China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 168 New Film Release Conference

When the news that Jiang Heng was going to supervise the production of a fairy-tale drama came out, there was an uproar in the entertainment industry.

How can I describe that feeling? It was basically like suddenly hearing on TV that Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Jiang Wen and others were going to direct a TV series.

Although Jiang Heng was only the supervisor this time, many people also heard that Jiang Heng personally came out this time, found many beautiful actresses, and even made a scene of star scouts looking for people, which shows that Jiang Heng is serious this time!

The last big director who made a TV series was Chen Kaige.

In 2001, he filmed "Lv Bu and Diao Chan", in which Huang Lei played a wild-looking Lv Bu with disheveled hair and a nose ring.

Coupled with the super-magic plot changes, it was stopped not long after it was broadcast. More than 800 changes were made and it was submitted for review three times. It was finally allowed to resume broadcasting in 2004, but it was renamed "Die Wu Tian Ya".

Because of Jiang Heng's influence, Chen Kaige filmed "The Promise" in advance and did not have so much time to modify this drama. It may take longer to resume broadcasting.

In fact, The Promise is more like the movie version of the story of Lu Bu and Diao Chan.

Isn't the strong and powerful barbarian Kunlun in the movie Lu Bu in the play?

Diao Chan in the play is divided into two characters in The Promise.

One is Man Shen, who manipulates "fate", with the same red dress as in the play, and the other is Qingcheng, who has also become a man's plaything.

And this relationship between the characters just corresponds to the story in the Three Kingdoms - the general (Dong Zhuo) took Kunlun (Lu Bu) as a slave, and the slave took away the master's woman (Diao Chan).

I really don't know if director Chen Kaige came up with the story of The Promise in this way.

When he heard that Jiang Heng was going to supervise a fairy tale drama, Chen Kaige was very disdainful and said a lot of things, which roughly meant that Jiang Heng was nothing more than Wang Jing plus Xu Ke, a director who can shoot vulgar and special effects commercial films.

Chen Hong advised Chen Kaige not to talk nonsense. Jiang Heng is now in a strong momentum and has a good relationship with both China Film and CCTV.

Once the relationship between the two sides deteriorates, he will definitely suffer.

Chen Kaige was furious when he heard this. How could he be ridden on by a commercial film director?

He talked a lot again, and even recited poems when he was excited.

Chen Hong looked sad, but she didn't dare to persuade him anymore.

In her opinion, Chen Kaige has extraordinary talent, but it's a pity that the secular world can understand too little, which makes Jiang Heng, a vulgar person, famous.

Zhang Yimou is more pragmatic. When he heard that Jiang Heng was going to supervise a fairy tale drama, his first reaction was whether the audience would not support it, and whether I should support it!

The first impression he gave people was that he was a bit dull, but if you think he doesn't know how to build relationships, you are too naive.

Since ancient times, those who can get the title of "national teacher" are not ordinary people.

Zhang Yimou called immediately, congratulating him and saying that Jiang Heng was willing to present this story to the audience in the form of a TV series, which meant that this story must be wonderful.

Jiang Heng was stunned, then smiled, "Director Zhang has a good eye, this story is really good, otherwise I wouldn't have been the nominal producer to promote it!"

Zhang Yimou was also quite direct, asking if there was anything he could help with, and guest appearances were a piece of cake.

Jiang Heng was really moved when he heard this.

Zhang Yimou's acting skills are naturally very high. In 1987, he starred in "Old Well" and won several Best Actor awards.

The most important thing is that Lao Zhang's fame and status are here, and his willingness to guest appearance will definitely add a lot of color to the film.

Jiang Heng instantly thought of another big man in the film and television industry, Uncle Benshan. When filming the second season in the future, he can ask him to guest-star in Kou Yangzhou of the Wulin League.

And Fan Debiao, no, it's Teacher Fan Wei. It would be a pity not to let such a good actor come to guest-star.

The second season is another story. Zhang Yimou is willing to make a guest appearance, and Jiang Heng is naturally very happy. The two sides agreed on relevant matters before hanging up the phone.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures held a grand new film release conference.

Nearly six hundred media came to the event site, and it was crowded.

Everyone was curious about what kind of story made Director Jiang "condescend" to make a TV series.

And when they saw Huang Xiaoming, Chen Kun, Gao Yuanyuan, Tang Yan, Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, Jing Tian, ​​Wang Ou, Qin Lan, Zhao Liying and other handsome men and beautiful women, the reporters were all stunned.

To be honest, I have never seen so many high-quality beauties in a play. It feels like any of them can be the protagonist.

Even Zhao Liying, who has no acting experience, is full of star style.

Not to mention the reporters were surprised, even Yu Yang, who found Zhao Liying, was surprised.

He had seen Zhao Liying's previous appearance. She was cute and pretty, but lacked a bit of brilliance.

It's been a short time since we last met, how come she looks like a star.

After asking other people present, he learned that Jiang Heng was very dissatisfied with the design of Zhao Liying's look by the company's art director before, so he personally took charge of the design to achieve the current effect.

"Director Jiang, he is really an all-rounder!" Yu Yang sighed in a low voice.

"Yes, it seems that nothing can stump him!" The person next to him sighed.


In the interactive session, reporters began to ask questions.

"Hello, Director Jiang, I am a reporter from Xinlang Media. I believe all the journalists present are very curious. What does this Dafeng Night Watchman mean? Is it about the story of the night watchmen who went to the streets to beat gongs in ancient times?"

After this person asked, there was a chuckle in the audience, just thinking that this statement was quite interesting.

No one really thought that the story would revolve around a group of night watchmen, that would be too LOW.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Well, it means literally. The story of this drama is my original creation. The two words "Dafeng" are inspired by "Fengtian Chengyun", and I use this word "Feng" as the name of the country where the story takes place. The so-called night watchmen can be understood as "the weather is dry, be careful of fire and candles", but they can do more than that. After all, this is a fairy tale drama!"

When some reporters heard this, they immediately imagined a night watchman walking on the street at night with a gong, a monster appeared to harm people, and the two sides fought.

But some people think that this story sounds very unreliable!

A fictional dynasty, an unknown night watchman profession, I really don't know what's interesting about this story.

And what's the point of getting such beautiful actresses? They can't all be night watchmen, that's too outrageous.

Afterwards, everyone asked Huang Xiaoming and Chen Kun, who were good friends who shared a dormitory when they were in school. I heard that they played brothers in this cooperation again. I don't know what it feels like.

Chen Kun was quite eloquent this time. He first expressed his gratitude to Jiang Heng for his appreciation and giving him the opportunity to act.

He also said that Huang Xiaoming took good care of him when he was in school, like an older brother.

He was really happy to play his older brother again in the play.

The reporters asked questions to a group of beauties, and they were all very generous and showed great accomplishment. It was obvious that they were doing this job.

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