final role, we will wait until the audition.

Then, Han Sanping brought a bunch of scripts to Aiyouteng Pictures for Jiang Heng to choose from.

Shanghai Animation Film Studio also sent people to send over the finished footage of "Kung Fu Panda" for Jiang Heng to give his opinions.

Yu Yang kept asking people to send photos back, but everyone looked cute, but none of them were Zhao Liying.

In addition, the uproar in Langfang and the uproar in the city made him want to withdraw people.

Fortunately, on this day, I finally saw Zhao Liying among the photos that had just been sent.

"Okay, come back, remember to bring that person named Zhao Liying back to the company!"

Yu Yang, who was staying in Langfang, was stunned at first, and then became ecstatic, without mentioning the details.

But then, Jiang Heng was in the office and saw Zhao Liying, who was plainly dressed and with a timid expression.

"Have you ever thought about becoming an actor?"

Zhao Liying shook her head, "I am from LF Electronic Information Engineering College, majoring in flight attendant. I originally wanted to be a flight attendant, but now I am working in sales for a pipeline anti-corrosion company!"

Jiang Heng smiled and didn't ask her why she didn't want to be a stewardess.

"Why not eat minced meat" is boring to say.

"I went to Langfang before and accidentally saw you on the street. I thought you were quite suitable to be an actor. I happened to be filming a big drama, so I sent someone to look for you. I didn't expect to find you!"

Zhao Liying said: "Director Jiang is so powerful. Things that are difficult for others are easy for you!"

"Then, how about signing a contract with my company and playing a supporting role first?"

Zhao Liying nodded hurriedly, "Director Jiang, you can arrange it. I never thought I could be an actor. When I came out, my mother said that it was okay as long as I had lines. Don't be too greedy!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "There are definitely lines. OK, go sign the contract!"

"Hey, thank you Director Jiang!" Zhao Liying said, bowed, and turned to leave.

In addition to the above people, Jiang Heng also asked people to contact Wang Ou and Qin Lan to participate in the audition of "Dafeng Night Watchman".

For the role of Xu Xinnian, Chen Kun was invited, and he was not rejected this time.

It's okay to reject Yang Guo in "The Condor Heroes" before. That time, it was Li Xiaoping who made the invitation. Although it was a play of iQiyi Film Company, it was different from Jiang Heng's invitation.

Nowadays, it is said in the film and television industry that Jiang Heng looks kind and has a domineering personality. Chen Kun is unwilling to take the risk of offending Jiang Heng.

So far, the main roles of "Dafeng Night Watchman" have been found, and only Xu Qian'an has not been finalized.

At present, Jiang Heng is only considering Huang Xiaoming as one of the candidates, and is considering whether to choose Feng Shaofeng.

This guy looks handsome and has a cynical temperament. He debuted in the entertainment industry as early as 1998.

But after seeing Zhao Liying, he thought it was better to forget it, and finally decided on Huang Xiaoming.

After the Spring Festival, Jiang Heng finally announced that iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures will produce a fairy tale drama supervised by him - "Dafeng Night Watchman".

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